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摘要:以常规油菜(Brassica napus L.)华双5号为材料,调查分析了棉田套播油菜产量表现和产量差异原因,研究了播期和密度对棉田套播油菜产量及构成因素的影响。结果表明,①棉田套播油菜产量主要分布在3 000~3 750 kg/hm2,种植密度和有效角果数是影响产量的关键因素。②播期和密度对产量构成因素有明显影响,播期推迟,密度增加,单株有效角果数、每角粒数均表现明显减少;播期和密度对千粒重影响较小。③播期、密度及其互作对产量影响显著,播期推迟,油菜产量降低,不同播期要求最适播种密度不同。

关键词:油菜(Brassica napus L.);棉田套播;产量差异;播期;密度

中图分类号:S634.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)17-3681-04

Study on the Yield Performance of Rapeseed Under-sowed in Cotton Field and the High Yield Cultivation Technology

MEI Shao-hua1,2,YIN Shao-hua1,XIONG Fei1,TAO Yu-chi2,MEI Jin-an2,FAN Duan-yang2,

XIA Qi-xin1,2,LIU Wen-ge2,XIAO Qi-sheng3

(1. Huanggang Trial Station, The Industry Technology System of Rapeseed in China, Huanggang 438000,Hubei,China;

2.Wuxue Bureau of Agriculture, Wuxue 435400, Hubei,China; 3.Macheng Seed Company,Macheng 438300,Hubei,China)

Abstract: Using normal rapeseed Huashuang No.5 as material, the yield performance of rapeseed under-sowed in cotton field and the reason for the yield differences were investigated focusing on the impact of sowing date and density on rapeseed yield as well as its contributing factors. The result showed that the yield of rapeseed under-sowed in cotton field ranged from 3 000 to 3 750 kg/hm2. Sowing density and number of effective pods were the key factors influencing the yield. Sowing date and sowing density had evident influences on the yield contributing factors, as effective pods number per plant and seeds number per pod decreased obviously with the delay of sowing date or increasing of density. However, the effect of sowing date and sowing density on kernel weight was small. The effect of sowing date, sowing density and their interaction on the yield was significant. The yield would decrease when sowing date was delayed. The appropriate density differed with the difference of sowing date.

Key words: rapeseed(Brassica napus L.); under-sowed in cotton field; yield difference; sowing date; sowing density

武穴市是湖北省重要的油菜(Brassica napus L.)和棉花生产基地,沿江棉产区油菜和棉花双熟栽培生产季节紧,油棉双套种植制度充分利用了土地和温光资源,解决了油棉争地矛盾。但棉田套播油菜用工量大,实际应用比例逐年下降。棉田套播油菜可缓解茬口矛盾,提高复种指数,节本增效明显,已有相关研究报道[1,2]。然而在大面积生产条件下,农户间、地块间棉田套播油菜产量差异较大,不利于提高油菜生产的总体水平,且当前高产栽培条件下针对棉田套播油菜高产栽培的研究较少。为此,通过调查分析棉田套播油菜的产量表现及产量差异原因,达到缩小产量差异、提高产量稳定性和平衡增产的目的。同时进行了播期、密度组合试验,初步探讨棉田套播油菜产量形成规律,为建立棉田套播油菜高产栽培技术体系提供依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

试验和示范油菜品种均为华双5号。试验设在武穴市龙坪镇沙墩村,土壤类型为潮土,0~20 cm间土壤pH 7.3,有机质2.37 %,碱解氮166.1 mg/kg,速效磷15.6 mg/kg,速效钾139.6 mg/kg。

1.2  试验设计

试验采用播期和密度两因素裂区设计,播期设10月10、20、30日3个水平,分别用T1、T2、T3表示,为主区;密度设30.0万、45.0万、60.0万、75.0万株/hm2 4个水平,分别用D1、D2、D3、D4表示,为副区。3次重复,小区面积13.3 m2。试验肥料用量相同,每公顷施N、P2O5、K2O和硼肥分别为180.0、120.0、180.0、15.0 kg。播种方式采用中耕器轻耕条播,行距0.2 m,播期为2010年10月15日至11月5日,播种量为3.0~5.5 kg/hm2,出苗后10 d间苗,11月30日拔除棉秆。病虫害和草害防治同常规。