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  Sometimes responsibility is at the foot of a football being kicked back and forth, finally falling into the hands of the most helpless goalkeeper door.

  ——Essay question in mind https://www.zuowenku.net her, but in the end cold Douchu sentence: "is the Urban Construction Bureau requested the withdrawal of barrier, it is not Tourism Bureau of the negative responsibility, please return to bar!. "

  Bao Ma still have the slightest chance that she would like to Urban Construction Bureau will certainly give her an answer. Can be Who would have thought she had just finished putting the matter, that the so-called responsible person who threw one sentence: "Riverside Park developer barrier is removed, it was businessmen, not under our control, this has nothing to do with us." So Bao Ma to run for a few months, and I think football is the same as kicking people to come and go for several months.

  Bao Ma despair to the bottom and also at this time, that kind-hearted people died due to rescue the family of https://www.zuowenku.net Bao Ma said: "This really is my responsibility, should I lose." As a result, the East by the West Baoma Minato, combined with loans to good people eventually pay huge compensation for the families of models, and finally take on their own should or should not be can or can not take the responsibility.

  Baoma living in the throes of a son, to suppress the huge debt. Bao Ma crazy.

  Sometimes, it seems the responsibility a bomb filled with football, had been playing all kinds of tricks to do kicked back and forth and finally landed the weakest of the goalkeeper's arms, the goalkeeper was beaten black and blue bomb. https://www.zuowenku.net heavy narrative and rational analysis, the image of the metaphor, cool ending. The article thought-provoking, it is embarrassed.