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Would you mind turning down the music?(1a~2c)

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇Would you mind turning down the music?(1a~2c)范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!




(1)Key vocabulary: mind, turn down, not at all, right away

( 2)Key structure:

would you mind moving your bike?

— Not at all. I will do it right away.

—Would you mind not playing baseball here?

—Sorry,I won’t do it again.








重点:1. Learn to use the target language “Would you mind doing...?Would you mind not doing...?”

2. Learn how to make requests politely and answer politely.

难点:1. How to improve students’ listening ability.

2. Make conversations using the target language.


Step 1 Leading - in

T: I have a trouble. I have a new neighbor. He likes music very much and plays it loudly. I can’t stand it. What should I do? What should I say to him in a politely way?

S1: Don’t play the music too loud.

S2: Could you please not play the music too loud?

The teacher sums up the ways of making requests:

(shows on the screen)

* 1. Can/Could you please turn down the music?

* 2. Would you please turn down the music?

* 3. Would you like to turn down the music?

* 4. Why don’t you turn down the music?

* 5. Why not turn down the music?

T: Today let me tell you the most polite way to make requests:

Would you mind turning down the music

(write it on the blackboard)


Step 2 Presentation

1. Show a picture of a dirty house.

T: This is Marry’s house. She is going to have a Birthday party today. What should they do to clean the house?

S1: sweep the floor, do the dishes, take out the trash, wash the clothes...

T: She is busy. She wants her husband to help her. What can she say in a polite way?

S2:Would you mind sweeping the floor?

T: How to answer politely?

S3:No, not at all. I’ll do it right away.(write down)

2. Show some pictures to practice the conversations by using the target language: Would you mind doing...?

—Taking out the trash/doing the dishes/cleaning the yard/ making the bed/ moving the bike/ listening to the teacher?

—No, not at all. I’ll do it right away.

3. Show one picture to present the conversation.

—Would you mind not smoking?

—I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.

4. Show some pictures to practice the conversations by using the target language: Would you mind not doing...?

设计意图:教师通过设计Marry要举办聚会的情景,并展示她家凌乱的房间图片。学习使用Would you mind doing...? Would you mind not doing...? 句型及其回答。配合多媒体展示多张图片,让学生两人一组操练句型,达到熟练运用语言的目的。

Step 3 Pairwork

Practice making conversations by using the target language:

“Would you mind doing...?” or “Would you mind not doing...?”

Step 4 Listening 1a

1. Look at the pictures and I’ll ask students to read the dialogue in the picture.

2. Point to the four requests in the box . Read each phrase to the class and get students to repeat it . Ask students to explain what each one means.

3. Then get students to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture to match the requests with the people.

4. Correct the answer.

Step 5 Listening1b

1.Ask different students to look at the list of requests in Activity 1a.

2.Play the recorder.

3. Then check the answers.

Step 6 Listening 2a,2b

1.Point to the pictures. Ask five different students to read the questions to the class.

2.Listen to the tape and number the pictures in the order you hear.

3.Correct answers.

4.Listen again and finish a and b.


Step 7 Group-work

Four students is a group. Act a short play about an annoying thing in your life and make requests in a polite way. Others students find that who is the best performer.

设计意图:学校正在创建“美丽校园,文明相伴”。你看到一个同学的不文明行为,前去制止。构思情节,要用上Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 的句型。4人一组。此项活动既锻炼了学生在现实生活中运用语言的能力,又对学生进行了思想教育,做一个文明的中学生。

Step 8 Writing

Write a letter to my new neighbor.

Dear my new neighbor,


Your neighbor

After they finish, let them check each other in a group.

Ask several students to read their writing.


Step 9 Summary

T: This class we’ve done listening and speaking practice. From all the activities we’ve learned how to make requests politely. I think you should be a polite student from now.

Step 10 Homework

1. Practice making conversations using the target language.

2.如果你是劳动委员,请给同学们分配一些打扫班级的任务(用上would you mind...等表示请求的句型。)


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?

A: Would you mind turning down the music?

B: No, not at all. I’ll do it right away.

A: Would you mind not smoking?

B: I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.省略