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Language Focus / 语言点:

1. 语言背后的文化知识

2. 固定英语表达法

3. 阅读难点解析


Language Focus 语言点

1. Not to save my life!

这个表达方式有点儿类似于“not if my life depended on it”,意思是说,你宁愿去死也不愿意做某事。联系文中语境,我们会看到Kevin非要让Lily或Sabrina当他的女朋友,而且还必须是立即做出决定,对于这么无理的要求,Lily是完全不理会的,觉得这个小孩太可恶了,于是就用上了这么一句斩钉截铁的话,来警告Kevin不要再痴心妄想了。


Part OneKevin's New Girlfriend



Kevin: Hello, beautiful ladies.

Lily: Who are you?

Xiao Qiang: This is the handsome young fellow I wanted to introduce you to.

Lily: What? This is him?

Sabrina: Hi, little guy, you are so cute. I am Sabrina, she's Lily, and what's your name?

Kevin: I am Kevin, but I'm not a boy, I am a man!

Lily: You? You gotta be kidding me!

Sabrina: OK, Kevin, Why do you say you are a man?

Kevin: I have a girlfriend.

Sabrina: What?

Kevin: Her name is Maggie, she's my neighbour in America. But I don't like her any more because she didn't share her ice cream with me. I broke up with her just like that (tries to snap his fingers), I think I like you and Lily very much though, but I can only have one girlfriend so you have to decide which one of you.

Lily: No way!

Sabrina: OK, Kevin. We'll think about it, but Lily and I am going to make lunch now, I'll tell you our decision after lunch, OK?

Xiao Qiang: Sabrina, I know him, he's not going to wait.

Kevin: You have to decide now! Now! NOW!

Lily: Not to save my life! You're an absolute terror!

Sabrina: I must cook now, otherwise we will have no food, aren't you hungry?

Kevin: No! You have to be my girlfriend then.

Sabrina: Kevin I have to think about it for a while and if you keep asking me I will say no for sure...

Kevin: OK, OK, OK, but can you bring me to the Great Wall this weekend?

Lily: Wow, you change topics faster than I can follow. OK, if you don't ask us to be your girlfriend any more, we will take you there.

Kevin: Let me think...OK! We're going to the Great Wall! We're going to the Great Wall....

Sabrina: 真拿你没办法,Lily,看来我们周末又有事干了。 >>


The Man from the Embassy



Mr. Jin: Hello, nice to meet you, I am Mr. Jin, liaison for the American embassy.

Xiao Qiang: Hello, I am Xiaoqiang, this is Sabrina and this is Lily.

Sabrina and Lily: Hi.

Mr. Jin: The police station notified us at the American embassy last week that they had a child with them who had lost his parents. Is he staying here with you three?

Xiao Qiang: Yes.

Lily: No! (Everyone stares at Lily. She shrugs.)

Lily: Me and Sabrina don't live here at all. Only Xiaoqiang and the terror live here.

Kevin: I'm the terror! I'm the terror! Hello mister. I'm Kevin.

Mr. Jin: Hi there. We've already looked for your Grandpa for one whole week but we haven't found him yet. I'm sure he's fine and will show up soon enough though don't worry. I have some good news though, we got a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvy from America yesterday, and they said they couldn't reach their father and son who had gone to Beijing on vacation. We guessed that they might be your parents. Are you their son?

Kevin: My name is Kevin but sometimes when my parents get angry with me, they call me Kevin Ogilvy.

Mr. Jin: Ha ha, looks like we have a match. Would you like to talk to your parents for a few minutes? I'm sure they'd love to talk to you.

Kevin: Really? Of course, I miss Daddy and Mommy so much, I want them to come and pick me up now. OK?

Mr. Jin: Here's the phone, you can speak to them now.

Kevin: Mom, it's Kevin.

Mom: Hello, Kevin, this is Mom. Where have you and Grandpa been? We've been so worried about you!

Kevin: Mom, I am fine, I like China. I met a nice Chinese man and two beautiful ladies and they are going to take me to the Great Wall this weekend. But I still can't find Grandpa, I don't know where he went.

Mom: Don't worry, we will find Grandpa soon. You just do what the nice man from the Embassy tells you to do, OK? Dad is not here right now, he is at work, but he will be very happy to hear that you called.

Kevin: Mom, tell Dad I miss him too!

Mom: I will, honey, and I will come to China to meet you in two days.

Kevin: OK, Mom, come as soon as you can. Hey, Mom, there are two beautiful ladies waiting for me, one of them will be my girlfriend. When you come here, you can meet them, they are more beautiful than Maggie.

Mom: Kevin, be good in China! I will ask them if you behaved when I get there...

Kevin: I know, Mom, I will be a good, good boy, bye bye!

Mom: Miss you, bye!

Kevin: Mr. Jin, my Mom said she will come in two days.

Mr. Jin: That's right, your Mom and Dad have already booked their airline tickets.

Xiao Qiang: His Mom's gonna come to pick him up? That's wonderful!

Sabrina and Lily: Yeah, we're saved!

Mr. Jin: However, we still can't find his grandfather, so the FBI is going to take over this case. I'd like to ask the three of you and Kevin to come down to the American Embassy later this afternoon so that we can ask you a few more questions.

Xiao Qiang, Sabrina, Lily: OK, no problem. >>

Language Focus 语言点

2. Hi there.


3. You just do what the nice man from the Embassy tells you to do, OK?

在这句话中,Kevin的母亲把Mr. Jin 称为了“the nice man”,这倒不是说她与这个人认识,知道其为人不错,而是一种对小孩子说话的方式。因为父母在向小孩子介绍其他大人时,总会用到“this nice man”或“this nice lady”的说法,其目的是在敦促小孩在跟那些大人说话和接触时要懂得有礼貌。

4. Ha ha, looks like we have a match.

在这句话中,“match”不是“比赛”的意思,也不是“火柴”的意思,而是“相似物、相配者”的意思。因为Ogilvy夫妇把电话打到了美国驻中国大使馆,请求查找走失的小孩,而Kevin在说话时也提到了自己的全名是Kevin Ogilvy,跟那对夫妇正好是一个姓氏。所以,那个使馆人员就觉得Kevin跟他们要找的那个小孩特征相匹配,认为Kevin就是那名走失的小男孩


A Small World



Mr. Jin: We are so grateful to you three for taking care of Kevin these past days. The FBI is on their way to help locate Kevin's grandfather, Mr. David Ogilvy.

Xiao Qiang, Sabrina, Lily: Who?

Xiao Qiang: David Ogilvy? The founder of the large advertising company Ogilvy Advertising?

Mr. Jin: Yes, that's right.

Xiao Qiang: Wow!!!

Mr. Jin: I wish I could take you for a tour of the Embassy but the grounds aren't that big anyway. After they finish the new embassy building near Nurenjie, we will move there and maybe then we can invite you back for a proper reception.

Sabrina: I've seen the construction site on my way to work. Come to think of it, I actually know one of the construction managers. What's his name...Paul! He's a great singer!

Mr. Jin: You know Paul? It's amazing how small the world can seem sometimes, isn't it? Well, thank you again for your help.

Xiao Qiang: Don't mention it, he was very well-behaved.

Mr. Jin: Please stay and have dinner with us at least.

Kevin: Oh yeah, can my new girlfriend stay too?

(Sabrina laughs and so does everyone else.)

Mr. Jin: Kevin, after dinner, you will stay here until your Mom arrives. You will live in the first secretary's home; his wife will take care of you.

Kevin: No, I want to stay with Xiaoqiang, I like him. He lets me play video games and play as late as I want to.

Xiao Qiang: If he really wants to stay with me for a couple more days, it's OK with me. I'm getting used to the little man.

Mr. Jin: OK, but a bodyguard will have to stay in your apartment as well, then. We have to ensure the safety of Kevin, I hope you can understand.

Xiao Qiang: O...OK. But where will he stay? My place is pretty small.

Mr. Jin: Well, the bodyguard won't sleep anyway, so he can just sit in the living room. Don't worry about him, he's tough.

Xiao Qiang: OK, I guess that is OK.

Lily: Kevin, let's go have dinner now, what do you say?

Kevin: Sure, beautiful lady! Can I hold your hand then?

Lily: No! Unbelievable! >>

Language Focus 语言点

5. Come to think of it, ...

这个词组在使用上是要有语境的,即在你看到、听到或谈到什么的时候,之后再用这一表达方式说明自己因此而想到了什么。举例来说,当某人向你提起他们最近学会了做一道菜的时候,你可能就会说“Come to think of it, I need to buy a new frying pan”。


1 关于奥美集团

在本次故事中,我们得知了凯文的爷爷原来是大型广告公司奥美集团(Ogilvy Advertising)的奠基人,那么下面我们就来了解一下这家全球闻名的广告公司。

奥美国际集团于1948年由“现代广告之父”大卫・奥格威(David Ogilvy)在美国纽约创立,是全球最大的综合传播服务公司之一,拥有全球性的客户服务网络,目前在100个国家有359个办事处,名列世界第六大商。




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