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Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! My name is Su Chang, I come from Zhenjiang Foreign Language School. I’m very glad to stand here and give you a speech.

Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. As you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

That’s all thank you!


Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?









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As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese…

I am flying today, speech is the ideal wing, as a middle school student, we are in love fantasy, love to dream, love highlight their personality, love and Zhang Yang us different, we were not mistaken, we now are not qualitatively period of development, there is no one standard for us to judge their own life and values. We always let adults know that we can do it yourself to live, you can solve their own problems, but we have some dependence. Love day dreaming, perhaps today we want to be a teacher, to educate our newcomers, and perhaps tomorrow we want to be a scientist to explore our humanity to the present do not know some of the mystery, or we have no way to explain Some phenomena … …

We are willing to bury the reality of the cruelty and injustice, we are our parents, our elders could not understand some of the practice of life, we do not understand why they like to do ah. It is our wish too much too young to bury social experience. Attitude of life when we are not deep.

Down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. To our actions to prove that we have!


Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today.

Mum, im sorry, but i need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year.

Mmum, it is my friends birthday tomorrow, i must buy her a present.



thanksgiving, although it is an act of the verb, but it is not the only action required and, more importantly, needs to be done in good faith. easy to say that thanksgiving is gratitude, heartfelt gratitude. you know that every year in november the fourth thursday, what holiday are you? the united states are of thanksgiving. at that time each year, americans should thank god. of our high school students, we would also like to thank "god", but given our lives this is the "god" - our parents.

i like most people, from small to large the most loved themselves, most worthy of the appreciation of their natural parents is that they both in material or spiritual growth i have played a crucial role, naturally, for their such as days of my high thinking deep sea conditions are taken for granted.

i have a first-hand experience with their parents that they do not talk back, making them less angry with their parents to talk about many hearts, with their "resource sharing", the parent every day, so my "thanksgiving plan" is: let them less angry and more happy, happy at all times. do not say, the results are really marvelous!

previously, the sum of my parents for some bring frivolous unhappy much, and i always strongly insist their position, they have a tense atmosphere will be like a boil water "boiling" up, eventually causing a break up in discord. later, after careful thought, i know that are wrong and should not be as to calm, patience and a lot of parents only. so parents do not want to see me unhappy they prepare to try to implement a set of "thanksgiving program", making their parents at any time to face all broad smiles on their faces, but also repay some of my feelings of parents.

say . one night, sitting in my chair on the idea of the topic, his hands up first. happened to see a mother, she has misunderstood me, saying that does not concentrate on my homework, the. although i feel wronged, but in order to avoid a " war" in order to allow mother not angry, in order to "thanksgiving plans," the success of my "bear", did not explain, and said: "in the future, no longer can." this also because i know that mother's personality: forever for their own opinion "defense." i did not expect that, at this moment, my mind has not the past "quarrel" at the time of the burden, but also very happy and feel the feelings of gratitude are revealing. i did not expect to make is this: not long after, but mother "from warrington" - mimi's a laugh.

how kind, the scheme you good results!

in short, let the parents are pleased the method is a kind of thanksgiving. "a good start is half the success," i believe after thanksgiving again or there will be "harvest" of.

thanksgiving is a way, thanksgiving is a realm. only institute of thanksgiving, to get other people's respect and love.



my attitude towards to marks 我的分数观

for our students, marks is above everything. teachers will judge us from our marks. with marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. with marks, we can be enrolled into senior middle schools. with marks we can be enrolled into college. with marks we can be enrolled into postgraduate and doctrine studies. still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad for further studies. our parents will be strict with us with the marks. our society judge us from marks. however, sometimes we students compare one another with marks directly. we are completely controlled by marks. we like them and we feel sorry for them. but what attitude towards our marks should we take?

truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. in terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. that is the reason why we say "everyone is equal before marks. "

however, i think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams. sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one or two in our exams comparing with others mean not everything. the success or failure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee's health etc. once in a while one cannot fail in exams. " success or failure is common sense for military. " i think everyone is familiar with the famous saying. don't you think such will be the case with our study? in exams, one cannot be " never-defeated general" . even though one will be very good in everyday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. we can get proof from the fact that the very best one we call "number one scholar" in the entrance exams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary school over the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in every study.

as a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. some time ago, a new phrase " high marks but poor competence" came into being. once i happened to meet such a teacher as this .it is said that the teacher just graduated from a far-famed key university. but his teaching result is much less than that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. when lecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was very dull so the his students' interest in learning was not aroused. his teaching was short of unity of teaching and learning. at present there is a fact that we know a few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. the reason for it may be lack of the ability to combine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. don't you think it waste training such persons for the country?

to sum up from the above, i can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. if we neglect training and developing the students' ability and competence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. we should take an objective attitude towards the marks. neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a god.






1. 从写演讲稿中提升学生的写作能力


优秀的演讲从优秀的演讲稿开始。教师一开始须对演讲内容做出具体要求。内容上可以选择开放型、半开放型,这样容易激发学生写作兴趣,便于学生打开话匣子。笔者采用的是半开放型,例如,最近给学生的写作主题是“My Ideal Job”,让学生围绕该主题写自己将来的理想职业,这样接近学生生活的话题学生会很乐意去写,也就有真情实感,最后才会写得好。



例如:某位学生在演讲稿中的第一段中写道:“I want to be a teacher, a doctor, and even a policewoman in the past. But I want to be a reporter now.”乍一看,没多大问题,只需将第二个单词“want”改为“wanted”即可。但要想学生达到演讲该有的气势,不妨在句子结构上下点功夫。笔者利用平行结构将其改为:“When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher because a teacher can spread knowledge; when I was young, I wanted to be a doctor because a doctor can cure illness and make people healthy; when I was young, I also wanted to be a policewoman because a policewoman can catch those who commit crimes. However, I want to be a reporter now because I can tell people the truth at once, interview many famous people and travel around the world at the same time.”这样一来,前几句做了充分的铺垫,增强了演讲的气势,极大地吊起听众的胃口,能让听众饶有兴趣地听下去。

2. 从做演讲中提高学生的口头表达能力




[关键词]命题演讲 大学英语课 实践能力

[中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2016)24-0196-02








摘要: 全国各大学越来越重视学生英语交际能力和实际运用能力的培养,各高校也通过组织学生参加全国性的英语演讲比赛,来展示学生的英语交际能力和实际运用能力。本文结合许多成功的演讲案例,总结出一套比较系统的英语演讲稿的撰写技巧。

关键词: 演讲稿 撰写 结构 语言 技巧


随着大学英语教学改革的深化,全国各大学越来越重视学生英语交际能力和实际运用能力的培养。各高校组织学生参加每年的全国英语演讲比赛是展示各高校学生英语交际能力和实际运用能力的良好机会。在国内,水准最高且最具影响力的权威英语演讲比赛有 “21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛和“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛。“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛由中国最大的英文报刊《中国日报》社于1996年创办,《21世纪报》社承办,面向全国大学生。“CCTV杯”英语演讲大赛自2002年外语教学与研究出版社与中国中央电视手打造以来,这项赛事已成为一场高质量、深影响、代表我国当代大学生最高英语水平、具有国际影响力的权威赛事。大赛以“推进大学英语教学改革、服务全民外语教育”为指导思想,旨在展现当代大学生的风采,激发全国英语学习者的兴趣,提高他们的英语水平,特别是英语口语技能和实际应用方面的能力。 “演讲稿、辩论词的写作是沉淀思想、锤炼语言的好机会”(梁励敏)。因此,撰写有效的英语演讲稿不仅是提高英语运用能力的好机会,而且是英语演讲成功的关键。


命题演讲(prepared speech)是演讲之前准备了演讲稿的演讲。演讲的成败在很大程度上取决于演讲稿的质量。判断一篇演讲稿的好坏主要取决于三大因素:演讲稿的内容(content)、结构(structure)及语言(language)(宿玉荣等,2006)。本文简要介绍了英语演讲稿的结构:开场白(introduction)、主体(body)和结论(conclusion)。


开场白要对演讲内容进行概述,阐明演讲的目的,以及此演讲为何与观众密切相关,以期引起听众兴趣。作为文章的开头,这部分内容应该饶有趣味或者鼓舞人心。总之,开始就应吸引听众。开场白中常用的四种技巧是:用具体的事件来叙述主题;列举令人信服的数据;使用与演讲内容相关、有趣味的引言,这些技巧可以有效地将听众吸引到演讲内容中去。鉴于其重要性,有必要在掌握所有要点和证据的基础上再写开场白,以便能以精彩有力的开头吸引听众。例如:第十一届全国英语演讲比赛的决赛选手姚莹在她的“Making My Voice Heard”的命题演讲的开场白与发表了“I Have a Dream”著名演讲的美国演讲家马丁・ 路德・金联系起来。





中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)06-0080








摘 要 参加英语演讲比赛对于提高大学生的演讲能力和英语综合应用能力至关重要。本文以河北省高校“世纪之星”英语演讲比赛暨“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛为例,分析在英语演讲比赛中获胜选手的必备素质,并提出了相应的培训策略。

关键词 英语演讲;必备素质;培训策略






