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Anhui Publishing Group: mono to diversified copyright export

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In recent years, anhui publishing group Co., Ltd. has always adhered to the “going global” strategy, and spared no efforts to develop the export trade of cultural products and cultural equipment manufacturing and outsourcing business of cultural services. The group has developed a new pattern for cultural trading development, under which it realized the transformations from the single copyright export to diversified cultural product export, from the pure product trade to all-round international cooperation and from the export of culture in kind to export of cultural capitals.

At present, the group mainly engages in book trade, such as copyright export, physical export and overseas journal distribution, and the export business of electronic media products, cultural equipment, technical services, culture creativity, etc. It has carried out the foreign trade business with over 50 countries worldwide, and accumulatively realized a turnover of nearly USD 2.3 billion, an annual average growth of 80%. To make it a cultural enterprise in international trade and business, it has made efforts in the following aspects:

Increasing investment to develop cultural trade products. Anhui Publishing Group inputs at least RMB3 million as a special fund every year to support the cultural product exports, products with proprietary intellectual property rights, high-tech cultural products, co-publishing, setting up of branches overseas, service outsourcing, etc. It has focused on the technological innovation, soft power, cultural business development and business culture value upgrading of products, improving the radiation of cultural trade.

Making use of terminals to drive the export of cultural products. The group pushes forward cultural product export by combing software products, like electronic books with hardware products. It has equipped all its self-developed electronic media products and digital terminal products, such as the multi-function digital terminal exporting to Europe and America with electronic English books published by its publishing houses to ensure that those books can access foreign families directly, thus realizing the export of China’s cultural publications.

Proactively strengthening the attraction of international cooperation. The group has taken part in various professional trade fairs, such as electronic exhibitions, toys and books fairs in Germany and America to expand the international channel and seek new partners in the industrial chain. It also took the opportunity of various professional cultural exhibitions, such as Shenzhen Cultural Industrial Fair to widely invite international businessmen to the group for inspection, exchange and cooperation.

Establishing overseas cultural trade bases to realize seamless cultural joint. In order to enter the foreign market in its true sense, improving the influence of Chinese culture, culture must be “integrated” into the foreign market. To realize it, it’s most important to establish entities, especially large entities abroad. In this respect, the group has been the pioneer in the publishing industry of China. So far, it has built a printing base led by Russian New Age Printing Co, Ltd with annual sales revenue of 5 million USD. Besides, it has jointly built a publishing institute with Poland, and cultural production branches, distribution bases and industrial parks with Slovakia and Jordan, thus taking root in the foreign market. Meanwhile, it established an international cultural trade institute in Wai Gaoqiao Free Trade Zone in Shanghai for the purpose of developing the costal headquarters economy of culture trade by taking advantage of the Zone.

Making use of new media to speed up the transformation and upgrading of the cultural trade pattern. As a result of the rapid development of new media and new technologies and the integration of press, publishing, radio and television industries, the carriers of cultural trade cooperation have transformed from traditional papers with physical communication channels to the internet with digital communication channels. Making the best of new carriers such as the mobile phone, Internet, television, the group cooperates with internationally renowned publishing databases and literature network platforms to quickly adapt to industrial development and meet the cultural consumption of the international market, speeding up the transformation and upgrading of the cultural trade pattern.

Northern United Publishing & Media (Group) Company Limited steady promotes “copyright export”

Cultural exports, international level publishing business have been the key words in domestic publishing industry in recent years. As one of the publishing companies which first started to carry out development strategy of “copyright export”, the Northern United Publishing & Media (Group) Company Limited (hereafter refers to the Northern United) has expanded overseas market with a steady pace relying on international publishing concepts and management methods and has made considerable achievements.

Expand both overseas and domestic markets

The Northern United considered the strategy of “copyright export” as its inevitable choice and stage on his development way as an industrial entity. To expand overseas and domestic markets at same time and integrate and link two resources, the company can increase the additional value of the content product of the main book business of the country, improve the comprehensive income from the content resource operation and enlarge industrial value.

The Northern United was the first China publishing company to expand international market. It first realized change from import only to scale export; changed the export type from copyright only to multiple-export involving copyright, material object, co-publishing, co-publishing export; developed the book export business run by few editors at first and built the first domestic international publishing center specially engaged in “copyright export” where specialized development and design are implemented; developed its publishing trading with only companies of Hong Kong and Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries into trading with more than 20 countries and regions all over the world and realized large scale, distinctive and beneficial “copyright export”.

The Northern United has further accelerated the development of “copyright export” and considered “expanding international business” as one of the company’s key strategic directions. In 2012, the company paid much attention to overseas market, readjusted to opportunities, further optimized the development plan and target market positioning of “copyright export” and made new achievements in development of “copyright export”, built a new pattern of copyright export, material object export, project cooperation, capital operation and resource export.

Achievements of the company in development of “copyright export”: the company and its subordinate companies LiaoNing Science & Technology Publishing HouseCo., Ltd. and LiaoNing Children’s Publishing House were awarded as “2011-2012 National Key Enterprises of Cultural Export” of “2011-2012 Key Enterprises and Key Objects of Cultural Export”. During the 2012 London International Book Fair, as the important exhibitor appointed by the General Administration of Press and Publication, the company undertook four important activities of host and guest countries.

In the past year, the number of the various “copyright export” projects reached the best level over the years. 3 projects were successively brought into the “China classics international publishing project” and 8 projects were brought into the “Chinese cultural works translation project" of the “project of overseas promotion of Chinese books”. The company realized 108 export projects in total. The number of proxy sale books increased 79% compared with that of the same period of last year and the number of copyright export achieved a year-on-year growth of 22%. Categories of the exported books varied more and the scale of the foreign trade expanded. The export concerned many publishing fields. The export mode changed from a book only export mode into an export mode concerning book, audio-visual products, etc. The overseas publishing company developed steadily and promoted the development of the overseas publishing brand of “copyright export”. Overseas digital publishing started to achieve substantive cooperative efforts. The new forms accelerated to fit for the international market. The LiaoNing Science and Technology Publishing House built and developed a database integrated various digital publishing contents including architectural design, fitting-out and decoration. 200 digital products of this database accessed the digital publishing platform of America.

Development promoted by five advantages

Reviewing the explorations and experiences during the development of “copyright export” promoted by the Northern United, the company built features and advantages satisfied its development fact in five aspects. First, in order to solve the problem of reading barriers existed in overseas exported book of scripts, the company started with book of pictures which is not bounded by language, directly presenting Chinese culture connotation and cultural characteristics. Second, the company drew on foreigner talents or talents lived and worked overseas who have overseas publishing experiences to enhance the company's editing and marketing teams for ensuring an international insight and research and development level in book production. Third, the company considered demands of both the international market and domestic market, based on the resource of book themes having advantages in author, content and market, continued the domestic publishing advantage in international market, planned and developed export-oriented books. Forth, the company strengthened the product cluster of leading products of “copyright export” and built a special international market brand image. Five, the company adopted operation concept and method which fully fitted to the international market. Through accessing to net of the mainstream publishers in European and American market; participating in international book fairs such as Frankfurt Book Fair and setting up independent exhibition area in European and American exhibition area; host activities for building a distinct international communication and exhibition brand; building overseas chain publishing corporation, the company realized landing operation in overseas market and integrated rich overseas author resource, reader resource, market channel resource and brand resource.

At present, the company accelerates the development of “copyright export” and is badly in need of talents. Sufficient, first-rate international talent resource is the most important guarantee for a good development of international business. The “copyright export” project has come into a new development stage that the company proceeded capital export and directly participated in and provided publishing service in overseas market. Therefore, the company is more and more thirsty for talents, urgently needs professional talents who have experience of international operation and management, are proficient in international legal business and are good at international marketing for enhancing the operation team of “copyright export”.

Further diversification in the future

In the future, the company will develop the scale, scope and effect of the “copyright export”. The categories of the exported books will be richer. The company will continue to strengthen and expand the “copyright export” business.

In 2013, the company will further strengthen the operation of four overseas publishing corporations run by the LiaoNing Science and Technology Publishing House and accelerate the demonstration of feasibility of landing operation in Taiwan and Korea. When conditions permit, register branch companies in these two places. In addition, the company continues to develop the cooperation platform of the Volumes Publishing Company and the Hanban, makes full use of the Beijing Chinese audio-visual teaching material base as carrier and expands and develops an external Chinese teaching material product line to build the external Chinese Teaching Base into a cultural mark of LiaoNing Province. Continue to try various modes of “copyright export” and enhance copyright export to key countries and regions; further develop the international market, expand the total volume and scope of the trade, develop international publishing brand, positively expand international spreading channels; participate in the overseas and domestic key cultural exhibitions with international influence, broaden international mainstream marketing channel, build new publication sales channel such as on-line bookstores and on-line reading, build international three-dimensional marketing network and international trading platform; further increase input in development of talents of international publishing to guarantee creative and high-quality products of “copyright export”; pay high attention to various items and projects that the country organized and declared, carefully study relevant preferential policies to better perform the strategy of “copyright export” of the company.