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For many senior university students, May is a month when thoughts are firmly set on careers. Leaving the world of education and entering the so-called real world of the workplace can be a daunting experience. Many students are curious about the job situation for graduates in foreign countries. They want to know what is this period of change like for their peers in Europe and the US. Is the job market different to China? Do Western students face the same challenges as Chinese? In this issue of Bilingual Experience you can read about job trends for graduates of higher education in the US and Britain.


Western Job Trends

It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West. The job market differs from country to country and region to region. Almost all European and North American countries have experienced an intensifying of competition in the job market. More young people participate in third level education than ever before, meaning today's workforce is more highly educated and better skilled than previous generations. This also means that the value of a university degree is much less than it was before.

Another common trend is that the nature of the job market is changing rapidly. Hot jobs can become saturated by the time a student has graduated. A typical example of this is graphic design. In the 1990s this was a popular major with students in Britain. It was believed that there would be a lot of potential in the graphic design market. In recent years, with so many graphic designers hunting so few jobs, graphic design graduates have been known to offer their services for little or no pay, just to get some work experience.

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UK Job Market

The average starting yearly salary for graduates in Britain is £22,000. The highest salaries are paid in London, where the average is £25,000 per annum. In 2004, the highest paid jobs were offered by investment banks and legal firms. The lowest paid jobs for graduates were in the media sector. The highest amount of jobs available was in accounting, engineering and teaching.

In 2004, only one third of British graduates secured employment that was befitting their qualifications. There doesn't seem to be enough jobs for graduates. ①To make matters worse, the average British student leaves higher education with debts of £10,500. This means that graduates are desperate to find high salaried jobs as quickly as possible, making the competition even worse.

U.S. Job Market

The job situation for American graduates did not look good from 2000 to 2003 but started to improve from last year. USA Today recently published a list of the top ten jobs for 2005. Based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the jobs that appear on the list are mostly related to health work and computers, which many experts believe will be the best sectors for young people to target for careers for the rest of the decade and beyond. The aging population of America means that there will be a greater demand for health carers. The economy is in the upswing which makes high tech services in more demand too.

Top 10 Jobs:

10. Physical Therapist Assistants This job requires a minimum of an Associate's degree. The U.S. pay scale is $27,500 to $41,780 annually.

9&8. Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software & Applications Personnel A minimum Bachelor's degree is required by most employers. Salaries differ from state to state. The national average is $42,000 per annum.

7. Physical Therapist Aides PT Aides require relatively little training. Average yearly salaries range from $19,710 to $27,380.

6. Medical Records and Health Information Technicians An Associates degree is required for this job. Salaries range from $19,700 to $27,400 annually.

5. Home Health Aides This job will see a lot of growth in the next few years. Training is short term and on-the-job. Salaries are considered a little low, however, and rarely exceed $19,600 yearly.

4. Social and Human Service Assistants This job involves on-the-job training. Salaries range from $19,700 to $27,380.

3. Physician Assistants This position requires a Bachelor's degree as well as a lot of on-the-job training. Salaries start at $41,820 per annum, and increase with experience.

2. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts Most employers require a minimum of a Bachelor's degree and some practical work experience. Salaries start at $41,820 per annum.

1. Medical Assistants Training is acquired on-the-job. Salaries range from $27,500 to $41,780 per year.

Demand is also expected to grow in hospitality, food and fitness services. Hospitality looks particularly promising as the tourism industry rebounds after the post 9/11 slump.


Spanish is the most popular foreign language in the U.S. these days. With over 40 million Hispanic Americans, Spanish has become the unofficial second language of the U.S. Furthermore, the Hispanic population is increasing at a much faster rate than any other ethnic group. Accordingly, American employers are eager to hire Spanish speaking candidates. This applies to almost every field of work.

In Britain, the most popular choices of foreign languages are French and German. This reflects Britain's geographical proximity to these two countries and the increasing importance of the job market in the European Union. Even graduates who don't intend to work abroad study a foreign language. It shows prospective employers that candidates are not culturally arrogant, which is important in a culturally diverse country like Britain.

Online Job Search

In 2004, almost 25% of university graduates in Britain found their first job online. This is double the amount of 2000. Previously, employers were reluctant to recruit by the internet because they feared being swamped with unsuitable applications. Nonetheless, as more and more job-hunters use the internet to seek jobs, recruiters have been forced to advertise jobs online and try to improve their online services. CV scanning software is used to ②filter out unsuitable applicants, making the recruiter's job easier. The most popular way of finding a job in Britain is still the traditional word of mouth way.

Mc Jobs

'Mc Job' is a term used to describe minimum waged, unskilled work with no prospects. This type of work is mostly associated with the service sector (Mc Job is a reference to working in McDonalds or some other fast food restaurants). In a survey carried out in Britain this year, 50% of young people said they would never consider a career in the service sector because of the stigma attached to it.

However, in Britain today there is a growing demand for jobs in the service sector, especially in management. Starting salaries can range from £17,500 to £19,000. Many managerial positions in the service sector also include benefits, such as private healthcare, subsidized restaurants and gym membership, staff discounts. Furthermore, a job in services can involve fulfilling a wide range of roles, thereby offering the candidate a broader experience. As this trend continues to grow, it is expected that British graduates will change their attitudes about service careers.

Voluntary Work

Many students in the West engage in voluntary work before and after their graduation. Voluntary work, besides giving people the satisfaction of doing something to help others, also benefits the volunteer's job prospects. Many students who want to have a career in social services need voluntary work experience in order to apply for professional training courses. Other careers also require skills that can be practiced in voluntary projects. Furthermore, employers are impressed by job applicants who have voluntary experience. It indicates that the applicant is not afraid of hard work or challenges.










10.理疗助理 这类工作的学位最低要求是副学士。美国的年薪标准是2.75到4.178万美元。

9&8. 电脑软件工程师、系统软件和应用人员 大多数雇主都把学士当作最低的学位要求。各州的薪金是有差别的。全国的平均水平是每年4.2万美元。

7. 助理理疗师 助理理疗师需要接受的培训相对较少。年薪一般在1.971到2.738万美元之间。

6. 医学记录和健康信息技师 这类工作要求具有副学士学位。年薪在1.97到2.74万美元之间。

5.家庭健康助理 这类工作在未来几年内将会大量增加。培训用时短,以在职方式进行。不过,薪金被认为偏低,而且很少会超过每年1.96万美元的水平。

4. 社会和民众服务助理 这类工作需要进行在职培训。薪金在1.97到2.738万美元之间。

3. 医师助理 这一职位要求具有学士学位并要求进行大量在职培训。起步年薪是4.182万美元,并会随着经验的增加而上涨。

2. 网络系统和数据通信分析师 大多数雇主对学位的最低要求是学士,并要求具有一些实际工作经验。起步年薪是4.182万美元。

1. 医学助理 培训以在职方式进行。年薪在2.75到4.178万美元之间。








“Mc Job”是一个术语,用来形容那种薪金最低、无需技能且没有前途的工作。这类工作大多与服务领域有关(“Mc Job”指的就是在麦当劳或其它一些快餐店打工)。在英国今年进行的一次调查中,有50%的年轻人说他们绝不会考虑在服务领域谋职,因为这么做会有失颜面。


