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NMET, it may be a new word to most. But if we put it “College Entrance Examination”, it will be familiar to most of us, who have had bone-biting experience and sweet memory of having had it and enjoying a relatively successful and full life.

NMET is the most important way of choosing wise heads both in history and at present. Maybe it is because it’s harder to invent a new way that NMET will still be playing an important part in the education in China. No matter how well you are doing and how good you are at your schooling, the last 3 or 4 days, the 7 sets of paper work and your final scores will give you the “final sentence”.

Those lucky ones would be enjoying the fruitful rewards while the other fellow students would have to take in bitter and tearful results as if they had done nothing during the previous years. It is the same with their parents. Even worse, our society is now in the habit of making favorable judgment over those lucky ones without showing enough care to the failed ones. In this way those who failed are under pressure beyond their ability to bear, which will naturally lead to some tragedies(悲剧)after the public announcement of the NMET results.

I can’t predict anything but I really wish all the NMET takers could get a satisfactory result. I call on more care from parents and the society about those who need our care. Though we have no way to have the system changed, we can still do something to change what we can change.

One door closes, another window opens. So long as you are on the track and spare no effort, there should be a bright future not far ahead of you.

1. What does the underlined word “bone-biting” probably mean in Paragraph 1?

A. Adventurous. B. Unforgettable.

C. Happy. D. Unfortunate.

2. What does the author suggest in Paragraph 2?

A. You will pass the NMET If you are good at study.

B. It is important to invent a new way to take the place of NMET.

C. NMET has been an effective way to pick out the excellent students.

D. The 7 sets of paper work and your final scores can predict your future.

3. What makes matters worse for the failed ones according to the text?

A. Lack of care.

B. Pressure from parents.

C. Worries about the future.

D. Favorable judgment over the lucky ones.

4. Who does the author write this passage to?

A. Officials. B. Teachers.

C. Parents. D. Students.


It was sunset, Kim Cooper and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky transportation car parts from Louisville to Detroit for a goods company. “Steve, wake up!” she shouted. “There’s a truck on fire!”

Inside the burning truck, Ronnie Sanders, 38, was fighting for his life. He’d been running a heavy load of tractors from Georgia to Indianapolis when another truck in front of him stopped suddenly in traffic on the icy road. As Ronnie bore down, he could see children in the backseat. The truck’s huge body would probably protect him from the worst of the hit, but the force of 23 tons would likely press everyone badly inside another truck.

“I figured, instead of killing other people, I’d just put the truck into the ditch(水沟).” At the bottom, rocks cut a fuel tank(燃料箱), which caught fire. A tree branch destroyed the windshield and knocked Ronnie unconscious. He came to life a couple of minutes later to find the seats and his legs on fire.

Steve rushed to Ronnie, who was hanging headfirst from the passenger door. Ronnie had used his pocket-knife to cut himself free from the driver-side seat belt. Steve climbed into the burning truck to free him.

He tried three times to pull Ronnie out before finally freeing him. But Ronnie’s legs were still burning, so Steve laid him on the ground, took off his own shirt, and beat the fire with it. He’d managed to pull him about 20 yards when one of the truck’s 150 gallon fuel tanks exploded.

Both Steve and Ronnie paid a price for risking their lives for strangers. Ronnie spent two months in the hospital and received skin grafts(皮肤移植)on both of his legs. Steve suffered smoke breathing and burns, and shrapnel from the fuel tank explosion broke a tooth of him.

In February, the Coopers received the praise as a Hero of the Highway from the Open Road Foundation for saving an injured driver. Steve insisted Ronnie was the real hero, “If he hadn’t gone into the ditch, he would have hit another truck. It was his decision to drive off the road.”

“I feel pretty good about it,” said Ronnie. “A lot of people could have been hurt.”

5. Why did Ronnie put the truck into the ditch?

A. The road was icy.

B. His driving skill was poor.

C. He worried about his safety.

D. He was trying to save other’s lives.

6. What probably made Ronnie come to life?

A. The heat of the fire.

B. The call from the Coopers.

C. The noise from the highway.

D. The pain from the burning legs.

7. Steve put out the fire in Ronnie’s legs ___ .

A. by beating the fire with Ronnie’s shirt

B. by beating the fire with his own shirt

C. with a tank of water

D. with a bag of sand

8. What does the underlined word “shrapnel” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. A branch of a tree.

B. A small piece of metal.

C. The wave of the explosion.

D. The heat of the explosion.

1. I have confidence in the ____(能力)of the players.

2. Her behavior declared her an ____(天真的)girl.

3. She insists on the importance of being ____(准时的).

4. It is no use dealing with specific problems unless we have first s this general issue.

5. My training and experience s the job well.

A wise woman traveling in mountains found the precious stone in a stream. The next day she met other traveler who was hungry, but the wise woman opened her bag to share her foods. The traveler saw the precious stone in the wise woman’s bag, and ask the wise woman to give it to him. The wise woman did so. The traveler left, pleasing about his good fortune. But a few days later he came back, searching the wise woman. When he found her out, he returned the stone and said, “I gave it back to you in the hope that you can give me what you have within you what enabled you to give me the stone.”

1. 英国之行的亮点是我和当选总统的会晤。

2. 嘉莉有时回想起自己离开家人,感到很后悔。

3. 我们应当找出和平方法解决国际争端,而不应诉诸武力。

4. 每个城市都有房地产经纪人,他们会帮你找到正出租的房屋。

1. I think it ___ you well, and at present the hottest color is green. Shall I pack it for you?

A. fits B. suits

C. matches D. agrees

2. With the problem ___ , they were happy and they all wanted to have a great time celebrating their success.

A. being settled B. settled

C. settling D. to settle

3. I like to ___ on my high school days, which are the happiest in my life.

A. look into B. look back

C. look over D. look up

4. Amy prepared delicious soup ___ her guests were finishing their meal.

A. so that B. although

C. while D. as if

5. — I should have gone to see the film last night.

— ___ . It was the new film Red Cliff.

A. Bad luck B. I don’t mind

C. That’s too bad D. What a pity

Are you a good bicycle rider? Don’t say “Yes” if you haven’t passed a bicycle riding test. This term, students in Nanjing will not be allowed to go to school by bicycle if they haven’t passed a riding test.

The test will include a written one about traffic rules and riding manners, and a skill test on the ground. In the skill test, traffic lights, road signs and barricades(路障)are placed near and far to build a road environment. Students will get a riding license if they pass the test. However, they will lose their license if they break traffic rules three times. Worse still, they will not be qualified to be chosen as a merit student(三好学生).

Huang Xiang, 15, at Nanjing No.13 High School, learned about the news early last week. Since he usually goes to school by bicycle, he’s eager to learn how the test works. “I have great faith in my riding skills. It will be fun to take the test,” he said.

Huang also supports the idea that merit students should have a good record in their riding license. “How can a student who often breaks traffic rules be a role model for others?” he said.

Although the riding test isn’t put into use in Beijing, students in the capital talk about it a lot during lunch breaks. Many of Jiang Sai’s classmates at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University think the test is too easy to make a fuss(小题大做)about and laugh the topic off, but a 15-year-old student finds it useful.

“The test will be a safety lesson. When the test is being held, the policeman will teach students some self-protection skills,” he said.

Jiang says that he often sees young people riding a bicycle in a dangerous manner, which may cause an accident.

“After you receive a license, you are just like a real rider. It will remind you of the importance of riding a bicycle in a careful manner,” Jiang said.

1. In Nanjing if you want to get a riding license, what will be tested? (within 3 words)

2. Besides road signs, what else will be placed to build a road environment according to Paragraph 2? (within 4 words)

3. How many times can students break the traffic rules before they lose their license? (within 2 words)

4. What does Huang Xiang think of the bicycle riding test? (within 8 words)

5. How do Jiang Sai’s classmates think of the riding test in Beijing? (within 10 words)