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I blinked back tears as I gazed out the car window at a smirking orange moon. To me, at least, it seemed to be smirking, but maybe that was just my state of mind. Our car sped east into the darkness, and with each revolution of the wheels, it took me further away from my daughter, my eldest child. Several hours earlier, my husband and I had left her in a dormitory at Middle Tennessee State University, a twelve-hour drive from our home in Manassas, Virginia.

I had been so proud of myself as I'd said goodbye to Leah. Earlier, she'd pleaded with me not to cry --not until after we'd left her, anyway, and I hadn't. But I'd come close. As we rode down in the dormitory elevator together, Leah had been silent, keeping her eyes carefully averted from my face. I, however, couldn't stop gazing at her, trying, I guess, to imprint these last moments with her on my brain. I wouldn't be seeing her again until Christmas. My eyes lingered on a tiny scar on her forehead, an upside-down "V".

A memory flashed in my mind of a fifteen-month-old Leah pulling a clock radio off a bedside table right in front of me. It seemed to happen in slow motion. I saw the radio falling toward her and tried to catch it, but I couldn't move fast enough. The next thing I knew, Leah was screaming, her forehead dripping blood. At the emergency room, I wept in my husband's arms, listening to my toddler shrieking "Mommy ... Mommy ... Mommy" in the cubicle next door as the cut was stitched up. Her panicked cries broke my heart, and I wished I could trade places with her. Suffer the pain for her so she wouldn't have to.

There have been many, many other times since that day that I've had the same wish--her first day in a new school when she tried so bravely to hide her anxiety, the time she didn't have a date for the homecoming dance but all her friends did, and the bleak January day in her junior year when a classmate was killed in a car accident. All those times, I wanted to take away her pain, but I knew I couldn't do it. Just as she couldn't take away my pain as our car sped down the interstate while the miles between us lengthened and the orange moon smirked down on me in my aching sadness. But I knew my pain was only temporary. As the days passed, I would adjust to a different life without my daughter in the house.

With that adjustment in mind, I decided to redecorate Leah's room, keeping her bed and dresser but converting a section into a sewing area for me. A few weeks after we left her at college, I began to pack up the few items she'd left behind. I felt quite strong as I sifted through yearbooks, photo albums, and various odds and ends she'd collected throughout the years. But suddenly, I came across an item that shattered my emotional calm. I picked up a green square of burlap imprinted with two small handprints in white. My eyes blurred as I read the typewritten message above the handprints, and I could no longer hold back my tears.

Sometimes you get discouraged

Because I am so small

And always leave my fingerprints

On furniture and walls,

But every day I am growing

And soon I'll be so tall,

That all those little handprints

Will be hard to recall,

So here's a final handprint

To remember, Mother dear

Exactly how my fingers looked

In Sunday School this year.


I cried unashamedly--and it felt good.


















