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方明和,一位中国普通的中学生。一群温州苍南的中学生们在他的倡议下,自发创立了“绿眼睛”青少年环保团体。成立五年来,“绿眼睛”怀着对人类生存环境之绿的担忧与关爱,各自从身边每一件利于环保的小事做起,不畏困难险阻,坚忍不拔,扎扎实实,成绩卓然,受到国内外环保组织的关注与嘉奖:2001年,方明和代表“绿眼睛”在北京人民大会堂接受了国家环保总局局长亲自授予的全球最大的环保奖项之一――福特环保奖;2002年至2004年,联合国和平大使珍・古道尔博士三次授予“绿眼睛”Roots & Shoots年度成就奖;2003年,“绿眼睛”再次荣获国家级“地球奖”,成为中国获奖级别最高的环保组织。





















Young “Green Eyes”Watch Environment

By Gao Qi, Kai Xi

Five years ago, Fang Minghe initiated Green Eyes, an organization composed of middle school students all dedicated to environmental protection like him. Fang was fifteen and a middle school student in Cangnan, a county near Wenzhou, in southern Zhejiang Province. In his eyes, the color green is both the theme of environment and the essential touch of hope and poetry. Since then, the members of the Green Eyes have done everything possible to protect the environment around them. Their bravery and achievements have caught the attention of the State Administration of Environmental Protection and won international awards.

Fang Minghe has loved pets and enjoyed reading books and newspapers specialized in environmental protection since his childhood years. When Fang was 15, the dog he had kept was pregnant. He was wild with joy for the would-be mother while extremely worried about the upcoming delivery of little pups. He began to read up veterinary books available. Before he was able to learn more about a safe delivery for the dog, the dog gave birth to three puppies swimmingly. Seeing the mother licking the little ones fondly, Fang was more than touched.

On the other hand, what he read in newspapers and books opened his eyes to the human cruelty to animals and nature itself. He became acquainted with some well known environment protectionists and wrote letters to some eco-friendly organizations.

Fang decided to take action.

In the summer vacation after he had finished the third year of his junior high school, he made a dozen of exhibition boards with newspaper clippings about environment protection. He made a special trip of 80 kilometers from his home in Cangnan to Wenzhou and exhibited his boards in downtown parks. He focused on saving animals and asked people not to kill them.

One day Fang spotted a poacher hawking a deer in a market. He followed the poacher and dialed 110 to report the poacher to police. But the poacher slipped away when the police arrived on the scene. For fear that the police might call him a liar, Fang tried to chase the poacher, but in no avail. What was most disappointing about this experience was not the unsuccessful search for the poacher, but the indifference of an old man who had seen the poacher trying to sell the deer but refused to tell Fang where he had gone. Even today Fang cannot forget the old man's cold and unsympathetic look.

On another occasion, Fang was on a field trip investigating the poaching in Dragon Port Town in Cangnan when he saw three hunters shooting birds. Hearing the bullets cracking through the air, he immediately broke into running towards the hunters. One of the men barked at him: "You wanna get killed? You don't know I am shooting birds"Despite the angry threats of the hunters, Fang took pictures and presented the pictures to the forestry authorities as evidence.

To know more about nature to better protect it, Fang and his Green Eyes fellows have also embarked on many study trips over the five years. They trekked to the source of the branch river of Hengyang which flows across Cangnan. On the way, they picked up rubbish from the river and cleaned trees blanking the river. They stopped a truck from trying to dump a truckload of rubbish from a construction site onto a beach of the river.

Green Eyes activists regularly patrol streets and markets to stop vendors from selling wild animals. They also set up a wildlife emergency service. The station has taken care of more than 300 owls, kites, and hedgehogs last year alone.

In the Love Bird Week?in April 2001, Green Eyes displayed lots of exhibition boards at the People's Square in Cangnan, disseminating information on birds to local residents. They also surveyed visitors on their opinions on birds.

After learning that a street in a town in Cangnan had never had a trash bin and that residents there were in the habit of littering at random, Green Eyes chipped in some money and bought a large trash bin for the street. More than 30 Green Eyes volunteers one day appeared to clean the street and the stream that ran in parallel with the street. A town leader joined them in the cleaning. The town government later decided to pay full-time street sweepers to keep the street clean. The Green Eyes also organized 18 trips to promote environment protection in more than 100 towns and cities in seven counties across Wenzhou. The trips covered more than 1,100 kilometers and took them more than 2,000 hours.

A non-governmental group, Green Eyes is composed mainly of middle school students. They don't have a special teacher to coach them.Their greatest wish is to mobilize more youngsters to protect their residential environment and raise the Green Eyes flag over neighborhoods across their hometowns and villages.

Their activities and achievements have won admiration and applause. In 2001, Fang Minghe, on behalf of Green Eyes in Cangnan, received a Ford Conversation and Environmental Grant issued by director of the State Environment Protection Administration at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. For three consecutive years from 2002 to 2004, Green Eyes received Roots and Shoots prize issued by Doctor Jane Goodall. In 2003, Green Eyes received Earth Award, highest honor awarded by the government to an environmental protection organization in the country.

(Translated by David)