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In February, 2011, a survey on the nutritional status of students in poverty-stricken areas of China revealed that children and youth in middle and western districts were suffering from malnutrition. Among the pupils taking the survey, 12% were found to have developmental delay and 72% feel hungry during school hours. And it was found that the weight of the male and female students of that district are 10 and 7 centimeters lower than the standard average respectively. The survey also noted that poverty of children may bring a great lose in human resources in the future, and is likely to cause the intergenerational transmission of poverty.


“Free Lunch” celebrated its second birthday on 2 April, 2013. The celebrations held in Tongji University in Shanghai have attracted many celebrities and public figures. 21 media including Huasheng Online, Phoenix Weekly and Sina Weibo who have initiated the “Free Lunch” gathered together to review the development and achievements of the past two years. Statistics were released at the press conference afterwards.

The 2012 Financial Reports of Free Lunch revealed that from the beginning of April, 2011 to March, 2013, the free lunch foundation has received 140,000 donations, with 68, 000 Yuan raised on average every day. In total, the money collected was more than 48 million which benefited 36467 students from 205 schools in 17 provinces of China. Since its foundation, there is no report of food safety and fund security accident. It has won the highest charity awards of Chinese government which is the prize for the most influential charity project. Besides, the project has, to some extent, promoted the State Council to launch the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education. Moreover, it has attracted some other public welfare organization, for instance, the current plan and library project initiated by Yi Nengjing, a famous star in China.

2013年4月2日,“免费午餐”迎来了两周岁的生日。当天,一系列庆典活动在上海同济大学举行,吸引了社会各界知名人士参与其中。其中,发起“免费午餐”的华声在线、凤凰周刊、新浪微博等21家媒体机构首次齐聚一堂,畅谈 “免费午餐”在过去两年中的发展与收获,并在随后举办的新闻会上统计数据。


Deng Fei, founder of the project confessed that he had not realized that the day of the success could come so quickly. The poor students in Guizhou province with no lunch to eat were still fresh in his mind and that is why he started the program. In order to help the students to grow in a more healthy way, Deng Fei and 500 journalists from the mainstream media in china established the China social welfare foundation on 2 April, 2011, aiming to launch the free lunch project. It has proposed to donate 3 Yuan every day for the poverty-stricken students to buy lunch. The purpose of them is to provide professional services for the government, companies, public welfare organizations and personal donators to help those students in disadvantaged families to get free and nutritional meals.


Thanks to the efforts of Deng Fei and other warm-hearted people, China's State Council approved the proposal and decided to make a trial run of “Free Lunch” in selected schools in ethnic prefectures and poverty-stricken counties. Ningxia Province was selected as one of the pilot regions. In only a few months, this experimental policy developed rapidly from covering 260,000 students in Ningxia to benefiting 26 million students in school nationwide. On 26th October, 2011, China's State Council launched the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education. The central authorities appropriated more than 160 billion Yuan to subsidize the nutritional meal supply for the students of compulsory education in rural areas, based on the standard of 3 Yuan per day. This policy benefited about 26 million students in 680 cities and counties.

This was definitely good news for Deng Feng. “Our original intention was to propel the governmental intervention. We also have to clarify some conceptions that a large-scale change cannot be made only by charities and donations. Governmental funds are the most reliable resources. Before the government took over this program, we were trying to establish a model to ensure the open, transparent, real-time announcement of funds through micro-blogs. This model could continue after the government was involved.”

Wang Zhenyao, former Director General of the Department of Social Welfare and Charity Promotion, Ministry of Civil Affairs and President of Beijing Normal University Public Interest Research Institute, believed that the launching of Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education is a miracle for the expansion of “Free Lunch” and a model of good interaction between the government and private sectors in society. “Getting such a large-scale response from the governments in such a short period of time is not only unparalleled in the history of charity in China, but also makes a head start over some western countries.”

At present, the funds for “Free Lunch” are mainly allocated to schools through four channels: Fuji Free Lunch Fund, City Express free lunch (located in Hangzhou Charity Association), Guizhou China Morning Post Free Lunch (located in Guizhou Youth Development Foundation), and individuals’ and enterprises’ directed funding.



