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1.Analysis of a Beijing Heavy Snowfall Related to an Inverted Trough in November 2009 LI Jin,ZHAO Si-Xiong,YU Fei

parative Studies of Different Mesoscale Convection Parameterization Schemes in the Simulation of Mei-Yu Front Heavy Rain PING Fan,LUO Zhe-Xian

3.An Improved Atmospheric Vector Radiative Transfer Model Incorporating Rough Ocean Boundaries FAN Xue-Hua,CHEN Hong-Bin,HAN Zhi-Gang,LIN Long-Fu

4.A Case Study of the Impacts of Dust Aerosols on Surface Atmospheric Variables and Energy Budgets in a Semi-Arid Region of China LING Xiao-Lu,GUO Wei-Dong,ZHANG Le,ZHANG Ren-Jian

5.A Recent Approach Incorporating External Forces To Predict Nonstationary Processes WANG Ge-Li,YANG Pei-Cai

6.The Northern Path of Asian Dust Transport from the Gobi Desert to North America CHEN Ke-Yi

7.Response of the Kuroshio Current to Eddies in the Luzon Strait ZHAO Jie,LUO De-Hai

8.A Multivariate Empirical Orthogonal Function-Based Scheme for the Balanced Initial Ensemble Generation of an Ensemble Kalman Filter ZHENG Fei,ZHU Jiang

9.The Sensitive Regions Identified by CNOPs of Three Typhoon Events QIN Xiao-Hao

10.Model Projections of East Asian Summer Climate under the'Free Arctic'Scenario WANG Hui-Jun,ZHANG Ying

1.The Impact of "Bad" Argo Profiles on Ocean Data Assimilation YAN Chang-Xiang,ZHU Jiang

2.Estimation of the Total Dust Column and Dry Deposition Flux over the Yellow Sea, China Based on Shipboard Sun Photometer Measurements: Case Study YANG Dong-Xu,LIU Yi,CHEN Wen-Zhong

3.Traditional El Ni(n)o and El Ni(n)o Modoki Revisited: Is El Ni(n)o Modoki Linearly Independent of Traditional El Ni(n)o? LI Gen,REN Bao-Hua,YANG Cheng-Yun,ZHENG Jian-Qiu

4.Variability of Surface Sensible Heat Flux over Northwest China ZHOU Lian-Tong,WU Ren-Guang,HUANG Rong-Hui

5.An Ocean Reanalysis System for the Joining Area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean YAN Chang-Xiang,ZHU Jiang,XIE Ji-Ping

6.The "Spring Predictability Barrier" Phenomenon of ENSO Predictions Generated with the FGOALS-g Model WEI Chao,DUAN Wan-Suo

7.Evaluation of Total Precipitable Water over East Asia from FY-3A/VIRR Infrared Radiances ZHENG Jing,SHI Chun-Xiang,LU Qi-Feng,XIE Zheng-Hui

8.Improving the Seasonal Forecast of Summer Precipitation in China Using a Dynamical-Statistical Approach JIA Xiao-Jing,ZHU Pei-Jun

9.Tropical Pacific Decadal Oscillation in Subsurface Ocean Temperature XU Kang,ZHU Cong-Wen

10.Detecting Aerosols over Land from Satellites by Measuring Far IR Radiation from the Earth-Atmospheric System SHI Guang-Yu,SUN Yuan-Long

11.A Potential High-Score Scheme for the Prediction of Atlantic Storm Activity WANG Hui-Jun,QIAN Zhuo-Lei

12.Ammonium Variational Trends and the Ammonia Neutralization Effect on Acid Rain over East Asia GAO Chao,WANG Zi-Fa,Enagnon A. GBAGUIDI

1.Identifying Global Monsoon Troughs and Global Atmospheric Centers of Action on a Pentad Scale QIAN Wei-Hong,TANG Shuai-Qi

2.Modeling Gross Primary Production by Integrating Satellite Data and Coordinated Flux Measurements in Arid and Semi-Arid China WANG He-Song,JIA Gen-Suo,FENG Jin-Ming,ZHAO Tian-Bao,MA Zhu-Guo

3.Teleconnection Patterns along the Asian Jet Associated with Different Combinations of Convection Oscillations over the Indian Continent and Western North Pacific during Summer SHI Shan-Feng,LU Ri-Yu

4.Numerical Simulation of Seeding Extra-Area Effects of Precipitation Using a Three-Dimensional Mesoscale Model ZHAO Zhen,LEI Heng-Chi

5.The Formation of Precipitation Anomaly Patterns during the Developing and Decaying Phases of ENSO HU Kai-Ming,HUANG Gang

6.The Element Size-Spectrum Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol in Strong Autumn Winds over Beijing ZHANG Ren-Jian

7.Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth from Terra and Aqua MODIS Retrievals over a Tropical Coastal Site in China YANG Jing-Mei,QIU Jin-Huan,ZHAO Yan-Liang

8.Relationship between Meridional Displacement of the Monthly East Asian Jet Stream in the Summer and Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Central and Eastern Pacific LIN Zhong-Da

9.Zonal Mean Mode of Global Warming over the Past 50 Years DAI Xin-Gang,WANG Ping

10.The Impact of the Eastward Propagation of Convective Systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the Southwest Vortex Formation in Summer FU Shen-Ming,SUN Jian-Hua,ZHAO Si-Xiong,LI Wan-Li