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[中考链接](重庆市)In our city, _________middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.

A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.two thousand of


(山西省)We can see_________stars at night if there are no clouds in the sky.

A.thousand ofB.thousands ofC.a thousand

[解析]从语法上看,选项B、C都说得过去;但依据科普常识,能看到的星星数量不会正好是a thousand,故正确选项为B。

(芜湖市)―How many people will come to Beijing next year?

―It’s hard to say , _________people,I think.

A.Million of B.Millions of

C.Three millionsD.Three millions of

[解析]本题最容易被看做是表示具体数目,因有three在其中。但仔细分辨一下不难看出:空格后面people是复数名词,若是表示具体数目,million不应加s,故选项C错误;选项D同样“犯忌”――millions of表不确切数目,而其前又多了个表示具体数目的基数词three。结合句中的It’s hard to say综合分析判断,此题仍表示不确切数目,因而正确选项为B。

(南京市)―How much does it cost to build the school library?

―Four _________yuan.

A.million B.millions C.millions of D.million of


(沈阳)During the entrance (升学)exams,there are _________parents waiting for their children outside the test center.

A.thousand of B.thousands ofC.thousandD.thousands


(广东肇庆)There are_________of students in our school but only_________of them are girls.

A.hundreds;two hundred B.hundred;two hundreds

C.hundreds;two hundreds


(四川)_________trees have been cut down, so droughts and floods always happen.

A.One or two B.A thousand and a hundred

C.Hundreds and thousands of D.Hundred and thousand of




[中考链接](济南市)The road is over_________metres long.

A.six hundred and fifty-twoB.six hundreds and fifty-two

C.six hundred,fifty-two D.six hundred,fifty and two




[中考链接](吉林)―Which class won the match in the end ?

―I’m not quite sure.Maybe_________did.

A.Class ThirdB.Class three C.third Class D.Class Three




[中考链接](河北)This is a big class,and _________of the students are girls.

A.two third B.second three C.two thirdsD.two three


(湖南益阳)About_________of the doctors in the hospital are women.

A.thirdB.three fifthsC.third fifthD.three fifth
