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智造局FIVE SPACE(五里桥)

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“智造局five space五里桥)”为智造局II期,于2007年9月底竣工面世。其改建后总建筑面积约


智造局FIVE SPACE楼面材料给人一种稳重,大气的感觉,大面积深色的材料配以局部深红色的点缀,使得整个立面在给人以沉稳的同时不乏活泼的变化。蔚蓝的玻璃在深色立面上跳跃,点缀出现代的气息。配合多媒体互动展示播放的优秀多媒体艺术作品,给人现代、时尚、科技、艺术相结合的视觉冲击。抓人眼球的现代舞团体现场在楼上的橱窗里舞蹈。夜色降临,在幕布的遮掩下,舞者的剪影投在楼面的幕布上,光与影的互动交叠深深打动所有观众,让人不得不为艺术所折服。公共现代雕塑区域,安放展出艺术家优秀的雕塑艺术品,与楼面整体协调呼应。智造局FIVE SPACE――艺・术・智・造中的膜结构再一次作为一种景观元素出现在建筑中,其活泼的体型精巧的结构提升了整个建筑的品质。而在一楼的橱窗内是平面设计展示区域,展出优秀、知名设计师的平面设计作品,这些作品在橱窗中向来往的行人公众展示,带给人们新鲜的视觉享受。






膜结构的运用给人轻盈飘逸的感觉,既适用于大跨度建筑又适用于娇小的景观建筑。FIVE SPACE的膜结构作为一种景观元素出现在建筑中,其活泼的体型精巧的结构提升了整个建筑的品质。

Analyze Wu Li Qiao

“ZHI ZAO JU FIVE SPACE(WU LI QIAO)”is the second phrase of ZHI ZAO JU, completed at the end of September 2007. Its general constructive area after rebuilt is about 13000 m2. It is located in the intersection of JuMen Rd and WuLiQiao Rd Luwan District, walking only twenty minutes away from Expo exhibition area, rebuilt on the base of the old factory area of Shanghai Mutual Inductor Factory. It takes advantage of factory building's exclusive artistry and extreme basic architecture, forming new intelligent releasing factory.

The floor materials of ZHI ZAO JU FIVE SPACE look stable and magnificent, a large area of deep color material adorned by part deep red color, which makes the whole elevation both stable and lively. Sky-blue glasses jumping in the dark-colored elevation adorns the modern breath. Excellent multimedia artistic works interactively showed and broadcasted through multimedia give people very modern, fashionable, technological and artistic visual impact. The attractive modern dance group is dancing upstairs in the show window on the scene. Night coming, covered by the curtain, silhouette of the dancers projecting in the floor curtain, interaction and overlapping of light and shadow deeply impress audience, which make people heavily be convinced by art. Artists' excellent sculptural artistic works are placed and showed in the public modern sculptures area, corresponding with the whole floor. ZHI ZAO JU FIVE SPACE――membranous structure in art, technique, intelligence, and manufacture once again appears in the construction as a kind of landscape element. Its lively body and exquisite structure raise the quality of the whole construction. The plane design exhibiting area is in the shop windows on the first floor, exhibiting excellent and famous designers' plane design works. These works in the windows are publicly shown to pedestrians going by, bringing people new fresh vision.

So-called constructive continuity

Like the river having iceberg source running water,vastly and mightily,the whole life never languishing; or like a young and beautiful cheongsam, going through years, does not fade at all, everlasting young.

Intention space

Main level is five meters high, area range is about 70-500m2 in free combination, and the whole floor lease is available. Using the structure of the old factory building, through corridor stairs and overhead bridge, make different space bring out the best in each other. Especially the rebuilt of the stairs, it not only connects with the vertical space but also divides the transverse space, organically integrating the vertical and transverse space. The design of glass corridor even provides a platform for people to enjoy sunshine and close to nature.

Membranous structure intention

Application of the membranous structure looks light and elegant, which is both suitable for large span and small landscape construction. The membranous structure of FIVE SPACE appears in the construction as a kind of landscape element. Its lively body and exquisite structure raise the quality of the whole construction.