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Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International杂志

Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International杂志 SCI期刊 CSCD期刊

主管单位:浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会  主办单位:浙江大学医学院第一附属医院

双月刊  审稿周期:1-3个月  全年订价:¥360.00

《Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International》由郑树森担任主编,创刊于2002年,由浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会主管、浙江大学医学院第一附属医院主办的一本医学领域专业期刊。主要刊载该领域内的原创性研究论文、综述和评论等,力求及时、准确、全面的反映该领域的政策、技术、应用市场及动态。

  • 33-1391/R 国内刊号
  • 1499-3872 国际刊号
  • 1303 发文量
  • 1.18 影响因子
  • 8923 总被引量
  • 2002 创刊时间

Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International杂志介绍

《Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International》是浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会主管、浙江大学医学院第一附属医院主办的医学类学术期刊,该刊所发表的论文所涉及的学科领域主要有医药卫生、生物学、农业科学、文化科学医药卫生 / 临床医学、医药卫生 / 肿瘤、医药卫生 / 内科学、医药卫生 / 外科学。该刊于2002年创刊,本刊为双月刊。主要报道医学行业相关领域研究成果与实践。该期刊的创办有利于加强医学研究领域的学术交流,本刊将及时推出该领域的科研成果,使国内外同行能及时、方便地查阅、引用,为医学行业领域的发展做贡献。该杂志得到了广大作者、读者和外审专家的关心、支持和帮助 ,赢得了学术界认可和好评。《Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International》主要设有技术与方法、专论与综述、学术探讨、临床试验等栏目。以广大的医学工作者为服务对象,是广大医学工作者发表专业论文和学习的学术平台。

Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International期刊荣誉

Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International投稿须知

1, the manuscript should be reliable, accurate data, creative, scientific, practical.The argument should be novel, argument is sufficient and reliable data, conceited (plagiarism), the text should be concise.

2, the name in the text under the title of the order, the arrangement should be determined in the submission.Author's name, unit, detailed address and postal code must be written clearly,the author must obtain the consent of the author's draft, the other authors agree, row order, after the notice is no longer change.

3, in order to shorten the period of published and reduce errors,the drawings are in word format, and please specify my contact details.

4, the editorial department has to delete Xiu contribution,do not agree with the statement in the manuscript please amend the contributions. 

5,Names of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

6,Authors and affiliations: 

(i) the full names of all authors;

(ii) the addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out together with the full postal address incluing post codes;

(iii) the email address, telephone and facsimile umbers of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.

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