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A Good Deed作文300字

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  It was a cool and windy day.I and my father went for a drive. we came to a deserted road.

  Suddenly, we saw a dog lying on the pavement. I and my father decided to go forward and have a look. We realised that the dog was injured and it looked as white as a sheet. With a heart of gold, we carried the poor dog into the car and drove it to the veterinarian.

  When we reached there, the veterinarian examined the dog carefully. The verterinarian told I and my father that the dog's legs were injured and it would only recover in about a week.

  After a week, the dog had fully recovered and was in the pink of health. I and my father were very happy. I asked my father if I could keep the dog as my pet. my father nodded his head and smiled. I jumped with joy and gave my father a big hug. From that day onwards, I and my new pet dog became the best of friends.