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Beijing to Offer Colorful Art performances for olympics


Beijing’s landmark[标志性事物]National Centre for thePerforming Arts (NCPA) will offer an array[一串,排] of fineperformances during its “Olympic Performance Season,”it was announced at a press conference here on 4 June.

Spanning[持续] five months, from 15 April to 21September, 2008, the center will offer 135 plays and279 art performances, presenting a cultural festivalthat is expected to attract 480,000 people. About48% of the programs are from international troupes[剧团], while the rest are Chinese.

The theater will feature ballets by Ballet deL’Opera National de Paris and the Royal Ballet;the opera Aida by Cairo Opera House; a concert byAnne-Sophie Mutter and Trondheim Soloists; andperformances by the Rotterdam PhilharmonicOrchestra[管弦乐队], among others.

Other ballets include Paquita by the Ballet deL’Opera National de Paris, one of the six masterpiecesin its more than 300-year history; Kenneth Macmillan’s Manon by the Royal Ballet; Sleeping Beauty, demonstrating[证明] the unique splendor[光彩] and dignity of theroyal family; La Sylphide and Napoli created by AugustBourneville 160 years ago for the Royal Danish Ballet;Swan Lake by the Royal Swedish Ballet.

Chinese troupes will perform the 1 st SpringSymphony[交响乐] in China; Dynasty 1900 by the National TheatreCompany of China; Kun Opera Shi Wu Guan (FifteenStrings of Coins); Yue Opera Butterfly Lovers.

More than 200 educational art events will beorganized during the season to provide opportunities for100,000 people to communicate with artists.

Various shows will be arranged around the OlympicGames. They include the World Tenors[男高音] Concert byfive world famous tenors on 6 August, 2008, and the“Piano Night in China,” featuring 10 world famous pianists,including Lang Lang, on 19 August.

The season will also highlight traditional Chinesearts, such as Peking Opera and various local operas. Onstage there will be the Peking Opera Quelling[镇压] TheWhite Bone Demon[恶魔] (San Da Bai Gu Jing); Kun Opera GongsunZidu; Chuan Opera Jin Zi; Huangmei Opera Mei Ren Jiaoand others.

The operas Turandot and Madame Butterfly createdby Giacomo Puccini will be adapted by the NCPA for thecurrent season. The performances are designed to paytribute to[赞颂] the artist on the 150th anniversary of hisbirth.

“The 1st Spring Symphony in China” has attracted attentionfrom professionals and the public. Of the 42orchestras nationwide, 29 will perform in the NationalCentre for the Performing Arts. There will be a Chinesemasterpiece in each concert.












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