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Education: East and West

The following passage is the first of three articles which compare Eastern and Western education styles. These comparisons are made from the point of view of a parent, a student and a teacher.The first article is written by Mary Hynes, a British woman who lives in China and has a child attending a Chinese school. She tells Bilingual Time about her decision to give her son a Chinese education and the difference between Chinese and British schools.

My husband, my son and I moved to Shanghai two years ago because of my husband's job. We will be based in China for another six years. Moving one's family to another country is a big step and presents one with a variety of difficult decisions.

I think the most important decision we had to make was concerning the education of our son, who was thirteen when we arrived here. Our choice was that we either send him to an international school or a local school. Most foreign families in Shanghai send their children to international schools, which is understandable. At the international schools their children can follow the same syllabus as at home and also attend classes in Chinese language and culture.

However, we decided to send our son to a local school. We felt that living in a country with a culture that is very different to ours is something which would be a great advantage to a teenager and that by sending him to an international school we would in someway be sheltering him from this experience. By sending him to a local school we would be helping him to open his mind to a foreign culture as well as ensuring that he became fluent in a foreign language at a young age. We believe that by doing this, he will be more open minded and cosmopolitan by the time he reaches university age. It doesn't matter which culture we expose him to; experiencing any foreign culture at that age will have a positive effect.

Of course, it has not all been smooth sailing. Sometimes we feel that the teachers treat him differently because he is a foreigner. This is something we would be worried about because we don't want him to feel that he is somehow special or deserves more attention than others. I suppose that is to be expected, after all he does stand out a bit, and to be fair, the longer he studies in the school the more he is treated the same as the other students. It could also be said that being treated differently has been an advantage to him. When he first started attending classes there, the language barrier was a big problem and all of the teachers ①made allowances for him until he could catch up. Some teachers even offered him extra tuition in Chinese to help him.

Another worry is that by concentrating too much on rote learning he is not developing the analytical and critical skills that he would in a British school. This is a common complaint of Western parents who have children in Asian schools. They worry that memorizing vast amounts of information without understanding it deeply will not be useful to their child, especially if they return to the West to attend university or work. In British schools the students do not have to repeat what they learn in their textbooks but are required to focus on certain aspects of topics and exercise their own ability to understand and criticize different points of view.

One of the most obvious differences between a Chinese and British school is that in the Chinese school there is less emphasis placed on the individual needs of each student. Getting high exam scores is the common goal and the teacher will tell the students the information they need to do this. In the British school, it is believed that each student has different strengths and weaknesses and that each child should be educated according to his or her own needs. For this reason, the students are encouraged to give different opinions and class discussions are common. My husband and I got quite a shock when we went to our first parent-teacher meeting and discovered that it was to be conducted in the form of a group, with each child's case being discussed in front of other parents. In Britain, this would be unthinkable. These meetings are always carried out ②in private. Sending our son to a Chinese school has been a cultural experience for us too! On the other hand, the Chinese teachers do pay individual attention to the students if they are having difficulties and are very receptive to parent's concerns. It's just that in China this seems to be done in a more informal way than the West.

We are very impressed with the professionalism and dedication of the teachers at the school. It is clear that they are career teachers who believe that being an educator is a vocation. Another major advantage is the level of safety and discipline in the school. We don't have to worry about him getting involved with gangs and drugs which is a huge headache for parents in the West.

All in all, we are happy with our decision. Our son has adapted to a very different system of education. He has learned that people from different countries respond to education and instruction in different ways. In the process, he has mastered a very difficult foreign language and that has opened up a rich culture to him as well as allowing him to build friendships with Chinese people of his own age, further enriching his experience. In fact, at fifteen he has experienced and learned more about the world than most of his peers back home and certainly a whole lot more than I did at that age.











syllabus /`sil9b9s/ n.教学纲要

cosmopolitan /,k4zm9`p4lit9n/ adj.世界性的

barrier /`b2ri9/ n.障碍

tuition /t(`iH9n/ n.教授;学费

rote /r9ut/ n.死记硬背

analytical /,2n9`litik9l/ adj.分析的;解析的

conduct /k9n`d7kt/ v.处理;实施

unthinkable /`7n`FiMk9bl/ adj.不能想象的

receptive /ri`septiv/ adj.善于接受的;敏悟的

professionalism /pr9`feH9n9,liz9m/ n.专业主义;


enrich /in`ritH/ vt.使富足

peer /pi9/ n.同等的人;同辈

① make allowance for为……留余地

② in private 私下;秘密地