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建筑设计Stanley Saitowitz

设计Susan Diana Harris 摄影

项目名称 蒙德里公寓

项目地址 美国

“Piet Mondrian!” - This was young interior designer Susan Diana Harris’s first thought upon seeing this modern loft located in the South of Market district of downtown San Francisco. Susan drew inspiration from the De Stijl artist, known for his black-lined grids and blocks of primary colors. The loft’s largest wall was divided into quadrants by the existing concrete.Having designed a couple of the lofts in the building, Susan knew that this feature differentiated the penthouse loft from its neighbors. With Piet Mondrian in mind, Susan designed a truly personalized loft for her client in the award-winning Yerba Buena Lofts (YBL) by Stanley Saitowitz and Natoma Architects.

蒙德里安公寓位于旧金山市区的一栋充满现代风格的公寓楼,该楼是建筑师Stanley Saitowitz 和 Natoma的一个获奖力作。当年轻设计师Susan Diana Harris 初次见到它时,她的脑海闪过了一个名字:“彼埃•蒙德里安”。她从这位德斯太尔抽象派艺术家擅长用的黑色的格子和大面积原色中汲取了灵感。原有的混凝土将公寓里最大的墙面分成了四个部分。于是,借着蒙德里安“给予”的灵感,Susan 为她的业主打造了一个个性十足的居家之所。

Before meeting the designer, the client found himself moving in a new home with expansive heights and limited square footage, design resources and inspiration. Susan worked with him to discover his personal taste and used it to meld his home. Susan specializes in lofts and the creative use of color. She has a knack for transforming tall, open spaces into homes with room to breathe, live and think! True to the Mondrian theme, Susan carefully balanced primary colors against a neutral background. She added a warm, yet modern touch to the color palette with slight tweaks to the primary colors. The colors were instantly balanced against the unfinished concrete, jarrah wood floors and walls of 16″horizontal sheet glass.


Open-plan living spaces often lean on design to form specific areas. Susan used her eye for color to create the perception of these “rooms:” the living area and sleeping area were red while the dining area was made blue. A simple black square was designed to surround guests upon entry using deep black wall color and a black Chilewich floor mat. Susan juxtaposed bold blocks of colors with metals and matte concrete for a balanced setting in which no detail steals the show. The metallic highlights broke up the otherwise blocky design. Subtle, gold and silver sparkles added warmth to the spiral staircase, front door and even the guest bath ceiling!


The designer continued the Mondrian-inspired theme with the furniture selection and her custom furniture solutions. Susan mixed hints of early twentieth century seating with bolder, modern-day casegoods. She designed a bar, island and dining table to triple the amount of workspace in the kitchen without swallowing up the valuable square footage. The three-tiered dining area design also provided storage space and two new seating areas. She deliberately used zebrano wood, stainless steel and black granite so that they slipped right into the home as though they were always there. Her subtle furniture designs made room for the bright swaths of color.


The client required a useful and beautiful hub for his audio and media equipment, yet even the most high-end store designs weren’t accommodating his needs. Susan solved this with a custom two-piece entertainment system that is now the centerpiece of the living area. The designer chose to mimic the concrete in color and allow the furniture’s rectilinear shapes and shadows speak for themselves. The TV console and wall unit provided open shelving to display some equipment and closed storage for the remainder while suited to the loft’s proportions.

业主要求为他的音响设备设计一个既功能又美观的活动中心。然而,甚至是最高端的商店设计也无法满足他的需求。Susan 用一个定制的两件套娱乐系统解决了这个问题,现在这套系统已成为会客区的中心摆设。在这里,设计师选择了与混凝土相似的颜色,家具直线的造型和在光的照射下投下的影像为空间添加了丰富的表情。电视柜与墙上的搁板为设备提供了开敞式展示空间和封密式的存储区域。

To accentuate the architecture’s perfect, clean, modern lines, Susan incorporated a bit of the opposite: the slight imperfection found in nature and hand-made accessories. Challenged by the client’s request not to have live plants or rugs, Susan opted for art and sculptural details to soften the space. The client and designer spent a day at the San Francisco Fine Craft Show. There they sought accessories that attracted the client on a visual and visceral level. Susan sought out accessories that invite the homeowners and guests to touch and play without adding clutter. Large and small, the details brought the ceiling height down to human scale. Susan selected accessories that had curves, pattern and/or were made of organic materials to warm up the industrial architecture.


The silhouette of the San Francisco skyline peered through the minimalist solar shades, while two other cities were represented in the bedroom: Hong Kong and New York City. The designer selected every detail to keep the viewer’s eyes moving. A final touch in the standard, yet astounding 22-foot glass YBL window corner are two Foscarini Tite Suspension lamps. Susan selected them for their gentle addition of curves, stripes and light that are seen from most areas of the home.

旧金山在阳光的照射下在天空中显现出极简的轮廓,而另外两座大城市――香港和纽约市的画影则出现在卧室之中。设计师精心营造了室内装饰景观,使人应接不暇。作为最后的润色之笔,22英尺玻璃YBL窗角放置着两盏Foscarini Tite Suspension吊线灯。它们的曲线、条纹和光线与房屋里绝大多数区域的元素呼应,增添了温和的一笔。



San Francisco interior designer, Susan Diana Harris, Allied Member, ASID, combines her B.F.A. in Interior Architecture & Design and her B.A. in Political Science & International Studies with her life-long love for art, the built environment and the people who experience it.Susan works with her clients online, allowing her to work with clients all over the world.

Susan draws inspiration from a range of life experiences.Before she became a designer, she interned at the European Parliament in Brussels, researched urbanism in Havana, lived in Nürnberg and Aix-en-Provence, and managed website overhauls in Washington, D.C. Her design achievements include styling Gene Simmons' family portrait on A&E's "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" in Beverly Hills and designing the Stir Cocktail Lounge in Santa Rosa, CA and restaurant Metro Kathmandu in San Francisco.

Susan Diana Harris