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Mandy: Well, look who’s here. Hi, Jennifer.

Jennifer: Mandy! Don’t tell me you work here.

Mandy: For all of a month now. Are you enjoying day one on the job?

Jennifer: Pretty much.

Mandy: Did you get the official tour?

Jennifer: Ben showed me around. The human resources person was off.

Mandy: The human resources person disappeared1 about a month ago.

Jennifer: Disappeared? What do you mean?

Mandy: Gone without a trace. Left all of her work stuff in her office. Left all of her personal stuff at home. It’s very hush-hush. Look out. Ben’s coming. Pretend2 to be talking about work.

Jennifer: So the copy machine is a disaster3. It would be faster to copy everything by hand. And I’ll do it if I have to.

Benjamin: Hello, Mandy, Jennifer. Is everything okay here? I thought I heard whispering4.

Mandy: Oh, of course. We didn’t want to distract people from their work by venting our copy machine frustrations out loud.5

Benjamin: Is that so? That’s funny. The repairman came yesterday. I thought the copy machine has been working fine today.

Mandy: Oh, I was talking about yesterday. It’s great that it’s finally fixed, really great. Well, I guess I’d better get back to work.

Benjamin: Yes, that would seem like a good idea.

Jennifer: I’m sorry. I was keeping her.

Benjamin: You know Mandy, then?

Jennifer: Oh, not really. She’s just an acquaintance6.

Benjamin: You shouldn’t allow yourself to be distracted by her. She’s a gossip, likes to spread idle rumors.7 Whatever she says, don’t take it seriously.S

曼 迪:哈,瞧瞧谁在这啊?嗨,珍妮弗!

珍妮弗: 曼迪!别告诉我你也在这儿工作啊。

曼 迪:已经整整一个月了。你第一天工作,还顺心吧?

珍妮弗: 挺好的。

曼 迪:有人带你正式参观公司吗?

珍妮弗: 本带我四处转了转,人力资源部的人不在。

曼 迪:人力资源专员一个月前就连人影也见不着了。

珍妮弗: 不见人影了?你什么意思?

曼 迪:不辞而别,无影无踪。她把工作物品统统留在办公室,个人物品统统留在


珍妮弗: 瞧这破复印机,还没有手工抄写快呢。如果没别的办法我只好手抄了。

本杰明: 嗨,曼迪,珍妮弗,这儿一切正常吧,我听到有人在嘀嘀咕咕什么。

曼 迪:哦,可不嘛。复印机坏了,我们可不想大声抱怨干扰别人工作。

本杰明: 是吗?真邪门了嘿,昨天才来人修过。我以为今天复印机一直没问题呢。曼 迪: 哦,我说的就是昨天。修好了就好,真是太好了。好了,我觉得该回去干活了。本杰明: 是的,这想法不赖。

珍妮弗: 抱歉,是我找她搭话的。

本杰明: 那么说,你已经认识她了?

珍妮弗: 哦,也不算真正认识,只是泛泛之交。

本杰明: 你不要和她瞎搅和,她可是个长舌妇,喜欢无事生非,拉东家长扯西家短。不管她说什么,都别当回事儿。 S