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Zero Charges in European and Australian Parks

By Yun Fei

Over the past five years, I have traveled in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia and Australia. In these countries tourism is conducted with emphasis placed on social benefits and public education. In most cases, parks are open to the general public and tourists free of charge.

Ten Euros for Pompeii

Tourism is a pillar industry of Italy where tourism attractions abound. The annual inbound tourists amount to 10 million. I have been to Italy four times and my longest visit lasted fifteen days. Except for Pompeii where a guest pays 10 Euros to tour the ruins, no other parks across Italy charge any entrance fees. I am deeply impressed. Just like other European countries, Italy believes that places of scenic beauty and historical and cultural interests are public properties and that they should be maintained with public money. For this reason, these parks charge no fees. Profit comes from tourist souvenirs, postcards, stamps, photographs, local products and services such as hotels, restaurants, transport, etc. I paid 10 Euro to see Pompeii. The charge is just symbolic, for the 6-square-kilometer ruin displays 5,000 strong relics unearthed by archaeologists over a period of 100 years, maintained by 1,000 experts and now serviced by more than 400 guides and park keepers. And for ten Euros, I received a pretty magnetic card as a souvenir and an album of photographs in return.

No fee is charged in Vatican. The only requirement for tourists is that you must dress decently. I know what that means. During our visit, my brother and his daughter were not allowed to enter because my brother wore short pants and my niece wore a skirt that revealed her knees. We were at a loss. A decently dressed attendant came to our rescue. He lent us two pairs of trousers, one for the father and one for the daughter. Decently dressed now, we were able to enter Vatican and see precious artifacts there.

Entrance Fees only for Three Places

France teems with museums and most of them are free for tourists. I paid 50 Euros for a visit to Louvre Museum. In return, I received a pretty card as a souvenir, a guide record player and a guidebook in Chinese. I listened to the Chinese voice which guided me through and I followed the directions in the guidebook and saw the most important exhibits. I paid a symbolic five Euro at Mount Saint-Michel and I parked my car free of charge. In France, buildings and relics on the list for government protection are free on days specified by law. Louvre Museum and the Palace of Versailles are free of charge on the first Sunday every month. Primary and middle school pupils can visit the two places free of charge all the year round.

No Charge Policy in Other European Countries

Other European countries such as Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Nordic countries also favor the no charge policy. Greek charges tourists only at the most precious places such as the Parthenon. Old people and children enjoy the privilege of zero charge. On the Culture Week and other important holidays, no fees are charged even for tourists. It is said that more than three million Americans visit Greek and that hotel rooms are often more than 1,000 yuan a night. Free visit is really a good idea to promote tourism.

Korea and Australia also Charge No Entrance Fees

In Korea I saw smile wherever I went. No fees are charged for visits to ancient architectures, Jeju Island and the presidential office. In Australia, all the famous places such as the Golden Coast, Sidney Opera House, National Park and charge no entrance fees. The only exception is Penguin Island where only three Australian dollars are symbolically charged.

(Translated by David)