【摘 要】采取人类学方法,对一所以外来务工人员随迁子女为主要招生对象的北京市公立小学进行田野研究发现,随迁子女的生活中
>> 环保政策实施中生活惯习与法的冲突 习 惯 惯习、实践与社会空间 惯习与理性的张力 场域、惯习与文化传承 场域、资本与惯习 心理暗示\惯习与英语教学 开骂为何成了“惯习” 习 惯 成 自 然 场域与惯习:新课程改革的社会学审视 重构场域与惯习:新课程改革视域下的学校管理 惯习与资本―晚清早期翻译场域的形成 关系、结构与惯习:场域理论对于学术失范的诠释 加拿大贸易政策与壁垒 葛浩文译者惯习初探 场域与惯习:少数民族高等教育研究的一种路径 警惕制约教师专业发展的教学惯习 语文教师“讲透”惯习的成因分析 这样的教学“惯习”你有吗 试论编辑惯习的历史建构及其生产 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.
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Abstract:Based on the anthropological field research in a public primary school that mainly enrolls migrant childrenin Beijing,it is found that there are two sets of mutual segregated and unable to make up habitus between the migrant children's families and school. Meanwhile, the related current schooling policies strengthen this kind of segregation. As a result, migrant children exhibit relatively negative learning attitude and lower academic confidence in the process of cultural integration in city public school. In order to promote cultural integration of migrant children in public school, it is necessary to provide support for migrant children to stride across the segregated zone of different habitus by taking two-way effort with the attitude of pluralism and proceeding from both aspects of school education and macro educational policy.
Key words:migrant children; cultural integration in public school; habitus; educationalpolicy