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1. —May I take your order now?

—OK, Ill come back in a few minutes.

A. No, we need more time.B. Could you bring us the bill?

C. Yes, here it is. Thank you.D. Sure, wed love to.

2. —Please forgive me for being so rude at the party last night.


A. Forget itB. Take it easyC. All rightD. My pleasure

3. —Do you like Jiang Wens movie Let the Bullets Fly?

—. I just watch it for fun.

A. Of courseB. Not reallyC. Not likelyD. Not a little

4. —What about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?

A. Never mindB. Not at all.C. Why not?D. So what?

5. —Betty was feeling pretty blue for a while, but shes better now.


A. Oh, thats kind of youB. Congratulations

C. Its my pleasureD. Oh, Im glad to hear that

6. —Sweetheart, you will never believe this. I just won a car!

—! I dont believe it!

A. Cheer upB. Good workC. Good heavensD. Thats awful

7. —I really dont know how to thank you enough.


A. No problemB. Think nothing of itC. With pleasureD. Glad to hear that

8. —“Could we put off the meeting? ” she asked.

—“, ” he answered politely, “This is the only day everyone is available. ”

A. Not likelyB. Not exactlyC. Not nearlyD. Not really

9. —Smoking in public areas is prohibited.

— Smoking is more dangerous to people around.

A. Thats all right!B. I cant agree more!C. No way!D. For what?

10. —Will you be able to get me a ticket to the concert?

—. I wont let you down.

A. Think nothing of itB. Never mindC. No problemD. No way

11. —Did you forget your promise, dear?

— I have finished my homework on time, mom.

A. Excuse meB. SurelyC. Why not?D. How could I?

12. —Hello, this is Shannon. Im afraid I wont be able to come to your office on time.

— Ill wait for you.

A. Thats OKB. No doubtC. Cheer up!D. Hurry up!

13. —Carl hasnt turned up so far.

—? He is always on time for everything.

A. How comeB. So whatC. Why notD. Guess what

14. —That was a close football game. Why didnt you go to it?

—. I prefer volleyball.

A. Its not my cup of teaB. Thats the point

C. It does you goodD. Thats all right

15. —Lets go shopping after school.

— Call for me at any time.

A. Hold on, pleaseB. What for?C. Sounds goodD. That depends.

16. —Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time.

—! I m sure youll make it.

A. Go aheadB. Good luckC. Cheer upD. No problem

17. —Im trying to get on Flight FA3016. Am I on time?

— Its 3:20 now. But luckily for you, that flights been delayed.

A. Not likelyB. Not necessarilyC. Not a littleD. Not exactly


18. —Guess what! Ye Shiwen, a sixteenyearold girl, has won two gold medals and broken the record at the 2012 Olympic Games.

A. PardonB. Good ideaC. CongratulationsD. Thats great

19. —Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the 2014 Asian Games

—. Ours is much stronger than theirs.

A. Of courseB. It dependsC. Dont mention itD. By no means

20. —Do you mind if I watch the live broadcast of the 15th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to our motherland?

—Yes, . The baby is sleeping.

A. you couldB. go aheadC. I doD. my pleasure

21. —Im going to apply for Shandong University.

— Youve been dreaming to study in Beijing.

A. Congratulations!B. Good luck!C. Why not Tsinghua?D. Good idea!


1. A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——现在可以请你点菜吗?——不,我们需要更多的时间。——好的,我几分钟后再回来。根据句意可知A项正确。

2. A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——请原谅我昨天晚上在宴会上那么粗鲁。——不必在意。Forget it 不必在意;Take it easy 别紧张;All right 好吧;My pleasure 别客气。

3. B【解析】考查情景交际。根据下一句中的内容可知答话人“事实上不喜欢”姜文的《让子弹飞》,看这部电影只是为了开心娱乐。not really “事实上不”,符合句意。

4. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——今晚去剧院看那部新电影怎么样?——为什么不呢?Why not?为什么不呢?表示同意对方的提议;Never mind. 没关系,用于道歉的应答;Not at all. 不用谢,没关系,用于道谢或道歉的应答;So what?那又怎么样呢?

5. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——贝蒂有一段时间感觉很沮丧,但是现在好多了。——哦,听到这个消息我很高兴。Oh, thats kind of you 哦,你真是太好了;Congratulations 祝贺;Its my pleasure 别客气;Oh, Im glad to hear that 哦,听到这个消息我很高兴。


6. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——亲爱的, 你绝不会相信这件事。我刚刚赢得了一辆车!——天哪!我简直不能相信! Good heavens 天哪,表示惊讶;Cheer up 振作起来;Good work 干得不错;Thats awful 太可怕了。

7. B【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——我真不知道怎么感谢你。——别客气。Think nothing of it 别客气;No problem 没问题;With pleasure 很乐意;Glad to hear that 听到这个消息我很高兴。

8. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——“我们可以推迟会议吗”?她问道。——“有点不行”,他有礼貌地回答,这是每个人唯一都有时间的一天。由he answered politely可知D项正确。Not likely 不可能;Not exactly 并不确切。Not nearly 远不及,一点也不。

【易错提醒】本题易误选A。按照英语的表达习惯,在表达否定的意思时,为了避免语气生硬,常用not really和Im afraid not之类的表达方式。

9. B【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——公共场合禁止吸烟。——我完全同意!吸烟对周围的人更危险。I cant agree more! 我完全同意! Thats all right! 没关系! No way! 没门! For what? 为什么?

10. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你能给我买到一张音乐会的票吗?——没问题,我不会让你失望的。Think nothing of it 不用客气,别放在心上;Never mind 没关系, 不要紧;No problem 没问题;No way 决不,不可能。

11. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你忘了你的许诺了吗,亲爱的?——我怎么能忘呢?我已经准时完成作业了,妈妈。How could I? 我怎么能忘呢?Excuse me. 劳驾;Surely. 当然了;Why not? 为什么不呢?

12. A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你好,我是Shannon。恐怕我不能准时去你办公室了。——没关系。我会等你的。Thats OK. 没关系;No doubt. 毫无疑问;Cheer up! 振作起来;Hurry up! 快点!

13. A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——卡尔目前还没有露面。——怎么回事?他一向对任何事情都很准时的。How come 怎么回事呢?So what 那又怎么样?Why not 为什么不呢?Guess what 你猜怎么着?

14. A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——那是一场势均力敌的足球比赛。你为什么不参加呢?——这不是我所喜爱的。我更喜欢排球。Its not my cup of tea 这不是我所喜爱的;Thats the point 你说对了;It does you good 对你有好处;Thats all right 没关系。

15. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我们放学后去购物吧。——听起来好极了。随时叫我。Sounds good. 听起来好极了;Hold on, please. 别挂断电话;What for? 为什么;That depends. 视具体情况而定。

16. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我正考虑明天的考试。恐怕这次我不能通过。——振作起来吧!我相信你会成功的。Cheer up 振作起来;Go ahead 开始吧;Good luck 祝你好运;No problem 没问题。

17. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我试图赶上FA3016航班,我准时吗?——并不真准时。现在3:20了,但是对你来说幸运的是,那趟航班延误了。Not exactly. 并不确切;Not likely. 不可能;Not necessarily. 不必;Not a little. 很,十分。

18. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你猜怎么着,叶诗文,一个16岁的女孩,已在2012年奥运会上获得两枚金牌并且打破纪录。——太棒了。Thats great. 太棒了,好极了;Pardon?请你再说一遍;Good idea. 好主意;Congratulations. 祝贺你。

19. D【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你认为他们的乒乓球队会在2014年亚运会上获得冠军吗?——绝对不会。我们的球队比他们的球队要强大得多。Of course 当然可以;It depends 视具体情况而定;Dont mention it 不用谢;By no means 绝对不会。

20. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你介意我看香港回归祖国15周年的现场直播吗?——是的,我介意。孩子在睡觉呢。you could 你可以;go ahead 行,好,干吧;I do 我介意;my pleasure 别客气。

21. C【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我打算申请山东大学。——为什么不申请清华大学呢?你一直梦想去北京学习啊。Why not Tsinghua? 为什么不是清华大学呢?Congratulations! 祝贺你;Good luck! 祝你好运;Good idea! 好主意!