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Father's Day Cards Ban 禁止赠送父亲节卡片

Everyone wants to avoid discrimination in schools, but some people go too far. The principal of an elementary school in Scotland didn't want children without fathers to feel like they're different than their friends and banned the Father's Day Cards. It's unknown if those children feel better now, but this act is absurd (荒唐的) because of the fact that Mother's Day Cards were never banned.

Hugs Ban 禁止拥抱

A lot of schools across the United States and a lot of other countries have banned hugs because they are distractive. Why? There's not enough secularity (俗事), or what? If showing emotions is banned, maybe kids shouldn't smile at school, shouldn't cry to avoid punishment ...

Dancing Ban 禁止跳舞

Remember what had Ren McCormack suffered in Footloose (电影《浑身是劲》,1984年上映的一部充满青春活力的歌舞片) just to organize a simple dance? Well, it seems society changes very slowly. Even today dancing in schools is banned for being provocative (的). And we are not talking about striptease dance (脱衣舞); the Hokey-Pokey (霍吉-科基舞,伴着同名伦敦民歌的一种传统舞蹈) and the Chicken dance (鸡舞,派对中很受欢迎的一种舞蹈) are banned as well.

Blogging Ban 禁用博客

Students could easily become victims to sexual abusers, so they shouldn't have a blog. That's the explanation that Kieran McHugh from Catholic high school in Sparta, New Jersey, gave to his students. A lot of the kids were protesting, but the Principal thought he knew better. It is unknown if he is proud of the results of his measure.

Red Ink Ban 禁用红笔批改作业

Students are not the only victims of principals' weird decisions. Perhaps some kids had nightmares from seeing red ink on their papers too often. A school in United Kingdom banned the red ink, because it was too upsetting for children, and put in use only blue and black ink. When they become too upsetting, maybe we will see Fs on papers in green or orange ink.

The Dictionary Ban 禁用字典

Yes, you read that right. In some schools in United Kingdom the dictionary was banned because the kids were searching the meanings of "inappropriate" words. However, the anatomy (解剖学) book wasn't banned, although it consists of drawings of some "inappropriate" parts of the body. Maybe this book is the reason why children know "too much" at early age.

Darwin T-Shirt Ban 禁止穿有关达尔文学说图案的T恤

When Missouri's Smith Cotton High School band designed these "evolution of brass (铜管乐器)" T-shirts, they had no idea they would cause such a stir (轰动). Several parents demanded the shirts, which seem to support Darwinism (达尔文学说), be banned because of their religious beliefs. The school complied (顺从) and bought all the shirts from students for $700 to keep them out of school.

POGs Ban 禁止玩翁仔标纸牌

POGs (翁仔标,旧时供儿童玩乐用的纸牌) are one of the favorites for all kids who grew up in 1990s. Nevertheless, some people have found them to be too violent. Because of that, school principals from Washington and Arizona have banned POGs for causing stress to the young gentle mind.