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1.(2012年常德卷)Its nice of you


me with my maths.

A.help B.helping

C.to help

2.(2012年莆田卷)Han Mei thought that


to English songs


her a lot in English learning.

A.listen; helpsB.listening; helps

C.listening; helpD.listen; help

【见题拆招】1.C。题意:帮我复习数学你真是太好了。Its +adj.+(for/ of)sb.+ to do sth.是一个常用句式,it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。





(一)一些动词后只能跟动词不定式作宾语,这类动词有want, wish, hope, decide, expect, refuse等。


3.(2012年日照卷)—Do you enjoy


a volunteer?

—If you want


this, youd better join us.

A.being; knowingB.to be; knowing

C.being; to knowD.to be; to know

4.(2012年滨州卷)My pen pal Andrew found it difficult


Chinese well.


C.to learnD.learned



(二)一些动词后只能用动名词作宾语,这类动词有enjoy, mind, finish, practice, keep, miss等。


5.(2012年玉林卷)—Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent show.

—I think so.He practices


it every day.


C.to playD.plays

6.(2012年绵阳卷)Excuse me, would you mind


your voice down, please?

A.to keepB.keeping


7.(2012年滨州卷)We know that she enjoys


books very much.


C.readingD.to read




一、 非谓语动词(有动词的性质和原义,但无法作动词使用)作主语

1. 不定式和动名词作主语的区别

1) 总的概述:

Ø 不定式作主语——具体的,一次性的

To understandothers is hard.

Ø 动名词作主语——一般的,经常性的

Washing clothes is her daily job.

Ø 分词不能作主语——分词有形/副的作用,但主语只能是带有名词意义的词

2) 具体用法:

Ø 动名词在句型里作主语的运用:

i. It’s no good/ useless/ a waste of time/ a good pleasure + doing sth. (it’s+形容词/形容词性短语+doing)

It’s a waste of time dating you.

ii. It’s + adj. + 动名词

It’s delighted playing.

iii. There was/ is + no + doing

There is no standing still in this life.

2. 非谓语动词的逻辑主语

1) 不定式的逻辑主语

不定式不能作自己的主语,但在意思上仍然有履行该动作的逻辑主语,其逻辑主语前总有“for/ of”的标志。

It’s foolish of you to stay away from your family.

The hardest thing is for him to give up.

She was sent there to be trained as a teacher.

2) 动名词的逻辑主语


Your being curious almost hurt yourself.

3) There be句型

Ø Of there being

He spoke of there being a magnificent ranch.

Ø For / about there to be

It’s easy for there to be a gap between parents and children.

二、 非谓语动词作宾语

1. 动名词作宾语

1) 能接动名词作宾语的动词

Ø 为避免危险-禁止犯罪-若犯,应坦白/承认

escape/ avoid-forbid- confess/ acknowledge/ admit

Ø 男方推迟约会-女方介意,忍耐,原谅-再犯,放弃

put off/delay-mind/tolerate/endure/excuse/pardon/forgive-give up

Ø 提倡的建议-被民众喜欢/感激

advocate/ suggest-enjoy/ appreciate

2) 介词后只能接动名词

Ø Feel like doing sth.

Ø Be/ get used to doing sth.

Ø 其他的都是介词+(in)doing sth.

2. 不定式作宾语

1) 能接不定式为宾语的动词

Ø 往往差生-自愿参军-准备提出申请-等待同意

tend-volunteer-prepare/ offer-agree

Ø 渴望梦想-下定决心-做好计划/打算-尽力/设法去实现

long-determine-plan/ aim-endeavor/manage

Ø 未能拒绝要求-假装(做表面工作)

fail/ refuse/ ask/ claim/ demand-pretend

2) 连词except/ but与不定式

Ø except/but只能与不定式,不能与动名词连用

We have no choicebut to wait.

Ø 但若前有do,则except/but后也只能加do(前后一致)

Iwould do anything for you except to be a commissioner.

3. 能接动名词和不定式作宾语的动词

1) 接动名词/不定式,意思都不变的动词

Ø 喜欢一个人-憎恨麻烦-宁可不追求




Ø 若like/love/hate/prefer前有should/would,则只能接不定式(本来would/should只能接动原,为让步,加带“to”的动原)

Iwould like to have a drink.

2) 接动名词/不定式,会改变本义的动词

Ø 进程改变(to do未完成;doing正在做/做过了)


remember/forget-regret-stop-go on

Ø 意义改变


need-try/ stand-mean/ help

To do人 设法做 不忍心 想要做 帮助

Doing物(主作被) 试着做 忍受 意味着 禁不止

3) 在这些动词这,动名词作宾语,不定式作宾语补足语


permit/ allow-recommend-forbid-advise

Idon’t allow you to go.

My dad doesn’t allow smokingin our family.

三、 非谓语动词作补语(作补充说明,无法删去)

1. 总的概述

1) 分词作补语-现在分词~动作正在进行/状态;过去分词~被动

Iheard someone knocking at the door.(就省去that和was了)

She kept us waiting for 2 hours!

Iheard the song sung.(用歌被唱表示人在唱歌)


Please remind me to take my medicine.

2. 具体规则-能接不定式作补语的动词


1) Want/wish-后加(to be) done

Iwant it finished today.

2) 表示劝请/要求

Ø Teach/ ask/ remind…表示劝请/要求的动词后都可以接sb. to do sth.

Ididn’t ask you to do it for me.

Ø Hope/ agree/ suggest/demand/decide后不可加sb. to do sth.

Hope/ agree/ suggest + that

Demand/ decide + to do

3) 使役动词have/make/let后加不带to的不定式,但在动词为主语的被动语态时可接to do

He makes his son study.

He was made to study.

4) Help后加不加to都无所谓

You got to help me to fix it.

Idon’twant to help you fix it.

四、 非谓语动词作表语

1. 分词作表语(形容词性,非动词)

现在分词-性质:It is exciting.

过去分词-状态:The store is closed.

2. 动名词作表语(经常性的,一般的)

Washing clothes is my daily task.

3. 不定式作表语(一次性的,具体的)


The last thing Iwant to do is (to) arguewith you.

4. 分词、动名词和不定式的否定形式

分词:Not obtaining a ticket for the match

动名词:Not being tall

不定式:Not to be tall

五、 非谓语动词作定语

1. 分词作定语(有潜在的主谓关系)


The racing horse = thehorse is racing


A fallen leaf = a leaf that alreadyfallen.

The buildingcompleted before = the buildingwas completed before.

2. 动名词作定语(用途)

The washing machine= themachineis for washing.

3. 不定式作定语(未完成)

The meeting to be continued is on our top agenda.

六、 非谓语动词作状语

1. 分词与不定式在句中作状语的区别

1) 分词-时间/原因/让步/条件/方式/伴随

Ø 伴随:Iwas sad, wandering alone the river.

Ø 原因:Being a good father, Ineed to work harder.

Ø 条件:Given more time, Icould make it.

2) 不定式-目的/结果/原因

Ø 目的:To satisfymyself, Idecide to have a good meal.

Ø 结果:Iwas too scareto ask him. / The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, only to be captured by the police each time.

2. 独立结构

1) 分词的独立结构(修饰分句)


The guest having departed, I laid on my bed and fall asleep.

Time permitting, we should stay here a littlebit longer.

Her son lost, she got crazy.

2) 某些不加逻辑主语的分词短语的独立结构(修饰全句)

Ø 总的/严格来说-假设这是判断题-该如何判断是否正确呢

Generally/strictly speaking-provided/providing/suppose/


Ø 谈到未来的职业选择-考虑到我的兴趣-是在关于教育,包括语言方面的-既然是这样,所以我决定考研

talking of-considering/ given-regarding/concerning-including-seeing that

3) 不定式的独立结构

To tell the truth; to be plain with you; to be brief; to be honest; to sum up; to cut a long story short; to say the least; to be sure; to begin with; not to mention; strange to say; needless to say; to conclude


4) There being句型可以使用独立主格结构作原因状语




She pretended_____me when I passed by.

A.not to see B.Not seeing

C.To not see D.Having not seen




te,giveup,put off,feel like,consist on,can’t help等。


I would appreciate_____back this afternoon.

A.you to call B.you call

C.your calling D.you’re calling


【热点三】某些动词如:allow,permit,forbid, advise,continue等后面必须接动名词作宾语,但也可以接不定式的复合宾语。


Charles Babbage is generally considered____the first computer.

A.to invent B.inventing

C.to have invented D.having invented


【热点四】某些动词或词组后接动名词主动形式表被动意义。这类动词有:need,want,require,be worth等。





Do you know the boy____under the tree?

A.lay B.lain C.laying D.lying




Most of the artists_____to the party were from South Africa.

A.invited B.to invite

C.beinginvited D.had been invited






______a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received











l、位于每个简单句主语后面的第一个行为动词(某些从句中的主语承前省)。E.g Miss Gao teaches us English.这种情况的谓语动词分析要分两步完成。第一步,分析句子的语态,根据主语与动词的关系判断该句是主动句还是被动句;第二步,判断动词的时态和单复数。如果是主动句(主语是动作的施行者),就判断动词的时态,直接写出动词的时态即可。e.g The boys are playing(play)football now,.如果是被动句(主语是动作的承受者),则分两步完成答案。

e.g.Many trees (plant)on the hill yesterday.

分析:第一步,判断此句的语态。此句为被动句,先把动词写成被动语态的构成be planted。第二步,根据句中的时间状语判断出时态为一般过去时态。再把be planted中的be动词作相应的改变。即:were planted。又如:

Two pandas will be sent(send)to Taiwan.


2、位于情态动词call,could,have to,must,will,would'shall,should,may,might,had better后面与情态动词共同构成谓语动词。此时动词用原形,否定时在情态动词后加not。

e.g.We can see(see)a lot offish in the river.


e.g.Ooen(open)the window.



e.g.What are you doin~(do)?

I'm raising (raise)pigs.(现在进行时)

e.g Her job is raisin~(raise)pigs.(动名词作表语)


e.g.What do you do(dO)?


e.g.We have―stod―ied(study)here for three years.




e.g.Walking(walk)is good exercise.

一learn foreign languag‘hardl0 leam a torel~n language 1S hard.提示:当动词不定式作主语时,我们常用it代替它作主语,而把不定式移到后部去。即初中常见的句型:It is+形容词+to do sth.

e.g.It is hard―to le―arn(1earn)English well.


(1)在动词finish,enjoy,mind,miss,keep,allow,dislike,call’t help,spend后面的动词用动名词作宾语.在be worth,be/get used to,be busy后面的动词用动名词作表语。E.g.Ienjoy playing(play)basketball.

(2)在单词want,wish,hope,ask,decide,learn,agree,tell,teach,would like,need等后的动词用不定式作宾语。否定动词不定式直接在不定式前面加not。E.g.They asked me to go.(go)home quickly.注意:动词不定式作宾语时,当句子后有形容词作宾语补足语时,常用it代替不定式,而把不定式放到后面去。

e.g.They found it impossible to get(get)everything ready in time.




e.g I forgot sending(send)an emalltomymother.(已发送)

I forgot―to s―end(send)an email to my mother.(未发送)

stop to do sth停下(正在做的事)去干另一件事

stop doing sth停止干…

go on doing sth继续做同一件事

go on to do sth继续去做(另一件事)

(5)特殊句型why not do sth,had better dosth,It’s time to―d―o sth,will you please dosth.


e.g.He nmde US―cle―an(clean)our classroom・

We were made―to―cle―an(clean)’our classroom.


e.g.He saw a girl get(get)on the tractor and drive off.(动作已结束)

He saw a girl getting(get)on the tractor.(动作正在进行)







Swimming with dolphins is one of the world’s most profitable tourist activities.


例1 (2011年高考新课标卷)Planning so far ahead no sense—so many things will have changed by next year.

A. made B. is making

C. makes D. has made

解析:答案为C。动名词(planning so far ahead)在句中作主语。句意为:计划这么超前没有意义,到明年好多情况会发生变化的。破折号前说的是现在的客观情况,应该用一般现在时,因此正确答案为C。


It’s no good spending too much time chatting or playing online games.

用于这种形式的表语常是一些特定的形容词或名词,如useful,good,nice,no use,no good,fun等。



He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.

The manager said he was looking forward to seeing all the newly-made plans carried out in time.


We all consider it no use standing by and doing nothing.

例2 (2012年高考北京卷)One learns a language by making mistakes and  them.

A. corrects B. correct

C. to correct D. correcting

解析:答案为D。空格处缺的是一个与making mistakes并列的均作介词by的宾语的动名词。句意为:一个人就是通过不断地犯错并改正来学会一门语言。

例 3 (2012年高考上海卷) When Peter speaks in public,he always has trouble the right things to say.

A. thinking of B. to think of

C. thought of D. think of

解析:答案为A。考查固定搭配:have trouble(in) doing sth.意为“做……很费劲;做……有困难”。动名词作介词in的宾语,in可以省略。

例4 (2011年高考四川卷)Lydia doesn’t feel like _______ abroad. Her parents are old.

A. study B. studying

C. studied D. to study

解析:答案为B。句意为:莉迪娅不想去国外学习,她的父母年纪都大了。feel like后跟名词或者动名词作宾语,意为“想做某事”,因此正确答案为B。



My hobby is painting.

The first step in making friends is associating with other people.



Last week I bought a new swimming suit(=suit for swimming).

The MITx will serve as the foundation for the new learning platform(=platform for learning).



His dream,going abroad to further his studies after graduation,has finally come true.




Do you mind my hanging out with Tom?


They don’t like me sitting in front of the computer all day long.


Jack’s not attending the meeting on time made us worried.


I can hardly imagine Stella carrying out the project all by herself.




Alice’s not passing the exam made her parents very angry.

动名词的复合结构部分可以改写成相关的从句。此句可以改写成:That Alice’s didn’t pass the exam made her parents very angry.



She didn’t mind her notebooks being taken away and used by other fellow students.

例 5 (2012年高考福建卷)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from in the South China Sea.

A. attacking B. having attacked

C. being attacked D. having been attacked

解析:答案为C。prevent sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。句意为:中国最近加紧对黄岩岛的水域控制来阻止中国渔船在中国南海被袭击。本句中的fishing boats和attack是被动关系,因此正确答案为C。


I know something about his having gone to Atlanta.




Tom’s coming home late worries his mother.


I would appreciate your calling back this afternoon.






动名词是由动词原词+ing构成,以名词性为主,所以常作主语、宾语和表语等,但是也保有动词性,因此可以带宾语。此外,动名词还有主动态和被动态以及一般式和完成式之分,动名词的被动态由being done构成,动名词完成式由having done构成。

例1:Heating the water changes it into vapor.把水加热可以使水变为蒸汽。动名词heating相当于一个名词,在句中作主语。

例2:Atomic electric batteries can operate without being recharged for decades.原子电池能工作几十年而不需要再充电。being recharged 是动名词被动态。




例3:The vibrations causing sound are transmitted through air at a speed of about 340 meters per second.发出声音的震动,在空气中传播的速度大约为每秒340米。现在分词causing 作后置定语修饰前面的the vibrations,与动名词做定语不同是的,现在分词说明被修饰名词的性质或动作等。causing在这里相当于定语从句which cause sound。


例4:Some of their recent findings are reassuring.他们的一些发现,让人欣慰。现在分词reassuring用在系动词be之后,作表语,说明 findings的性质。



例5:When heated,a body will expand.物体受热时就膨胀。分词短语when heated在句首,作句子的状语,它的逻辑主语是body,与逻辑主语的关系是被动的,这个分词短语相当于时间状语从句when a body is heated。

例6:The molecules in a liquid,more strongly attracted to each other,do not have as much freedom of motion as gas molecules have.由于液体分子之间的吸引力较大,所以他们不能象气体分子那样自由运动。过去分词attracted的逻辑主语就是句子的主语the molecules,相当于原因状语从句because the molecules in a liquid are more strongly attracted to each other。


例7:To keep a body moving,you have to apply less force than you did to start it.保持一个物体运动比启动该物体所必须施加的力要小。现在分词moving是宾语body的补足语,它与body有逻辑上主谓关系,表示主动和状态。


不定式是由to+动词原形构成。动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,没有人称、数的变化、它具有动词、名词、形容词和副词的某些功能。不定式在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补足语。不定式有时态和语态的变化,进行式是to be doing;完成式是to have done;被动式是to be done;完成被动式to have been done;完成进行式to have been doing。

例8:To lift a weight from the ground on to a table requires expenditure of power.把一个重物从地面搬到桌子上来需要消耗能量。to lift是目的状语,带了自己的宾语a weight,在句中作主语。

例9:Wherever rocks are to be seen in cliffs and quarries,their arrangement and sequence can be observed and their story deciphered.无论是在峭壁还是在采石场见到的岩石,对它们的排列和顺序进行观察,就可以揭示其历史的演变。to be seen是不定式的被动态,是句子的表语,表示动作还未发生。







[关键词] 英语 it 应用



What’s the date today?今天几号?

It’s July 1.七月一号

How far is it from the bus station to your home?


What’s this?这是什么?

It’s a computer.这是一台计算机。

He tried to get rid of smoking,but it was impossible.他尝试着戒烟,但那是不可能的。


it +谓语+不定式

it +谓语+动名词

it +谓语+名词从句


Tocompromise is sensible.=It is sensible to compromise.互相妥协是明智的。


It is necessary to have a good sleep before the test.=To have a good sleep before the is necessary.考试前好好睡一觉是很必要的。

It is wrong to do so.=To do so is wrong.这样做是错误的。

(2)与不定式不同,动名词作主语时,一般置于句子开端,置于句尾时常将动名词改成不定式。因此,用代替动名词作形式主语的句子较少,主要用在以no use,useless,not any use,not much use,not any good,not much good,no help,dangerous等词作主语补足语的句子中。例如:

It is useless(no use)talking to the old man about it.和一位老人谈论这些是没有用的。

It is dangerous playing with fire.玩火是危险的。


It is a pity that her sister cannot go skating with us.=That her sister cannot go skating with us is a pity.他的姐姐不能和我们去溜冰,这真令人遗憾。

5.it is强调句型

句子结构一般it +be +被强调的部分+字句。在句中没有实际意义。


It was his brother who (that) broke the cup.



It was a New Year card that he sent his classmate.他寄给他同学的是一张新年卡片。


It was his classmate that (whom) he sent a New Year card to.他将新年卡片寄给他的同学。



It was every Monday afternoon that Mrs Smith teaches us English.史密斯先生每星期一下午给我们讲英语。


It was before the fireplace that the old woman was sitting.这位老妇人坐在壁灯前。


It was wrong that we considered him.我们认为他是错误的。


It is little Tiger that he is called.他被称作小老虎。


(a)It is a period of time since +主语+ did something自…以来已有一段时间。例如:

It is two years since he left here.他离开这儿已有2年了。

(b)It is no use doing something…做…无用。例如:

It is no use doing so.那么做没用。

(c)It is said that…据说。例如:

It is said that something has been done to end the strike.据说已采取措施结束罢工。

(d)It is well known (to all) that…众所周知。例如:

It is known (to all) that we Chinese people are against war.众所周知,我们中国人民反对战争。

(e)It was (not) long (hours,weeks,months) before +从句。例如:

It was not long before she came back.不久她就回来了。

6.It seems that…例如:

It seems that he were ill.他好像有病了。

7.It takes (took)+时间+ to do something例如:

It takes three weeks to finish the work.完成这项工作得用3周时间。

8.It is (was) not until…that例如:

It was not until yesterday that I received a letter from him.直到昨天我才收到你的信。

9.It is…for one to…例如:

It’s good for us to be here.我们到这来真好。

10.It is+adj.+of+somebody to do something(能用此句型的形容词常见有:kind,good,nice,foolish,stupid,wrong,clever等)。例如:

It is very kind of you to help us.承蒙帮助,不胜感激。


关键词:高频 英语动词 复合宾语结构 汇集


1. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ n.(名词作宾语补足语)

His parents died , leaving him an orphan.

2. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ to do.(不定式作宾语补足语)

All of them hurried home and left me to do all the rest work.

3. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ doing.(现在分词作宾语补足语)

Don't leave water running to clean vegetables.

4. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ done.(过去分词作宾语补足语)

You should not have left the task unfinished even if you were away.

5. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+prep--phrase(介词短语作宾语补足语)

Leave him in bed, because he feels sick.

6. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adv.(副词作宾语补足语)

Someone has left all the lights of the office on.

7. leave + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+clause(从句作宾语补足语)

Please leave the book where it is after reading.


1. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ n.(名词作宾语补足语)

They found me the suitable person for the post.

2. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ to be.(不定式to be作宾语补足语)

I find the kid to be happy and cheerful all day.

3. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ doing.(现在分词作宾语补足语)

They found some boys clibming over the walls of the school.

4. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ done.(过去分词作宾语补足语)

When he came in, he found all the classmates seated at the desks.

5. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+prep--phrase(介词短语作宾语补足语)

He found the film ticket out of date.

6. find+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adj.(形容词作宾语补足语)

I find the story instructive.

7. find + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adv.(副词作宾语补足语)

Did you find her in?


1. keep+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ doing.(现在分词作宾语补足语)

2. keep+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ done.(过去分词作宾语补足语)

3. keep+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+prep--phrase(介词短语作宾语补足语)

4. keep+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adj.(形容词作宾语补足语)

5. keep + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adv.(副词作宾语补足语)


1. make+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ n.(名词作宾语补足语)

They made Smith captain of the basebll team .


2. make+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adj.(形容词作宾语补足语)

My coming late for school made the teacher very angry .

3. make + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ do.(不带to的不定式作宾语补足语)

He made me change my mind in the end .

4. make+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ done.(过去分词作宾语补足语)

He raised his voice to make himself heard .

5. make+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+prep--phrase(介词短语作宾语补足语)

Please make yourself at home.


1. feel+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ n.(名词作宾语补足语)

She used to feel herself a very important person in the club .

2. feel+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ adj.(形容词作宾语补足语)

They feel the suggestion I put forward at the meeting very pratical .

3.feel + n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ do.(不带to的不定式作宾语补足语)

I felt the floor move while I was watering the flowers in the garden .

4. feel+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ doing.(现在分词作宾语补足语)

At the sound of the exciting new , I felt my heart beating faster .

5. feel+ n/pron(名词/代词作宾语)+ done.(过去分词作宾语补足语)

He helt himself forced to take the action to fight back in the conflict .


1. to be短语用作宾语补足补语( S + Vt + O + to be ... ),常用词有think, believe, consider, prove等,注意有时 to be 可以省略。

2.有时宾语是从句、不定式、动名词,后接形容词或名词作宾补,为了使句子平衡,须用 it 作形式宾语,把真正的宾语放在句尾。常用词有make , think , believe , consider , find , feel等。

结构为: S + Vt + it +adj/n + that―clause = S + Vt + it + is + adj/n + that―clause

S + Vt + it +adj/n +(for sb)to do = S + Vt + it + is + adj/n +(for sb)to do

S + Vt + it +adj/n + doing = S + Vt + it + is + adj/n + doing

He thinks it no use taking this kind of medicine .

They found it strange that no one took the money .

I felt it my duty to report it to the headmaster .