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Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志

Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志 SCI期刊 CSCD期刊 统计源期刊

主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国遗传学会和中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所

月刊  审稿周期:1-3个月  全年订价:¥1060.00

《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》由薛勇彪担任主编,创刊于1974年,由中国科学院主管、中国遗传学会和中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所主办的一本医学领域专业期刊。主要刊载该领域内的原创性研究论文、综述和评论等,力求及时、准确、全面的反映该领域的政策、技术、应用市场及动态。

  • 1673-8527 国内刊号
  • 1673-8527 国际刊号
  • 1021 发文量
  • 0.82 影响因子
  • 15229 总被引量
  • 2-819 邮发代号
  • 1974 创刊时间

Journal of Genetics and Genomics杂志介绍

《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》是中国科学院主管、中国遗传学会和中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所主办的医学类学术期刊,该刊所发表的论文所涉及的学科领域主要有生物学、农业科学、医药卫生、轻工技术与工程农业科学 / 作物学、生物学 / 分子生物学、生物学 / 遗传学、生物学 / 植物学。该刊于1974年创刊,本刊为月刊。主要报道医学行业相关领域研究成果与实践。该期刊的创办有利于加强医学研究领域的学术交流,本刊将及时推出该领域的科研成果,使国内外同行能及时、方便地查阅、引用,为医学行业领域的发展做贡献。该杂志得到了广大作者、读者和外审专家的关心、支持和帮助 ,赢得了学术界认可和好评。《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》主要设有人类与医学遗传学、动物遗传学、植物遗传学、微生物遗传学、综述等栏目。以广大的医学工作者为服务对象,是广大医学工作者发表专业论文和学习的学术平台。

Journal of Genetics and Genomics期刊荣誉

Journal of Genetics and Genomics投稿须知

1、Title The full manuscript title should be succinct, informative and descriptive. The title should include detail for indexing and should be comprehensible for a broad scientific audience. Authors should avoid using nonstandard abbreviations in titles. The title must mention the subject organism (or general group in the case of comparative work). Latin names should be used for all organisms, while common names are allowed for the model systems (rice, maize and yeast).

2、Author affiliation Include department, institution, and complete address for each author. If there are authors with different affiliations, use superscripts to match authors with different institutions. 

3、Corresponding author The name, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided. 

4、Manuscript information The numbers of text pages (including references and figure legends), of figures, of tables, and of words in the paper should be provided.

5、Word and character counts The number of words in the abstract and the total number of characters in the paper should be provided. 

6、Abbreviation footnote List abbreviations in alphabetical order used five or more times . Define these where first mentioned in the text and do not use them in the title.

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