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My Encounter withJuyan Tea

By Chen Shilian

I stayed in the Double Dragon, a scenic spot in Jinhua in central Zhejiang, for about a month in the summer of 1997. More often than not, I was able to sit on a stone bench looking out at the ancient woods and listening to a bubbling stream. I enjoyed my leisure with a cup of tea offered by the staff of the scenic spot committee. The tea was quite different from anything I had tasted. It looked poetic and smelled refreshing. I wondered what tea it was, thinking it might a famous tea unknown to me. To my disappointment, it was a local produce from a farm nearby. I sighed over the destiny of the unknown but good tea.

Just the other day I found I had misunderstood the tea more than ten years before. What corrected my wrong impression was a book from my friend Mao Yingmin. Entitled “A Folk History of 1,000 Years of Juyan Tea”, the book explains the origin and fame of the tea produced in the neighborhood of the Double Dragon scenic spot. By the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Juyan Tea had already become a tribute to the royal house. A scholar named Mao Wenxi of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms includes Juyan Tea in his “Records of Tea”. It is also described as a prominent tea brand in other important books in the Song and the Ming dynasties.

The book includes many fairy tales and folk stories about the tea and about people related with the famed beverage. In China, folklore artists can always trace something in their community to gods and immortals and ancient celebrities. Juyan Tea is made noble in the same way by local folklore artists. According to the folk imagination, the Jade Emperor sent a gold boy and a jade girl to Double Dragon. The duo brought seeds from heaven and planted them there. In another folk story, a layman-turned immortal named An Qisheng of the Qin Dynasty threw his cane to the ground and the cane became tea groves, thus tracing the local history of tea cultivation to more than 2,000 years ago. According to some folk stories, the tea even has something to do with a local Taoist immortal and the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Naturally, Lu Yu, the man who wrote the Book of Tea, the world’s first scholarly dissertation on tea, had something to do with Juyan Tea, too. It is said that while the scholar was writing his world-famous book, he did field studies in 32 prefectures including Wuzhou. Folktale writers would most naturally associate the tea with the scholar. The story, however, is absolutely a fiction. In the story, a child servant that helped the tea scholar make tea was no other than Guan Xiu, a Buddhist monk who later became a master to a king. In history, Guan Xiu was born 28 years after the demise of the scholar.

Though many folktales in the book are fictitious, the famous tea’s downfall into anonymity in history is an indisputable fact. This is how and why I had the slightest idea of the glory the tea enjoyed in the Tang and mistakenly believed it was just another nameless local produce. Fortunately, various old brands across China are staging their comebacks now. Juyan Tea as a tribute is now on the government agenda for its revival. The publication of the book is an earnest step to promote and market the tea.