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镰田正志 资生堂第一位精通汉语的总经理

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Steven:您知道资生堂做的这个事业吗? 您对化妆品行业感兴趣吗?


























Kamada Masashi―― Shiseido’s first general manager is fluent in Mandarin

Starting from the warehouse management

Steven: What was your first job in Shiseido?

Kamada: My first job was warehouse management. When I just joined the company, I was assigned to branch in other region by HR of our department. Someone was in charge of business, but my job was warehouse management for no reason. I felt very sad at that time, because I had graduated from prestigious college with outstanding mark.

Kamada: Law. That’s why I felt very sad. But when I look back, I would consider myself as a lucky dog. Nagoya branch was a very large one and its department of product management was big as well. And cosmetic are seasonal products, so the best-seller of each month was different. Then I had an opportunity to know the details of the products, for example, every day’s stock in and stock out. I’d like to appreciate my boss for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to get to know those information.

Steven: Did you know the Shiseido’s business? Were you interested in cosmetic?

Kamada: I have visited some companies including cosmetic companies, some trade companies and some banks when I just graduated. I was interested in a lot of things. I chose some companies strong in marketing development after deliberation. Finally, I became an employee of Shiseido in the next several months.

Steven: What you wanted to learn from Shiseido before you joined it?

Kamada: That is, simply, most people credit cosmetic. I didn’t have clear idea of cosmetic fair before I was a part of the company. Bosses of my mother, relatives and people around me were all Japanese. They all credited Shiseido was great and loved it. So I guessed there must be a reason that so many Japanese loved Shiseido. And that’s the question I wanted to figure it out after I joined the company.

Steven: Did you figured it out after you had joined the company?

Kamada:My answer is Shiseido always focuses on its products’ R&D and cherishes its products’ reputation. After the first year in warehouse, I was then in charge of business. This task included partners contacting, factories management, employee cultivation and something about myself. We considered each campaign and product will keep lifetime. So our company has been developing every product at pains. Customers may have a sense of our business philosophy and enthusiasm from our products. Such products can reflect our company’s principle. That is the reason Shiseido has developed so well.

Steven: You have been promoted to the general manager of Shiseido China. Congratulation! What’s your feeling right now?

Kamada: I feel honor and very exciting. But I also have a sense of pressure. I’m general manager now. I wish my staff and I could enjoy good relationship in the office and they feel honor and proud to be part of Shiseido.

The first manager is fluent in Mandarin

Steven: So tell us something about your relationship with China for 15 years.

Kamada: It was 15 years ago when I just joined the company. My friend told me Nagoya branch conducted a project. Then, the company sent me to Singapore to learn Mandarin. The China’s cosmetic market is almost blank 20 or 30 years ago. But leaders were confident that China would become a huge potential market. And company began to cultivate some talents who can speak Mandarin; I was one among them in the early period. I learnt Mandarin in National University of Singapore. Then I was in charge of Asia management when I came back. And since 1994, I have become a permanent representative in Shanghai.

Steven: How the Mandarin learning helped you to understand the China’s culture and to communicate with your staff?

Kamada: It has helped me a lot. I was the first general manager mastering Mandarin. So I could communicate with them directly on duty and off duty. And in turn, they could give me some advice face-to-face. And I can talk with partners at table, in the campaign on my own. All of these can enhance mutual-understanding, cultural understanding and in other aspects. They are really helpful!

Steven: These are always some nuance between Chinese and Japanese in the office. Have you had some experience of misunderstanding between you and your Chinese staff? And what were they?

Kamada: Chinese and Japanese have different opinion sometimes. For example, Japanese are relatively quiet in the conference, they would keep silence even have some opinion. But Chinese are much more active.

Steven: So the Chinese employees have enriched the Shiseido’s culture, haven’t they?

Kamada: Yes, of course, I think this multi-culture is very important to us and our company in Japan. There will be more and more foreign staff in Japan Headquarter. Our company has already become a multinational. Japanese was the main language in the meeting earlier and then be interpreted into English. But now English has replaced Japanese. So staff in Japan will have an opportunity to enjoy multi-culture. And the culture diversification will play a positive role in company development.

Steven: Did your father’s career influence you?

Kamada: Centenary, it has affected me a lot. My grandpa was charged of the business oversea, and had some relationship with China, too. Although my business had had no relation with China at beginning, I was charged of the business in China later. My father was very happy about that.

Steven: So the 2 decades proved you are a visionary, didn’t it?

Kamada: Yes. It was about 20 years ago when I have first been to China. Nobody could expect such a huge development happened in China in the next 20 years.

Steven: Yes. China’s cosmetic industry was in the primary stage 20 years ago. What girls look like at that time?

Kamada: The destination when I have first been to China was Beijing. It was in 1980s. Almost no girls in Beijing were make-up. It seemed as something bad. But after some communications, I guessed many of them knew Shiseido through various ways. Indeed, many people in Beijing and Shanghai knew our products. Despite less-developed, this potential market impressed me a lot. There were so many people knew Shiseido even no products hit the China’s market. That’s great!