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新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 4 STEP BY STEP 随堂通

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1. 打扰一下,我的尺子在哪里?

________ ________, ________ my ruler?

2. 她的书在书包里。

________ books ________ ________ the schoolbag.

3. 我的书包在桌子底下。

My ________ is ________ the table.

4. 我认为它在约翰的房间里。

I ________ it’s in John’s ________ room.

5. 我的铅笔不在沙发上。

My pencil ________ ________ the sofa.


( )1. ―Where is my pencil box?

―I ________ know.

A. am not B. don’t C. isn’t D. be not

( )2. The pencil box is ________ the bed but the schoolbag is ________ the bed.

A. in; on B. on; on C. of; under D. on; under

( )3. ―Are your books on the desk?

―No, ________.

A. they are B. they aren’t C. it isn’t D. it is

( )4. I ask for some ________.

A. English book B. water C. thing D. pencil box

( )5. ―________ is my skirt?

―It’s behind the door.

A. Whose B. What C. Where D. Which


( )1. ―Where are ________ keys?

―They’re on the table.

A. hers B. they C. our D. mine

( )2. ―What’s under the chair?


A. It’s a football B. It’s on the chair C. It’s blue D. It’s big

( )3. ―Where is your football? ________ under the bed?

―No, it isn’t. It’s under the chair.

A. They are B. It is C. Are they D. Is it

( )4. I like math very much, ________ my brother doesn’t like it.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )5. Anna always ________, “Where are my cups?”

A. knows B. know C. ask D. asks


This is my bedroom. I can see 1 picture on the wall. The light is 2 the desk. The football is 3 the chair. 4 is the bed? It’s near the table.

My father and 5 bedroom is near my bedroom. 6 flowers and a bed 7 in their room. Some windows are 8 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, 9 . I like my bedroom

10 .

( )1. A. a B. two C. / D. some

( )2. A. under B. on C. in D. behind

( )3. A. on B. behind C. to D. for

( )4. A. What B. Which C. Where D. Who

( )5. A. sister B. mother C. mother’ D. mother’s

( )6. A. The B. A C. Some D. /

( )7. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. am

( )8. A. on B. in C. at D. of

( )9. A. too B. to C. two D. either

( )10. A. much B. very C. very much D. much very


This is Jim’s room. It’s a nice room. There are some pictures on the wall (墙). There’s a desk and a chair in his room. There is a sofa and a bookcase, too. The desk is between (在……之间) the bed and the bookcase. His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. There are some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil box. Jim’s sofa is near the bookcase. His baseball is under the bed.

( )1. There is ________ in his room.

A. a desk and a chair B. a desk and some chairs

C. a chair and some desks D. some desks and a chair

( )2. The desk is between the ________ and the ________.

A. sofa; bookcase B. bed; bookcase

C. bed; sofa D. sofa; bed

( )3. Jim’s pencil box is ________.

A. on the desk B. next to the desk C. under the bed D. in the desk

( )4. Jim’s bed is near the ________.

A. sofa B. plants C. desk D. bookcase

( )5. Jim’s ________ is under the bed.

A. pen B. baseball C. ruler D. watch


( )1. ―________ is Changsha?

―It’s ________ Hunan.

A. Where; in B. Where; on C. What; in D. What; at

( )2. A door and four windows are ________ the wall.

A. on B. in C. behind D. at

( )3. They come here ________ Friday morning.

A. on B. at C. in D. under

( )4. ―Are the balls under the bed?


A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t

C. No, they aren’t D. Yes, here you are

( )5. I have a clock. It’s ________ the video cassette and the lamp.

A. between B. behind C. under D. at


This is a picture 1 a classroom. Look at it, please. We can 2 a desk and two chairs in it. The books are 3 the desk. The balls are 4 the chairs. The bags are 5 the chairs. This is Lucy and Lily’s classroom. What’s the name 6 their teacher? Her name is Miss Gao. She 7 a very good teacher. Lucy and Lily are twins (双胞胎). They are new. They are American 8 . 9 look the same (一样). They have many Chinese 10 at school.

( )1. A. on B. in C. to D. of

( )2. A. look B. look at C. see D. see at

( )3. A. be hind B. the C. on D. down

( )4. A. under B. in C. of D. up

( )5. A. down B. of C. in D. behind

( )6. A. in B. of C. on D. under

( )7. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( )8. A. boys B. girls C. twin D. teachers

( )9. A. They B. She C. He D. It

( )10. A. girls B. boys C. sisters D. friends


Look, this is Li Ping’s bedroom. It is small (小的), but it is very nice. There is a clock and some pictures on the wall. There is a set of keys on the desk. His backpack is on the chair. His coat is on the bed. Where is his baseball? It is behind the door. What’s that? Oh, it’s a cat!It look like a hat. Its name is Mimi.


1. Is this Li Ping’s bedroom?

________, it ________.

2. Where are Li Ping’s keys?

3. Is his baseball on the bed?

4. Does Li Ping have a cat?

5. Can we call the cat Mimi?


Lily and Lucy are sisters. This is t 1 room. You can see two b 2 in the room. This

y 3 bed is Lily’s, and that blue one is L 4 . A red schoolbag is on Lily’s bed, and two boxes are u 5 it. What’s in the boxes? They are her shoes. On Lucy’s bed is her n 6 hat. A desk is between the two beds, and two chairs are under it. You can see a clock, a tape

p 7 , two cups and s 8 books on the desk. Lily and Lucy are nice g 9 , and they always h 10 each other (彼此) with study.

1. t________ 2. b________ 3. y________ 4. L________ 5. u________

6. n________ 7. p________ 8. s________ 9. g________ 10. h________