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吃态 Eating Demeanor Carl Kleiner的拟态食材艺术

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我对想像力真的很尊崇,它是我们具备的能力里最重要的部分之一。当我在女友身边醒来,最感惬意的就是听她讲述梦境,那些如此陌生而又让人灵光乍现的所在。 ------carl kleiner如是说。

1.ZEST:你的摄影创作都是从哪开始的 ?

Carl Kleiner:通常都是从我的速写本或者是手机拍摄的测试塑像开始的。还有时它们来自我的女友兼缪斯:Evelina Bratell。

1. ZEST: Where is your beginning ofthese fantastic photographic art.

Carl Kleiner :They often start in my sketch-book, or as rough test-sculptures shot with my phone. Or in a discussion with my girlfriend and muse Evelina Bratell.

> 2. ZEST:说说你的创作主题?

Carl Kleiner:构成对我来说是非常重要的一环,当我第一眼看一个食材时,便会尝试去找到它的个性所在,这样最后的作品才能确实地传达给观众一些东西。另外我发现色彩可以更好地使食材在整体结构里显得更加和谐或者出挑,它是一种增添美感的便捷工具。结构搞定之后我就会开始布光。关于创作主题⋯⋯在我的个人作品里有一些相对固定的创作主题,但是我觉得用文字来表达它是个困难的事情,也许时间能帮我理清头绪也说不定,其实主题这东西无关紧要,只要感觉对就好。

2. ZEST:Please talk aboutthe central theme of your work?

Carl Kleiner :For me is the composition very important. When I first look at an object I try to see its personality, so that the image will tell you something. Then I find color very useful to help the object to fit in or stick out. Color is an easy trick to make things beautiful. When the composition is set I figure out the light.

About theoretical themes I work with a few recurring subjects in my own projects, but I have difficulties to put them in words. Time will hopefully sort things out. Or not. Actually, it doesn't matter to me, as long as it feels right.

3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?

Carl Kleiner:我书桌上放满了素描本,里面全是未实现的作品草图,我有太多想要完成的作品创意。而这一切都受制于时间、空间和能量,它们决定了创作的速度和最终哪个点子能被选中。我尽力把所有可能实现的作品画成草稿,当然它们都遵循了谚语所说的:少即是多。

3. ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ? Is there any interesting experience to share?

Carl Kleiner :My book-case is full of sketch-books with unused ideas. There are so many images I want to create. Time, space and energy decides the speed and makes the selection. I try to sketch up workable projects to have a chance to realize them. Those very wise words -Less is more.

> 4. ZEST: 你完成作品的过程中最关键的是什么?

Carl Kleiner:保持开放的态度。通常我对创作中的作品都有一个相当清晰的规划,包括它最后应该传达的感觉。但在整个过程里特别关键的一点是:始终警惕要给自己留出“犯错”的机会,这会使作品更好。有把控能力诚然很好,但是意外往往能创造出天才之作。

4. ZEST:What's the most important thing when you creating ?

Carl Kleiner :To be open-minded. Often I have a pretty clear idea of how the image I´m working on is going to feel. In the process it´s important to be alert to "mistakes" that can make the image better. Control is great but an accident can contribute with something genius.


Carl Kleiner:可能是真的吧,至少有道理。我觉得如果你吃的健康肯定会感觉更好,比如说:如果你想活得生态,至少你要在饮食上与自然界达成“公平交易”。

5. ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?

Carl Kleiner :That is probably true, at least in part. I guess you feel better if you eat heathy. Also, if you make a thing of your - for example - ecological, fair-trade diet you easily get political with it.

6. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?

Carl Kleiner:我对想像力真的很尊崇,它是我们具备的能力里最重要的部分之一。当我在女友身边醒来,最感惬意的就是听她讲述梦境,那些如此陌生而又让人灵光乍现的所在。

6. ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?

Carl Kleiner :I really respect imagination, it´s one of the most important tools we have. When I wake up next to my girlfriend I love to listen to her dreams, they are so strange and inspiring.

7. ZEST: 对你来说什么是好的摄影作品 ?

Carl Kleiner:里面蕴涵了某种能量的作品。它不必那么显而易见,就乡爱与恨。图像被寄托了太多值得玩味的感官意识和情感,它们都是如此大胆而又微妙。好作品

必须用某种方式感动你,另外让我觉得有趣的是:你想像不出这作品到底是怎么实现的 。

7. ZEST:What is good photographic work?

Carl Kleiner :When you feel the energy in the piece. It doesn't have to be obvious, like love or hate. There are so many senses and emotions to be played with, both bold and subtile. The image has to affect you in someway. I also find an image interesting when I don´t understand how it´s done.


Carl Kleiner: Marcel Dunchamp, René Magritte, Marc Rotkho, Tamara de Lempicka, Arcimboldo : ) Man Ray, Caravaggio 还有好多大师,至少有100个摄影师吧。当然还有大自然。

8. ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.

Carl Kleiner :Marcel Dunchamp, René Magritte, Marc Rotkho, Tamara de Lempicka, Arcimboldo : ) Man Ray, Caravaggio and many more of the masters, at least 100 photographers and mother Nature.

9.ZEST: 下一步的打算是?

Carl Kleiner:下一步想要尝试体验存在,我觉得这是非常困难的。

9. ZEST:What is your next step?

Carl Kleiner :Next step. Try toexperience the presence. I find that very difficult.

My name is Carl Kleiner. I´m born, raised and based in Stockholm,


I´m a photographer. You often find me behind my camera. Observing,

twisting and turning. Sit still. Klick.

Carl Kleiner的摄影很有一派自己的风格,无论是从灯光、颜色、角度上,都有异于其他摄影师的特质。 这一组摄影作品充分显示了他对摄影的趣味,十分活泼可爱的拼贴摄影。同Alexander Crispin一样,Carl Kleiner也受Agent Bauer的,同他一样,Agent Bauer这个平台还培育和提升了很多优秀的设计师、摄影家、插画师,我们会渐渐一一介绍这些优秀的艺术家和他们的作品。

Carl Kleiner的客户包括: Art Lover, Apoteket, Beckmans, Berghs, Bishops Arms, Cafe, Dagmar, Electrolux, Göteborgs Posten, Jacob Dahlgren, Jesper Nyrén, Lindex, MTV, Macarong, NK, Nokia, Odeur, Samhall, Scandic, Weidenfeld & Nicolson - Orion Publishing, Skanska