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>> 新建高校辅导员专业化职业化路径的探究 高校辅导员职业化的实现路径 高校辅导员队伍专业化职业化发展的研究 浅谈民办高校辅导员的职业化和专业化发展 发展视域下高校辅导员的职业化、专业化探析 高校辅导员队伍职业化专业化发展的困境与对策 高校辅导员职业化发展思考 浅议高校辅导员职业化发展 高校辅导员职业化发展探析 高校辅导员队伍职业化专业化路径探索 高校辅导员职业化的策略 高校辅导员的“职业化”问题 试论高校辅导员的职业化建设 高校辅导员职业化建设浅析 高校辅导员职业化建设途径探讨 高校辅导员职业化内涵探究 高校辅导员职业化机制建设探讨 高校辅导员职业化研究综述 高校辅导员职业化培养 高校辅导员职业化趋势研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

Abstract: Given the confusion in concepts and logical relations, it is necessary to make clear definitions of professionalization, specialization and expert-orientation of college counselors. The way to solve the practical difficulties in the professional and specialized development of college counselors at present, including role conflicts, ethical dilemmas, weak professional quality and practical ability, imperfect professional system, etc., is to conduct professional construction of specialized knowledge system, institutional system, evaluation and training system. Specifically, the ways of the professional and specialized development of college counselors include: to establish hierarchical sequence, to establish a sound professional knowledge training system, to improve the personnel system, to break the development bottleneck, to provide fine management services, and to create favorable conditions.

Key words: counselor; professionalization; specialization