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The house is located near a highway.

All the goods have been sent to them.


My family are all looking forward to your arrival.

The United States was founded in 1776.

当句子中出现并列主语时,需要遵循“就近一致”原则,即谓语动词的单复数形式取决于最靠近谓语动词的主语。这种情形在neither...nor..., either...or..., there be等句型中最常见。比如:

Neither his parents nor Tom is at home.

There is a book and some pens on the desk.


什么是“作为整体担任主语”?比如在Lily and Jim are best friends一句中,Lily and Jim就属于并列成分作为整体担任主语,因为are best friends是对他们两个人这个团体而言的,少了谁都谈不上是“一对好朋友”。而在Neither his parents nor Tom is at home一句中,“不在家”这个状态是可以分别针对Tom和他的父母而言的,这个句子可以改写成His parents are not at home and neither is Tom,所以虽然这个句子的主语是并列的,但不是“作为整体担任主语”。





倒装句的常见结构为“副词/介词短语 + 谓语 + 主语”,这时候,不少同学会将介词短语中的名词当作主语,据此判断谓语动词的单复数形式,这实在是大错特错。在倒装句中,谓语动词后面的名词才是真正的主语,谓语动词的单复数形式应该与它保持一致。比如:

Between the two windows (hang/hangs) a picture.

句意为“两扇窗之间挂着一幅画”。这是个倒装句,真正的主语中心词是a picture,而不是介词短语中的two windows,所以谓语动词应该用单数形式hangs。


有些句子会用along with, among, and not, apart from, as much as, as well as, besides, but, except, in addition to, including, excluding, like, more than, no less than, plus, rather than, than, unlike, together with, with等引出一个短语,对主语作补充说明。这些短语实为状语,可移至句末,但不少同学会错把它们当作并列主语。遇到这种情况,应先剔除这些短语,再来确定谓语动词的单复数形式,切莫根据这些短语中的名词来判断谓语动词的单复数形式。比如:

Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting (was/were) being exhibited at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

句意为“传统的天津民间艺术,比如剪纸,在2010年上海世博会的文化展示活动上展出”。句中的主语中心词既不是Tianjin,也不是paper cutting,而是traditional folk arts,因此谓语动词应该用复数形式were。



Finally another material is painted onto the stones which (is/are) used to protect them from water forever.

句意为“最后,在这些石头上涂上另一种材料,以防止它们被水侵蚀”。句中的关系代词which指代的是another material还是stones?分析句意,可知them指代的是stones,which指代的是material,是单数,谓语动词应该用is。又比如:

He is the only one among Chinese writers who (has/have) won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

句意为“他是中国作家中唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖的”。句中的先行词是the only one,所以谓语动词应该用has。





比如Lily and Jim are best friends一句中,Lily and Jim作为整体担任主语,表示的是“两个人”,是复数,所以谓语动词用are。

并列成分作为整体担任主语还有下面几种情况:①表示“一种东西”,如bacon and eggs(腊肉荷包蛋)、bread and butter(奶油面包);②表示“一个概念”,如truth and honesty(真诚);③表示“拥有双重身份的一个人或事物”,如a singer and actor(歌手兼演员);④表示“一整套的事物”,如a knife and fork(刀叉)。这时,并列成分作为整体,表示的是单数的意义,谓语动词要采用单数形式。比如:

A poet and artist (was/were) invited to give us a talk on Chinese literature and painting.

句意为“那位诗人兼艺术家被请来给我们进行一次关于中国文学和绘画的讲座”。句中的主语a poet and artist指的是拥有诗人和艺术家双重身份的一个人,所以谓语动词应该用was。如果要表示“诗人和艺术家”,则应该用a poet and an artist。又比如:

With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste and poison (is/are) poured into the water, the soil and the air.

句意为“随着现代农业和工业的发展,越来越多的有害物质被排放到水中、地里和空气中”。句中的waste and poison指的是“有害物质”这个概念,是单数的,所以谓语动词用is。


当句子的主语是短语时,有时候,短语的中文含义是复数的,但它的中心词是单数,这时,同学们很容易忽略中心词,只根据短语的含义来判断谓语动词的形式,导致出错。比如当主语是“more than one/many a + 单数名词”这样的短语时,虽然整个短语表示复数含义,但它的中心词是单数名词,谓语动词应该用单数形式。请看下面两个例句。

More than one student (was/were)late for class yesterday.

More students than one (was/were)late for class yesterday.

这两个句子从字面看都是“不止一名学生昨天迟到”的意思,但前一句侧重表示“一个学生迟到了,其他还有学生迟到”,虽然more than one student的中文意思为复数,但句意强调的是其中的one student,即中心词是one student,所以谓语动词应该用was。而后一句侧重表示“很多学生迟到,不止一个”,句意强调的是more students,是复数,所以谓语动词用were。


集体名词可分为两种,一种只能用来表示复数,如cattle,folk, people, police, public, youth等;另一种既能表示单数又能表示复数,如army, band, class, club, committee, company, crew, crowd, enemy, family, government, group, population, staff, team, troop等。后一种集体名词在表示一个整体时,谓语动词要用单数形式;在表示整体中的成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。比如:

The class (consist/consists) of 45 students and the whole class (is/are) all diligent.


A. am B. is C. are D. was

【误解】A 像neither... nor...结构作主语时谓语动词多用单数,这样的概念在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither... nor...和这里的“I”不假思索就选择A。其实,我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I两个人,要用复数形式。


2. The teacher and writer_________doing morning exercises this time yesterday.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

【误解】D 误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。


3. Everyone except Tom and David_________there when the meeting began.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

【误解】C或D 许多考生会受Tom and David的影响选C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语”作主语的情况,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。


4. Every boy and girl_________the book and they each_________to buy one.

A. likes; wants B. likes; want

C. like; wants D. like; want

【误解】A或C 选A的考生认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的考生认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。



1. Each man and woman_________the same rights.

A. has B. have C. had D. is having

2. Every means ______ tried but without much result.

A. has been B. have been C. are D. is

3. There_________in this room.

A. are too much furniture B. is too many furnitures

C. are too much furnitures D. is too much furniture

4. The manager or his assistant_________planning to go.

A. were B. are C. was D. be

5. Not only I but also David and Iris_________fond of playing basketball.

A. am B. is C. are D. was

6. Neither Tom nor his parents_________at home.

A. is B. are C. has D. was

7. Either the dean or the principal_________the meeting.

A. attends B. attend

C. are attending D. have attended

8. Most of his savings_________in the Xin Hua Bank.

A. has been kept B. is being kept

C. have kept D. have been kept

9. All that can be done_________.

A. has done B. has been done

C. have done D. have been done

10. One or perhaps more pages_________.

A. is missing B. has been missed

C. are missing D. was missing

11. More than one worker_________dismissed.

A. have been B. are C. has been D. has

12. The surroundings of his house_________clean now.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

13. The committee_________over the problem among themselves for two hours.

A. has argued B. has been arguing

C. have argued D. have been arguing

14. Cattle_________on the hillside.

A. grazes B. is grazing C. was grazing D. were grazing

15. The Philippines_________to the south-east of China.

A. lies B. lie C. lay D. lays


【考点聚焦】用“neither... nor...(既不……也不……), not only... but also...(不但……而且……), either... or...(要么……要么……) 和or(或者) ”连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式应该依据就近一致的原则,和与其最邻近的主语保持人称和数的一致。但如果用“both... and...(两个都……) ”连接两个主语时,则谓语动词应为复数形式。


① 我哥哥和我都没有去过北京。

Neither my brother nor I have been to Beijing.

Neither I nor my brother has been to Beijing.

② 不仅是我们而且他也喜爱听音乐。

Not only we but also he enjoys listening to music.

Not only he but also we enjoy listening to music.

③ 要么你,要么你母亲马上去那儿一趟。

Either you or your mother goes there at once.

Either your mother or you go there at once.


① Not only his parents but also his brother ______ to the Summer Palace. They haven’t been back.

A. have been B. have gone

C. has been D. has gone(南通市)

② Both Kate and I______ready for the picnic now.

A. is not B. is getting

C. are getting D. am getting(天津市)

③ Neither the students nor the teacher______in the classroom at that moment.

A. were B. was C. weren’t D. wasn’t(甘肃省)

Key: ① D② C ③ B

【考点聚焦】在“there be”和“here be”句式中,有两个或两个以上的主语时,动词be的形式应和与其接近的一个主语保持数的一致。


① 这儿有你一封信和两支铅笔。

Here is a letter and two pencils for you.

② 桌子上有一支钢笔和三本书。

There is a pen and three books on the desk.

③ 现在教室里有三个男孩和一个女孩。

There are three boys and a girl in the classroom now.


① There ____ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.

A. is a B. are some

C. has a D. have some(广州市)

② There _____three boxes of oranges, and a bag of rice under the tree.

A. have B. are C. is D. has(深圳市)

Key: ① A② B

【考点聚焦】 a number of意为“许多……”,后接可数名词复数。“a number of + 可数名词复数”在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式;the number of意为“……的数目”,后接可数名词复数。“the number of + 可数名词复数”在句中作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。另外,“分数 + of + 可数名词复数”在句中作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式。


① 看!许多学生正在操场上玩。

Look! A number of students are playing on the playground.

② 这学期我们学校的学生人数大约为5,500人。

The number of the students in our school this term is about 5,500.

③ 在我们班有五分之三的学生是女孩。

In our class three fifths of the students are girls.


①______of the workers in this factory is about two hundred,______of them are women workers.

A. The number; first third B. The number; one third

C. A number; half D. A number; three quarters(辽宁省)

② There are many trees on______side of the street, and______of the trees is still increasing year by year.

A. both; the number B. either; the number

C. both; a number D. either; a number(镇江市)

③ In our school______of the students______from countryside.

A. three fifths; come B. three fifth; have come

C. third five; come D. thirds fifths; comes(天津市)

Key: ① B② B③ A

【考点聚焦】在一些以-s(-es) 结尾的人名前面加上定冠词the,用来表示一家人、夫妻两个人或同名同姓的若干人,在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式。另外,“the + 形容词”表示“一类人”,在句中用作主语时,谓语动词也应为复数形式。


① 当我到达的时候,格林一家正在看电视。

The Greens were watching TV when I arrived.

② 年轻人赞同这个计划,老年人反对这个计划。

The young are for the plan, but the old(are) against it.


① The Changs______here for years.

A. is living B. have lived

C. has lived D. lives(深圳市)

②______Blacks are going to the park this Sunday. Why don’t we go for______walk?

A. A; a B. An; × C. The; a D. ×; a(常德市)

③ ―Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Qingdao in 2008?

―I don’t think so. Now not only the young but also the old______learning to speak English.

A. is B. are C. were D. enjoys(青岛市)

Key: ① B② C③ B



① 五年不是一个长时间。

Five years isn’t a long time.

② 只要30镑是不贵的。

Only thirty pounds is not expensive.


① Three hours______quite a long time for the students to play computer games every day.

A. is B. were C. was D. are(兰州市)

② Two hundred miles______really a long distance for a girl to cover in three days.

A. are B. were C. takes D. is(黄冈市)

③ How time flies! Ten years______passed.

A. have B. has C. is D. are(天津市)

Key: ① A② D③ B

【考点聚焦】若作主语用的名词或代词后面跟由“with, together with, without, along with, except/but”等构成的短语,则谓语动词的形式应与该名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。


① 除了你的父母,当时没有其他的人在那儿。

Nobody but/except your parents was there then.

② 他和他的学生们下周要到泰山观光。

He with his teachers is going to visit Mount Tai next week.


① The children without parents______good care of by their teachers in this special school.

A. takes B. take

C. is taken D. are taken(吉林省)

② Tom with other boys______to go and______the game.

A. want; watch B. wants; watches

C. wants; watch D. want; to watch(兰州市)

③ Everyone except Tom and John______there when the meeting began.

A. is B. was

C. are D. were(宁夏回族自治区)

Key: ① D② C③ B

【考点聚焦】“one(each) of + 可数名词复数”意为“……中的(每)一个”,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式;由some, any, no, every等构成的不定代词作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。


① 他们中有一个人想帮助你。

One of them wants to help you.

② 听!有人在敲门。

Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.

③ 没有人知道他们昨天为啥打架。

Nobody knows what they fought about yesterday.


① One of us______a new bicycle.

A. have B. has

C. there is D. there are(贵阳市)

② We usually have six lessons a day, and each of them______45 minutes.

A. last B. lasts C. have D. need(济南市)

Key: ① B② B

【考点聚焦】“both/all of + 名词/代词”在句中作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式。 none可单独作主语,也可出现在“none of + 名词/代词”结构中,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数形式均可。注意:“neither of + 名词/代词”意为“两个中没有一个……”,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。


① 这两本新书都很有趣。

Both of the two new books are very interesting.

② 我们中没有人想去那儿。

None of us wants(want) to go there.


① ―All the family______skating except the twins.

―That’s true. Both of them______singing, but neither of them______good at it.

A. enjoy; prefer; are B. enjoys; prefer; is

C. enjoys; prefer; are D. enjoy; prefer; is(山西省)

② There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but______of them is useful to him.



【例1】The reading room _______ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there. (北京中考题)

A. am B. is C. are D. be


【例2】―Physics ________ more difficult than Chinese, do you think so?

― Yes, I think so.(四川德阳中考题)

A. is B. are C. has D. have

解析:句子主语physics虽然以s结尾,但它是不可数名词,表示单数意义,故可排除复数谓语B和D;又因为空格后的more difficult为形容词,故其前应用系动词be,而不是has,故答案选A。


根据英语语法,介词短语原则上不用作主语,所以当“主语+介词短语”处于主语位置时,其后的谓语动词只与其中的“主语”有关,而与其中的“介词短语”无关。如a teacher with his students作主语,谓语动词只与a teacher保持一致,而与his students无关。

【例1】Judy with her brother ________ computer games when her mother came back. (贵州黔西南中考题)

A. were playing B. are playing C. was playing D. is playing


【例2】Look, a woman with two children ________ along the street at the moment. (广西南宁中考题)

A. is walking B. are walking C. walk D. walks

解析:因句子真正的主语是a woman(为单数),谓语动词与其后的介词短语with two children无关,故可排除复数谓语B和C;再根据句中的look和at the moment可知,句子应用现在进行时,即答案选A。


当一个短语是表示“整体中的部分”时,若用作主语,其后的谓语只与其中的“部分”保持一致,而与其中的“整体”无关,如one of the boys作主语,谓语动词与one有关,而与the boys无关。

【例1】One of my friends ________ moved to America. I miss her so much. (浙江衢州中考题)

A. has B. have C. is D. are

解析:处于主语位置的one of my friends属于表示“整体中的部分”类短语,其后谓语动词只与表示“部分”的one保持一致,而与表示“整体”的my friends无关,故可排除复数形式的B和D;再根据句意,应该是指“已经去了美国”,而不是“被移到了美国”,故用现在完成时,即答案选A。

【例2】Each of the club members ________ ready to help those who were in trouble. (江苏南通中考题)

A. is B. are C. was D. were

解析:句子谓语与each保持一致,而与the club members无关,故可排除复数形式的B和D;再根据其后定语从句的时态可知,句子谈论的是过去情况,即答案选C。



【例题】Between the two hills ________ a deep river. (山东烟台中考题)

A. are B. have C. has D. is

解析:根据英语语法,介词短语不用作句子主语,所以当介词短语位于主语位置时,应考虑其是否是倒装句。本题即属倒装句,真正的主语是a deep river,故答案选D。



1. 当and和both...and...连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词通常要用复数。

2. 当either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词通常要与其最靠近的那个主语保持一致。

【例1】― Both Li Lei and Han Meimei ________ fond of the TV program “A Bite of China”.

― I am also deeply moved by its stories! (广东广州中考题)

A. is B. am C. was D. are


【例2】This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I ________ good at drawing.(黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考题)

A. is B. am C. are D. were

解析:当not only...but also...连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语动词要与其最靠近的那个主语保持一致,故答案选B。

【例3】Neither my father nor my mother ________ rock music. They think that it’s too ________. (贵州铜仁中考题)

A. like; noise B. likes; noise

C. like; noisy D. likes; noisy


六、考查a (the) number of作主语时的主谓一致

a number of...的意思是“许多”,若用作主语,其后的谓语动词要用复数;the number of...的意思是“……的数量”,若用作主语,其后的谓语动词要用单数。

【例1】In our hospital, the number of women doctors ________ larger and larger. (青海西宁中考题)

A. is B. are C. be D. been

解析:the number of 意为“……的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,故选A。

【例2】The number of teachers in our school ________ greatly increased last term. A number of teachers in this school ________ from the countryside. (广东河源中考题)

A. was; is B. was; are C. were; are D. were; is

解析:the number of...作主语时,其后的谓语动词要用单数,故第一空填was;a number of...用作主语时,其后的谓语动词要用复数,故第二空填are,即答案为B。

七、考查there be句式中的主谓一致

在there be句式中,动词be不仅有时态上的变化,而且有单复数的变化:确定其时态的方法是看句子意思和句中的时间状语或其他相关时态;确定其单复数的方法是看与动词be最靠近的名词是单数还是复数。

【例1】Look, there ________ many students on the playground at the moment. (浙江衢州中考题)

A. is B. are C. was D. were

解析:there be句式中的be与其后的所接名词(其实是用作主语)保持一致,故可排除A和C;再根据句中的look和at the moment可知,句子应用一般现在时,即答案选B。

【例2】―Why are you late, Jim?

―Because there ________ a lot of traffic when I came here. (江苏泰州中考题)

A. is B. are C. was D. were

解析:因traffic(交通)为不可数名词,故此处的there be句式中的be用单数;再根据when I came here中的一般过去时可知,句子说的是过去的情况,故选C。


当一段时间(如ten years)和一笔钱(如100 dollars)用作主语时,若是将其视为一个整体,其后的谓语动词应用单数。

【例1】― How soon can you finish this job?

― Two days ________ enough for me to finish the work. I need a week. (四川自贡中考题)

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. is D. are

解析:虽然句子主语two days为复数形式,但从句意来看,它在此是被作为一个整体看待的,故谓语动词应用单数,即可排除B和D;再根据句中的I need a week(我需要一周)可知,“两天”肯定是不够,故答案选A。

【例2】―How much is the pair of shoes?

―Twenty dollars ________ enough.(四川广安中考题)

A. is B. are C. am D. have

解析:根据句意,twenty dollars在此被看成一个整体,表示单数概念,故用is,即答案为A。



【例】Climbing hills _______ of great help to our health. (湖北十堰中考题)

A. was B. were C. is D. are

解析:句子主语climbing hills为动名词短语,故谓语动词要用单数形式,即答案为C。注意不要受climbing的宾语hills的影响而误用复数谓语。


【例1】―Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.

―Sure. Many trees ________ every year. (四川广安中考题)

A. plant B. is planted C. are planted D. have planted

解析:由于trees与plant之间为被动关系,故句子应用被动语态,可排除A和D;又因为many trees为复数,故选C。

【例2】―I can’t find Ted for three days. Where is he?

―He ________ Beijing for a meeting. (广西玉林中考题)



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1. 有些集体名词(总称意义的),谓语动词用单数。

furniture, clothing, jewellery, luggage, machinery, pottery

eg: Much of the jewellery was missing.

2. 名词所有格后的名词常被省,指工厂、人家、店铺等,谓语动词用单数。

eg: The barber’s/My uncle’s is on the other side of the street.

3. to do, doing作主语,谓语动词用单数。

eg: To help you is my pleasure.

4.合成代词some/any/no/every+thing/body/one作主语及each, every one, no one, either, neither, another, the other作主及either/neither/each/every/many a/more than one+名作主,谓语动词用单数。(none 单复数均可)

eg: More than one student has seen the film.

eg: Many a ship has been damaged in the storm.

5. 由连接的两个单数名词作主语,若名词前有each, every, no, many a 修饰,谓语动词用单数。

eg: No teacher and no student is here.

6. 表时间、距离、金钱、重量、度量衡等的数词作主语,谓语动词用单数。

eg: Five minutes is enough.

eg: Ten dollars is too dear.

但如强调数量,谓语动词用复。eg: One hundred cents are a dollar.


1. people, police, cattle, folk, youth等作主语,谓语动词用复数。

eg: The police were searching for him.

2. trousers, glasses, shoes, clothes, shorts, scissors, jeans, compasses, chopsticks谓语动词用复数(但若前有单位词,由单位词定)

eg: These trousers are made in China.

eg: This pair of trousers is made in China.


1. 集体名词作为一个整体看待,谓语用单;作为成员,谓语用复。常见的集体名词有:enemy, family, public, class, team, school, club, army, government, group, audience, company, committee, crowd, crew, couple, jury, party, population, union

eg: Our class is a united one, and our class are football lovers.

eg: The population of China is large and 80 of the population of China are farmers.

2. 单复数同形的名词作主,谓语动词根据意义而定,常见的名词有:deer, fish, sheep, means, species, series, works, crossroads, fishes

eg: The species of fish are numerous.

eg: This species of rose is strange.

3. 复数名词用作专有名词、书名、剧名、报刊名、国家名等作主,谓语动词用单数;但山脉、群岛、瀑布、海峡的名词,谓语用复数。

eg: The New York Times sells well.

eg: The United States was founded in 1776.

eg: The Philipines lie to the southeast of China.

4. 以S结尾的表学科的单数名词,谓语用单;若学科名词前有the/one’s,表某人在某学科能力成绩方面存在问题,谓语用单数。

eg: Physics is a different subject.

eg: His physics are weak.

5. the+adj 表一类人,谓语用复;表一类物,谓语用单。

eg: The old are well looked after.

eg: The new will replace the old.

eg: The young standing at the door is my brother.

6. 分数、百分数及the rest, some, most, half, any, part, all, the remainder, plenty of, enough+of+名语作主,谓语根据名语数而定。

eg: A part of the land is devoted to agriculture.

eg: A part of the fields are watered.

eg: All were silent. 大家都一言不发。

eg: All was silent. 万籁俱寂。

7. 主语后有with, along with, together with, as well as, but, except, besides, like, rather than, including, combined with, accompanied by, in addition to, no less than等词时,谓语与主语一致。

eg: The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible.

eg: He no less than you is wrong.

8. and 连接两个名词表同一个人或物,谓语用单;指不同人或物,谓语用复。

eg: The writer and poet has been there.

eg: The writer and the poet have been there.

eg: Truth and honesty is the best policy.

eg: War and peace is a constant theme in history.

9. what 引导主语从句,谓语常用单数;但若从句的宾语或表语是复数,谓语用复数。

eg: What you said is right.

eg: What we need is a good book./ What we need are good books.

10. 由kind, form, type, sort, species, series, quantity of +名词作主,谓语动词取决于这些词的单复数。

eg: This kind of men is honest. / All kinds of books are good.

eg: Men of this kind are honest.

11. 定语从句的先行词前有one of 时,定语从句中谓语动词看先行词;若有the only修饰,从句谓动词用单数。

eg: He is one of the students who study hard.

eg: He is the only one of the students who studies hard.

12. such, the same, the former, the latter, the following 等视其指代内容而定。

eg: Such is our plan.

eg: Such are his books.

eg: Of pigs and cows, the former are less valuable.


1. or, either...or , neither...nor, not only...but also, not...but连接两个名词或代词作主语,谓语就近一致。

2. There, Here 引导的句子。

eg: There are two books.

eg: Here comes the bus.

eg: There is a book and two knives on the desk.

注意: One and a half+名词复数,谓单

More than one+名词单数,谓单

Many a+名词单数,谓单

One or two+名词复数,谓复


Shaking one’s head usually means disagreement. 摇头一般表示不赞同。

To become a scientist is her dream.当科学家是她的梦想。

What they need is money. 他们需要的是钱。



Gold,as well as silver,has recently risen in price. 金和银的价格最近都上涨了。

Vegetables,as well as gold,have recently risen in price.蔬菜和金子的价格最近都上涨了。

【考点归纳】名词作主语,后接including,as well as,together with,in addition to,except, accompanied by等短语时,谓语动词应视这个名词的单复数而定。若主语是单数名词,谓语动词用单数;若主语是复数名词,谓语动词用复数。


The United Nations,formed in 1945,plays a very important role in the international affairs.联合国成立于1945年,在国际事务中起着非常重要的作用。

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway is a very well-known novel.海明威的《老人与海》是一部非常出名的小说。



Anybody who wants to come in can buy a car from me.任何一个人,只要想来,就可以从我这里买一辆车。

Few of my classmates have passed the physics exam.我的同学几乎没有人通过物理考试。




Ten years has passed since he graduated from the Peking University.自从他北大毕业后,10年已经过去了。

Two hundred kilometers is too far to travel on foot. 200千米太远了,不适合徒步旅行。



All the means have been tried,but none has worked.所有的方法都试过了,但是没有一种方法起作用。

The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。



The beautiful lasts forever.美的事物是永恒的。

The old are more likely to catch cold than the young. 老年人比年轻人更容易患感冒。


8. and 连接的两个名词作主语

Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast.我最喜欢早餐吃涂了黄油的面包。

Every boy and every girl likes playing games at the weekend.每个男孩和女孩在周末都喜欢玩游戏。




The police have asked that anyone who saw the accident should get in touch with them.警察已经要求事故目击者要与他们联系。

The family is the basic unit of the society.家庭是社会的基本单位。

The family are having a holiday in England.这家人正在英国度假。

【考点归纳】集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数常取决于主语的意义。若主语表示整体时,谓语动词用单数;若主语强调集体中的个体时,谓语动词用复数。这类集体名词常见的有people,police,army,audience,cattle,class,club,committee,crowd,family,government, team等。其中people,cattle,police作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。


A large quantity of magazines are published every year. 每年有大量的杂志出版发行。

A number of students in the class have been accepted to several famous universities.这个班有许多学生被几所著名的大学录取了。

The number of errors is surprising.错误的数量让人吃惊。

【考点归纳】一些表示数量的短语,如 a lot of,most of,half of,part of,the rest of等,与名词连用作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词的单复数。若名词是复数,谓语动词用复数;若名词是单数,谓语动词用单数。


Neither Tom nor I am fond of reading novels.汤姆和我都不喜欢读小说。

Neither her brothers nor Mary is interested in basketball games. 玛丽和她的兄弟都对篮球比赛不感兴趣。

【考点归纳】当or, either... or,neither... nor,not only ... but also连接两个名词作主语时,根据就近原则,谓语动词的单复数取决于与它相邻的主语的单复数。

12. “more+复数名词+ than one”(more than one + 单数名词)和“many a +单数名词”作主语


More students than one have passed the driving license test.

More than one student has passed the driving license test.

【考点归纳】“more than one + 单数名词”和“many a +单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。但是,“more + 复数名词+ than one”作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。

13.“one of + 复数名词”结构作主语

He is one of the best students that have passed the difficult physics exam.他是通过了那次非常难的物理考试的最好的学生之一。



强调句的结构是“It is/was ... that/who ...”,that/who前面的系动词be的时态通常用一般现在时,只有当其后面的句子为过去时,才用一般过去时。判断句子是否为强调句的一般方法是将It is/was和that/who同时去掉,看剩下的部分是否可以构成一个完整的句子且句意成立。若可以且句意成立,则是强调句;反之则不是强调句。需要提醒大家的是,若“It is/was ... that/who ...”句式出现在情景交际中,则不能只靠这种方法去判断,还要结合语境。例如:

―Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree? (2011年重庆卷)

―Of course, I have. It was in our village it was made.

A. that B. where C. when D. which

【解析】本题答案为A,考点为强调句。首先,将空格所在句子中句首的It was去掉,剩余部分仍是一个完整的句子且句意成立,故为强调句,被强调的部分是地点状语in our village。整个题干句意为:“――你看过《山楂树之恋》这部电影吗?――当然看过,这部电影就是在我们村拍摄的。”若不考虑前面的问句,B项也可以选,where引导定语从句。此时,虽然语法成立,但句意不成立,不符合整个语境。因此千万不能忽略题干给出的信息,否则就会判断错误。



1. John opened the door. There ________ he had never seen before. (2010年陕西卷)

A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl


2. At no time ________ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. (2013年辽宁卷)

A. they actually broke

B. do they actually break

C. did they actually break

D. they had actually broken

【解析】本题答案为C,考查部分倒装句式。当否定词或否定短语置于句首,句子要部分倒装。此处放在句首的是否定短语at no time (在任何时候都不,决不),句子要部分倒装,即将助动词放在主语之前,因此可以排除A和D项。再根据题干时态标志词was可以判断空白处说的是过去的情况,故选C。题干句意为:“他们实际上根本没有违反游戏规则,惩罚他们是不公平的。”


为了避免重复,使语言简练紧凑,在不损害句子结构或不引起误解的情况下,往往可省去一个或多个句子成分或词语,构成省略句。省略的基本规则是省去相同的部分,如名词、冠词,甚至是从句中与前面或后面的成分相同的词语。这类题的难点主要在以下四个方面:①不定式的省略;②定语从句中关系代词的省略;③宾语从句省略后要用so代替;④ as引导的让步状语从句中的省略。考生在备考时,要加强语感的培养和对习惯表达的记忆;在解题时,除了要分析语境,从上下文中找出相关的省略成分外,还要对省略的考查热点有所了解,从而做到有的放矢,准确找出解题突破口。例如:

1. Though ______ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. (2010年全国卷II)

A. surprise B. was surprised

C. surprised D. being surprised

【解析】本题答案为C,考查省略结构和非谓语动词的综合运用。题干句意为:“虽然看到我们很惊讶,教授还是热情地欢迎我们。”根据题干句意可知,逗号后的部分是句子主干且结构完整,连词though在此引导状语从句,但从句中省略了主谓结构,补充完整应为:Though the professor was surprised to see us. 不难发现,补充完整后的从句和主句主语一致,因此从句中的主语和系动词在此完全可以省略,故正确答案为C。D项的being done结构一般译为“正在被做……”,显然不符合语境。

2. ―What's the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.

―________. It must be the window-cleaner working next door. (2010年陕西卷)

A. I'm not sure B. I hope not

C. I'd rather not D. I don't think so

【解析】本题答案为D,考查宾语从句的省略。题干句意为:“――这是什么声音?听起来好像是从楼上传来的。――我不这么认为。那一定是清洁工在隔壁擦玻璃的声音。”根据题意可知,空格处的答语省略了宾语从句,补充完整应为:I don't think the noise comes from upstairs. 其中的the noise comes from upstairs是宾语从句,可以用so来代替,故正确答案为D,意为“我不这么认为”。




②祈使句+ and/or + sb. will do:祈使句是分句的条件,分句多用一般将来时。



1. If you have a job, ________ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed. (2010年四川卷)

A. do devote B. don't devote

C. devoting D. not devoting

【解析】本题答案为A,考查祈使句的用法。根据固定句型结构“祈使句+ and/or + sb. will do”可知,空格处应使用动词原形,故可排除C、D两项。根据上下文可知,此处是在加强语气,故在动词原形前加助动词do,因此正确答案为A。题干句意为:“如果你有一份工作,一定要全身心投入这份工作,最终你会成功。”

2. Before you quit your job, ________ how your family would feel about your decision. (2012年重庆卷)

A. consider B. considering

C. to consider D. considered

【解析】本题答案为A,考查祈使句的用法。分析句子结构可知,before you quit your job是时间状语从句,那么后面的________ how your family would feel about your decision一定是句子的主句。在所给的选项当中,B、C、D三个选项都无法和how引导的从句构成句子,只有A项可以和how引导的从句构成祈使句,故正确答案为A。题干句意为:“在你辞职之前,想想你的家人对你的决定会有什么感受。”



1. I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ______? (2011年重庆卷)

A. could he B. didn't I

C. didn't you D. could they

【解析】本题答案为B,考查反意疑问句。本题陈述部分为肯定,根据口诀“前后肯否恰相反”可知,附加部分应为否定形式,故可排除A、D两项。反意疑问句的基本原则就是与主句的主谓保持一致。本句的主句是“I told them ...”,后面的反意疑问部分要与主句的主谓保持一致,故正确答案为B。本题中含有一个宾语从句,可能会导致一些同学误选C,因此掌握上述口诀和原则很重要。题干句意为:“我告诉他们,并非每个人都可以跑得和你一样快,不是吗?”

2. There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _______? (2012年江苏卷)

A. is there B. isn't there

C. is he D. isn't he

【解析】本题答案为A,考查反意疑问句。根据前面there be句中含有否定意义的词little可知,后面的反意疑问部分要用肯定形式,故排除B、D两项。同时,其主谓应与陈述部分的主谓保持一致,故选A。题干句意为:“毫无疑问,在你心中他是无辜的,是吗?”



_______ a strange plant! I've never seen it before. (2011年辽宁卷)

A. Which B. What

C. How D. Whether

【解析】本题答案为B,考查感叹句。英语感叹句的结构有三种:① What (+ a/an) + adj. + n. +主语+谓语! ② How + adj./adv. +主语+谓语! ③ How +句子! 根据题干和选项可以判断空格所在的句子是一个感叹句,是“What + a/an + adj. + n. (+ it is/was)”的省略结构,故选B。题干句意为:“多么奇怪的一种植物啊!我以前从来没见过它。”



1. Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who ________ evening dress. (2010年全国卷II)

A. wear B. wears

C. has worn D. have worn

【解析】本题答案为B,考查定语从句的主谓一致。首先,根据语境可知,题干陈述的是Barbara的日常情况,可以确定时态用一般现在时,故排除C、D两项。然后根据定语从句主谓一致规则可知,当先行词是“one of +复数名词”时,定语从句的谓语动词要用第三人称复数形式;当先行词是“the only one of +复数名词”时,定语从句的谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故正确答案为B,who实际上指的是Barbara一人。题干句意为:“芭芭拉是那些女士中唯一一个常穿晚礼服的人,所以她很容易被认出来。”

2. Generally, students' inner motivation with high expectations from others _______ essential to their development. (2013年江苏卷)

A. is B. are C. was D. were

【解析】本题答案为A,考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,句子主语为students' inner motivation with high expectations from others,中心词为inner motivation,其谓语显然要用单数,可排除B、D两项。再根据generally (一般来说)可知,题干陈述的是通常情况,所以用一般现在时。故正确答案为A。题干句意为:“一般来说,别人对其期望很高的学生的内在动力对其自身的发展至关重要。”







1. Today, it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.

is应改为was,使之与时间状语in the past一致。

2. had always wanted to return to the village after moving away. And it is really great to see most of my old friends again.


3. They offered me coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing together.


4. Hello, I learn about you from my English teacher, Miss Fang

Learn(得知)在这里不是表示一个经常发生的动作,应改为过去时learned。(本来此处还可改为have learned,由于“短文改错”题要求,每行只允许改一个错误,故have learned不能接受。)

5. My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team.


6. Last Sunday, police cars hurry to the taller building in New York…

hurry应改为hurried,才可与时间状语last Sunday一致。



1. Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them.


2. The new boy or girl in school quickly become one of the class…


3. Playing football not only…but also give us a sense offair play and team spirit.

此句的主语是playing football,视为第三人称单数,其谓语give应改为gives。

4. There are branch library in many villages.

句中主语library应改为复数形式libraries,因为前面是there are,主谓应一致。主谓语一致的情况较为复杂,考生平时学习要留心归纳。有些特殊句式的主谓一致问题很容易被忽视,如倒装句、关系代词在定语从句中作主语的情况等,答题时要高度重视。



1. We climb everywhere, not only in America. They have been to Europe…


2. The game speaks for themselves.

句中的反身代词themselves 应改为单数itself,因为指代的是单数主语the game。

3.And I can’t forget the food you cooked for I.


4. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.

句子的主语the Smiths表示的是复数概念“史密斯一家人”,故其指代词应该用第三人称复数their而不是his。

5. I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China.


6. The sport teaches us the importance of obedience. Each player must obey the captain, who is the leader of the team. And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.




由and,or,but,either…or…,neither…nor…,not only …but also…,as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。平行结构在词性、时态、非谓语动词的形式上往往要求前后一致。答题时要留心平行结构前后是否对等平行,这也是常设的错误。例如:

1.Modern people know…,have better food,and to live in cleaner surroundings.

应将 to live前的to删掉,因为and连接的是know,have,live三个并列平行的谓语动词,其时态和形式必须一致。

2.He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather than go into the forest and get ting lost.

go…and getting显然不平行,应将getting改为get。

It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.

句中的drove显然与and前面的to meet不平行,应改为drive。



1.…They have been to Europe many time.


2. (They) … asked me lots of question.

question是可数名词,其修饰词是lots of,当然应该用复数questions。

3. We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese …

quite a few 只能修饰复数名 词,故subject 应改为subjects。

4. (We)… often watch football match on TV together.

根据上下文和该句中的often来判断,句中的match 应该是matches。


查这方面的错误应从文章整体内容出发,通篇考虑,以行为单位是难以发现这种错误的。逻辑不一致主要是由肯定与否定、关联词语以及动词(如come与 go,take与bring)的误用所造成的,应多从这方面去查找。例如:

1.Most people can quickly get help from a doctor or go to a hospital since they are ill.


2.We tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do.
