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cut的本意是用刀具等利器将物体切割开来。但是,当它与down, off, up等介词、副词搭配时,又会衍生出各种不同的意思。现在,我们共同来看几则有关cut词组的脑筋急转弯和笑话,同时体会一下cut词组在不同语境中意义上的微妙差别。


Question: Where were you when the power was cut off?

Answer: In the darkness.


Miles sometime went to the barber’s during working hours to have his hair cut. But this was against the office rules: clerks had to have their hair cut in their own time. While Miles was at the barber’s one day, the manager of the office came in by chance to have his own hair cut and sat just beside him.

“Hello, Miles,” the manager said. “I see that you are having your hair cut in office time.”

“Yes, sir. I am,” admitted Miles calmly. “You see, sir, it grows in office time.”

“Not all of it,” said the manager at once. “Some of it grows in your own time.”

“Yes, sir. That’s quite true,” answered Miles politely, “but I’m not having it all cut off.”


Passer-by: What are you doing here?

Farmer: I am cutting down the trees.

Passer-by: After that, what are you going to do?

Farmer: Well, I am going to cut up the trees.

Passer-by: Cutting up the tree? What do you mean?


Dick was seven years old, and his sister, Catherine, was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt’s house to play while she went downtown to buy some new clothes.

The children played for an hour, and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, “Now here’s a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman.”

“Like a gentleman?” Dick asked. “How do gentlemen do it?”

“They always give the bigger piece to the other person,” answered his aunt at once.

“Oh,” said Dick. He thought about this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her, “Cut this cake in half, Catherine.”


A man went to buy a pizza, and the saleslady asked him, “Do you want it cut into smaller pieces? It will be more convenient for you.” The man agreed. Then the saleslady asked him again, “Do you want it cut into six or eight pieces?” The man answered, “Six is fine. Eight will be too many for me to eat them all.”

从第一则脑筋急转弯中,我们可知cut off有“切断(水、电等的供给)”之意;在第二则笑话中,cut off则表示“剪断(头发等)”的意思。此外,cut off还可以表示“切断……的去路,使……与外界隔绝”之意。

例如: The flood cut the villagers off from the rest of the world. 洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。

在第三则笑话中,路人把cut up误解为cut down的反义词,故对农民的回答百思不得其解。事实上, cut up the trees是将“木头锯开”的意思,cut up有“切割,切开;切碎”之意。

例如:Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot. 把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。

cut down在第三则笑话中表示“砍倒”,除此之外,根据down这个词含有“往下,减少”的意思,cut down还可以表示 “削减,压缩,缩减”之意。

例如:Expenses ought to be cut down in every way. 应该在所有方面减少开支。

You’d better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好能把这篇文章压缩到两千字左右。

第四、五则笑话出现的是cut sth. into sth.的结构,意思为“将某物切成……”。

例如:He cut the apple into pieces. 他把苹果切成了小块。

需要注意的是,表示“将某物分成两半”既可以用cut sth. in half,也可以用cut sth. into halves。

此外,在英语考题中出现比较的多的词组还有cut in。由于in有置身其中的意思,故cut in可以表示:(1) 插话;(2) 插队,超车。

例如:Don’t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。

The car overtook me and then cut in on me. 那辆车超了我的车,然后插在我前面。

口语中也常用Cut it out!表示“省省吧,少来这套”的意思,这句话比较随便,要比较熟的朋友之间才能用哦。

1. 单项选择。

I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson ______.

A. cut in B. cut down

C. cut out D. cut up

2. 用cut短语的适当形式完成句子。

(1) The building _________ our view so that we can’t see that lake now.

(2) She _________ the cake and gave each of us a piece.

(3) He _________ some flowers from the bush and gave them to the girl.

keys:1.A;2.(1)cuts off;(2)cut up;(3)cut