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Yang Lan's Affections for Hangzhou

By Chen Meijun

When the cities jointly involved in the preparations for the 2006 World Leisure Expo Hangzhou gathered together in the host city in the summer three years ago to select one celebrity as ambassador to promote Hangzhou for the landmark event, representatives happened to voice one name: Yang Lan. She would be the best choice. Yang had enjoyed a reputation both at home and abroad. She had played a key role both in China’s successful bidding for hosting Beijing Olympic Games and in Shanghai’s successful winning the right to host the 2010 World’s Fair and Expo. She would enjoy popular confidence if she was chosen to publicize the leisure event in the scenic Hangzhou. She accepted the offer without hesitation: “It is an invitation I can’t decline.”

Yang likes Hangzhou for her own reasons. Half of her root lies in Zhejiang, for her mother comes from Shaoxing, an ancient city with profound cultural heritage in Zhejiang Province. Her first visit to the West Lake occurred when she was a fourth grader at a primary school. With her parents, she took a boat tour on the lake, prayed at the Lingyin Temple, and enjoyed a cup of tea at Dragon Well.She was deeply impressed by the charming scenery. In her college days, she came to Hangzhou as a backpack tourist with her classmates at the little expense of the 200 yuan earned through a work-study program. She enjoyed Hangzhou more the second time. “How fortunate Hangzhou people are to live in such a large garden!”

Years later with so many round-the-world trips behind her, she enjoys Hangzhou all the more for its exceptional gracefulness radiating out of every detail of the city.

After she became the Hangzhou’s ambassador, Yang Lan visited Hangzhou again. She commented appreciatively, “Hangzhou features an ingenious combination of its natural advantages with modern industries. A leader in leisure trends, the city understands how to translate a sense of peace and happiness into vigor and wealth. Hangzhou enjoys a rhythm that integrates a prudent world view with fast growth.”

In her latest series on tourist culture, Hangzhou is recommended as the world’s most beautiful heavenly city, and one of the 66 must places in your lifetime. Her description of Hangzhou is not merely based on her individual preference. Recently, the prosperous Hangzhou has received many unique honors that have set it apart from its counterparts across the country: a city most suitable for entrepreneurs; it is the happiest city in the country.

Yang is not alone when she says, “Hangzhou is a dream home for many people, who yearn toward the way of life in Hangzhou. The way of life in Hangzhou is balanced and enriched, and such a life is more precious than a mere successful career.”

In an interview with Yang, she opined about her attitude toward leisure: “Leisure does not mean you take time away from work. In an era when so many go single-mindedly after wealth, fame, success, and social recognition, they somehow ignore the harmonious growth of the inner self. When one reaches a certain phase of life, one would look back and ponder upon the meaning of life. I believe it is more important to understand the process of life.”

Choosing Yang to represent Hangzhou is a popular decision. Even Yang says, “I am the right person at the right time for the right thing. I will not decline to shoulder this responsibility.”

On September 17, 2004, Yang Lan took over the World Leisure Expo banner at Brisbane, Australia on behalf of Hangzhou and spoke at length and with enthusiasm on Hangzhou and its preparations for the event at the ceremony.

As Hangzhou’s ambassador, Yang has participated in various promotional activities. She appeared in Shanghai when caravans from Hangzhou paraded through Shanghai streets at the Shanghai Tourism Festival. She delivered a keynote speech at the International Forum on Cultural Diversity and Leisure Development in November 2005. In January 2006, she flew from Beijing to Hong Kong to attend the promotional activities for World Leisure Expo Hangzhou.

“Leisure changes human life” is not only the theme of the 2006 World Leisure Expo Hangzhou, but also represents the change and progress Yang Lan and all of us look forward to.

(Translated by David)