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Born to Perform

Born in New York City and raised in New Jersey, Anne Hathaway was in many ways a normal kid with an extraordinary talent. She was a theater geek from day one8). Early on she signed up for classes at her hometown Paper Mill Playhouse9). In 2011, Theater School Director Mickey McNany told , "I noticed right from the beginning that she had a very easy and natural confidence that really made her stand out ... Even at such a young age she showed tremendous focus and a love of performing that would inspire everyone else in the cast." Her turn10) in her high school's 1998 staging of Once Upon a Mattress earned her the Paper Mill's Rising Star Award, an honor bestowed on New Jersey's finest young performers. Her talent quickly took her from New Jersey community theater to television where in 1999 she got a part in the series Get Real. When her TV gig11) ended early, Hathaway was pushed into film, and into audition with comedy star-maker Garry Marshall.

A "Princess" Is Crowned

The story goes that Garry Marshall decided to cast the unknown Anne Hathaway as the star of The Princess Diaries when she fell off her chair during the audition. While Hathaway later upended12) the veracity13) of that anecdote, the tale's image of beauty and klutziness14) sums up perfectly the personality that made The Princess Diaries a worldwide sensation––and put Hathaway at the top of every casting director's list. Indeed it was Hathaway's talent for transformation that caught critics' attention. Hathaway is, as the San Francisco Chronicle's Mick LaSalle explains, "a chameleon15), who, from the most unpromising of beginnings, blossoms before our eyes into near-Audrey Hepburn16)-level loveliness." Despite this talent, it was for her family-friendly17) princess quality that filmmakers kept coming back to her in films like Nicholas Nickleby, Ella Enchanted, Hoodwinked!, and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. By the time the Princess sequel rolled around18), the then 22-year-old actress was ready to grow up. Director Garry Marshall later joked that at the junket19) Hathaway "was talking Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, and Disney was getting nervous, and I said, 'Annie, why don't you talk about your hair a little; we'll talk Nietzsche later.' But that's why I love Annie! When you look in her eyes, somebody's always home, which is rare".

1. engrossed [?n?ɡr??st] adj. 全神贯注的

2. take [te?k] n. (电影或电视)拍摄的镜头

3. Elizabeth Taylor: 伊丽莎白·泰勒(1932~2011),美国最伟大的女演员之一,以其精湛的演技、美丽的容貌和紫色的眼睛闻名于世,曾多次荣获奥斯卡金像奖等诸多大奖,被美国电影学会授予终身成就奖,并被誉为美国最伟大的银幕传奇人物之一。

4. Judy Garland: 朱迪·加兰(1922~1969),美国女演员及歌唱家,以扮演音乐剧中的角色和在音乐舞台上的表演而成为国际明星,被美国电影学会评为百年来最伟大的女演员之一。

5. impressionable [?m?pre??n?bl] adj. 易受影响的,敏感的

6. roguish [?r??ɡ??] adj. 无赖的,流氓的,恶棍的

7. sage [se?d?] adj. 贤明的,睿智的

8. from day one: 起初,最初

9. Paper Mill Playhouse: 造纸厂剧院,美国百老汇剧院之一,被官方指定为新泽西州的州剧院,主要演出大型表演剧。

10. turn [t??n] n. 一场演出(或节目)

11. gig [ɡ?ɡ] n. 任务,工作;职业

For Anne Hathaway, the star of Lone Scherfig's romance One Day, the project was love at first word. She told The Guardian about reading the script: "It was one of those magical experiences where I sat at my kitchen table, looked up hours later and dinner had been eaten around me. I was so engrossed1). It was absurd to think that this beloved British character would be played by an American, but I told my agent I have to play Emma Morley." And Lone Scherfig was thrilled with Hathaway's take2) on Emma: "Anne is a very warm actress. She has the warmth of Elizabeth Taylor3) or Judy Garland4) ... I love Emma as she is in the book, obviously, but I also love Anne Hathaway's version of her." In One Day, the young, impressionable5) Emma Morley meets the roguish6) Dexter on the day they graduate from college. The book and movie then chronicles their complex history together by checking in on them one day each year. And year after year, Emma slowly blossoms into a smart, beautiful, and sage7) woman; it's a transformation that Hathaway's characters make often.

Born to Perform

Born in New York City and raised in New Jersey, Anne Hathaway was in many ways a normal kid with an extraordinary talent. She was a theater geek from day one8). Early on she signed up for classes at her hometown Paper Mill Playhouse9). In 2011, Theater School Director Mickey McNany told , "I noticed right from the beginning that she had a very easy and natural confidence that really made her stand out ... Even at such a young age she showed tremendous focus and a love of performing that would inspire everyone else in the cast." Her turn10) in her high school's 1998 staging of Once Upon a Mattress earned her the Paper Mill's Rising Star Award, an honor bestowed on New Jersey's finest young performers. Her talent quickly took her from New Jersey community theater to television where in 1999 she got a part in the series Get Real. When her TV gig11) ended early, Hathaway was pushed into film, and into audition with comedy star-maker Garry Marshall.

A "Princess" Is Crowned

The story goes that Garry Marshall decided to cast the unknown Anne Hathaway as the star of The Princess Diaries when she fell off her chair during the audition. While Hathaway later upended12) the veracity13) of that anecdote, the tale's image of beauty and klutziness14) sums up perfectly the personality that made The Princess Diaries a worldwide sensation––and put Hathaway at the top of every casting director's list. Indeed it was Hathaway's talent for transformation that caught critics' attention. Hathaway is, as the San Francisco Chronicle's Mick LaSalle explains, "a chameleon15), who, from the most unpromising of beginnings, blossoms before our eyes into near-Audrey Hepburn16)-level loveliness." Despite this talent, it was for her family-friendly17) princess quality that filmmakers kept coming back to her in films like Nicholas Nickleby, Ella Enchanted, Hoodwinked!, and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. By the time the Princess sequel rolled around18), the then 22-year-old actress was ready to grow up. Director Garry Marshall later joked that at the junket19) Hathaway "was talking Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, and Disney was getting nervous, and I said, 'Annie, why don't you talk about your hair a little; we'll talk Nietzsche later.' But that's why I love Annie! When you look in her eyes, somebody's always home, which is rare".

From Princess to Movie Star

After winning America's heart, Hathaway started taking on roles that proved she could evoke a range of other emotions. In 2005's Brokeback Mountain she played Lureen Newsome, a rodeo20) princess who eventually realizes she'll never fully capture the heart of her prince. It was the part that broke her tiara21) but raised her horizons. She later told NPR, "I am an actor who believes film is the director's medium. And I got along so well with Ang Lee22) because I showed up and said, 'What color do you need me to be today in your painting?' I was so happy to serve him and his story and his vision." In 2006 The Devil Wears Prada, Hathaway played the unlikely assistant to a ruthless23) fashion editor (played by Meryl Streep24)). In a way, real life imitated art during the production as Hathaway let herself be guided by her larger-than-life25) costar. "Working with her, like working with Ang Lee," Hathaway explained, "I realized that if I was going to be able to play on that level I was going to have to let go of all of my insecurity and all of my ego about what I could deliver and feel like I was in new uncharted26) territory. All of my old rules didn't apply because I was working with someone that was better than everyone else I'd ever worked with––not to be dismissive27) of them, but I think Ang and Meryl are pretty special." Her schooling paid off28), as Hathaway expanded her range from romantic artist as the young Austen in Becoming Jane, to slapstick29) spy as the elegantly funny Agent 99 in Get Smart. While many still viewed her as a Disney princess, Hathaway defied30) expectations, using those assumptions for her own ends31). In his review of Rachel Getting Married, Entertainment Weekly's Owen Gleiberman's points out, "The last actress you'd expect to see cast as a self-loathing32), frayed33)-nerves drug casualty34) is a red-carpet blossom like Hathaway." And as such her performance as Gleiberman continues is "a revelation: she makes toxic35) narcissism36) mesmerizing37)". Others agreed, as Hathaway was nominated for a Golden Globe, Spirit and Academy Award for her performance.

An Artist and an Activist

In recent years, Hathaway has breathed life into38) roles that ranged from the dramatic (as a lover in Love and Other Drugs) to fantasy (as the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland) to the animated (as a bird in Rio). But she's also fully embodied the role of being Anne Hathaway, a young star with integrity, humor, and humanity. She defined that by co-hosting the 83rd Academy Awards, winning the 2010 Hasty Pudding39) Woman of the Year, and co-hosting with Denzel Washington40) the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Concert. Indeed as busy as her professional career was, she still found time for advocacy and charity. She's lent her name to41) charity groups helping children. She's also targeted particular issues, like female empowerment42) with Step Up43) and GLBTQ44) rights with The Human Rights Campaign Fund45).

12. upend [?p?end] vt.

13. veracity [v??r?s?ti] n. 真实性

14. klutziness [?kl?tsn?s] n. 粗笨,笨手笨脚

15. chameleon [k??mili?n] n. 变色龙;易变的人

16. Audrey Hepburn: 奥黛丽·赫本(1929~1993),英国著名女演员及慈善家,公认的电影界和时尚界偶像,是少有的几位同时荣获奥斯卡奖、艾美奖、格莱美奖和托尼奖四项大奖的人物之一,被誉为美国最伟大的银幕传奇人物之一。

17. family-friendly: (娱乐节目等)适合全家人观看的

18. roll around: 照例发生

19. junket [?d???k?t] n. 宴会

20. rodeo [?r??di??] n. (美国西部表演驯马等技巧的)牧马骑术表演

21. tiara [ti?ɑr?] n. 冕状头饰

22. Ang Lee: 李安(1954~),著名华人导演,曾执导《饮食男女》《理智与情感》《断背山》《少年派的奇幻漂流》等影片,2000年其作品《卧虎藏龙》荣获奥斯卡最佳外语片,2006年他凭借《断背山》获得奥斯卡最佳导演,成为唯一获此殊荣的亚裔导演。

23. ruthless [?ru?θl?s] adj. 无情的,冷酷的

24. Meryl Streep: 梅丽尔·斯特里普(1949~),美国著名女演员,被认为是有史以来最有天赋的演员之一,曾获得三次奥斯卡奖及17项奥斯卡提名,同时获得八次金球奖及27项金球奖提名,是这两种奖项中获得提名次数最多的演员之一,也是当之无愧的好莱坞影后。

25. larger-than-life: 传奇的,不同凡响的

26. uncharted [??n?t?ɑ?t?d] adj. 未知的;未经探测的

27. dismissive [d?s?m?s?v] adj. 轻蔑的,鄙视的

28. pay off: 得到好结果;取得成功

29. slapstick [?sl?pst?k] adj. 打闹剧的;充满胡闹的

30. defy [d??fa?] vt. (公然)违抗,反抗

31. use sb./sth. for one's own ends: 利用某人(或某事)实现自己的目的

32. self-loathing [?self?l?????] adj. 自我厌恶的

33. frayed [fre?d] adj. [与nerves或temper连用时表示]发怒的,烦躁的

34. casualty [?k??u?lti] n. 受害人

35. toxic [?t?ks?k] adj. 令人不快的

36. narcissism [?nɑ?s?s?z?m] n.【心】自恋

37. mesmerizing [?mezm?ra?z??] adj. 使人着迷的






据说,安妮·海瑟薇试镜时从自己的座椅上跌了下来,加里·马歇尔便决定让这个无名小辈来担任电影《公主日记》的主演。尽管海瑟薇后来证明这则传闻并不属实,但这则传闻中海瑟薇那美丽动人而又笨手笨脚的形象却完美地概括了那位令《公主日记》轰动全球的“公主”的特点,海瑟薇也因此成了所有选角导演的首选。而真正引起影评人关注的是海瑟薇擅长转型的天赋。正如《旧金山纪事报》的米克·拉萨尔所言,海瑟薇“就像一只变色龙,她在我们眼前从刚开始的前途无望蜕变得近乎和奥黛丽·赫本一样优雅可爱”。尽管海瑟薇拥有这样的天赋,但她却是因其老少咸宜的公主气质才获得不少导演的再三青睐,得以出演《少爷返乡》《魔法灰姑娘》《小红帽》和《公主日记2:皇室婚约》等电影。到《公主日记》续集放映时,时年22岁的海瑟薇已开始走向成熟。导演加里·马歇尔后来开玩笑说,海瑟薇在一次宴会上 “大谈尼采和叔本华,弄得迪斯尼片方人员很紧张,于是我就说,‘安妮,干吗不先聊聊你的头发,待会儿我们再来谈尼采’。但这正是我喜欢安妮的原因!看着她的眼睛,你总觉得轻松自在,这很少见”。


赢得美国大众的喜爱后,海瑟薇开始接演各类角色,这些角色证明她有能力演绎很多其他的情感。在2005年的电影《断背山》中,海瑟薇出演了卢琳·纽瑟姆一角,这位女骑手“公主”最终发现她永远不可能完全得到自己“王子”的心。这个角色虽然颠覆了海瑟薇惯常的公主形象,但却开阔了她的眼界。她后来告诉美国国家公共电台说:“作为一个演员,我觉得电影就是导演的媒介。我和李安导演相处得非常好,因为我一到片场就问他,‘你希望我今天在你的画作里充当什么颜色?’我很高兴能跟他合作,为他的故事和想象力效劳。”在2006年的影片《穿普拉达的女王》(编注:又译《时尚女魔头》)中,海瑟薇扮演了一位前途渺茫的助理,给一名尖酸刻薄的时装杂志总编(梅丽尔·斯特里普饰)打下手。从某种程度上讲,在拍摄该片的过程中,现实生活和电影如出一辙,因为海瑟薇甘愿接受巨星搭档梅丽尔·斯特里普的指导。“跟她合作就像跟李安合作一样,”海瑟薇解释说,“我意识到,要想与巨星同台演出,我就必须放下我的所有不安以及所有关于我能演些什么的自我意识,设想自己是在全新的未知领域。我过去的那些规则统统失效,因为我的搭档是我合作过的所有演员中最棒的一位——我并没轻视其他人的意思,但我觉得李安和梅丽尔都很特别。”海瑟薇的学习求教有了回报,从《成为简·奥斯汀》里年轻的奥斯汀那样的浪漫艺术家,到《糊涂侦探》里风雅有趣的99号特工那样胡闹的间谍,她的戏路不断拓宽。虽然很多人依旧视海瑟薇为迪士尼影片中的公主,但她拒绝顺从人们的各种期望,并利用人们的这些臆想来实现自己的目标。《娱乐周刊》的欧文·格莱贝尔曼在评论《雷切尔的婚礼》时指出:“没有人会想到像海瑟薇这样的红地毯靓星会去扮演一个自我厌恶、性情暴躁、深受之害的人。” 格莱贝尔曼接着写道,海瑟薇的表演“让人大开眼界:她让病态的自恋都那么迷人”。其他影评人对此深表赞同,因为海瑟薇凭借在该片中的表演获得了三项大奖的提名:金球奖、独立精神奖和奥斯卡奖。



38. breathe life into: 给……带来新的思想(能量或生气)

39. Hasty Pudding: 速食布丁年度奖,由哈佛大学的速食布丁剧团设立,每年会颁发给“这一年来对电影事业有巨大贡献”的艺人,众多好莱坞演艺界名人都曾获过该奖。

40. Denzel Washington: 丹泽尔·华盛顿(1954~),美国著名黑人演员、导演和制片人,曾荣获两次奥斯卡奖、两次金球奖和一次托尼奖。

41. lend one's name to: 为……提供支持

42. empowerment [?m?pa??rm?nt] n. 授权,允许

43. Step Up: 向前一步,美国一家非营利性组织,致力于提高女性的发展潜能。