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The Situational Teaching Reform in Industrial Product Design Teaching

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(1. College of Arts, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China 400000;

2. School of Media and Arts, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China 400000)

Abstract. In China, industrial design is nearly twenty years with the development of market economy and the rise of the professional, the profession, both offered by the college of science and engineering, liberal arts colleges are also opened. Science and Engineering College emphasize on product production process and technology, and the liberal arts college emphasizes on product design. Contingent product design and technology product indispensable emphasizes a particular aspect, while ignoring the other hand, which cannot produce quality products. Therefore, higher education and social needs appear a contradiction, this led to the problem was the need to improve and solve.

Key words: Industrial product design, situational teaching, reform

1 Introduction

With the development of the global economy and the Chinese market with the international standards, more and more Chinese enterprises understand the importance of product design. The society has an increasingly strong demand for industrial product design talent, such a great social environment spawned Chinese universities and industrial product design professional mushroomed developed due to a late start, which are still far from teaching college teacher can not be synchronized and the needs of society, especially in the college's traditional teaching system, light weight theory practice mode of education has been unable to adapt to the needs of society, Chinese the college industrial products design education was the need of reform.

2 China's Industrial Product Design Education

In the long-term industrial product design teaching, college teachers continue to try local adjustment and implementation of the reform of education and teaching, but follow the shackles of the traditional mode of teaching in the professional teaching still there are many problems.

2.1 Curriculum System Exists Fault

The industrial design is nearly twenty years with the development of market economy, the rise of the professional, and the professional both opened in the College of Science and engineering, liberal arts colleges are also opened. Science and Engineering College of emphasis on product production process and technology emphasize on product design and the liberal arts college. Product design and technology, however, two aspects of the product indispensable to emphasize a particular aspect, while ignoring the other hand cannot produce quality products. However, the constraints of the traditional mode of education, universities specialized in teaching the partial reform, from an overall point of view, professional education also still remain in the level of theory taught and fragment knowledge level of learning, neglect of professional integrity, as well as humane quality (culture of teamwork, social interaction, reasoning and judgment, writing, SOCIAL knowledge, etc.), so that the students' professional knowledge is narrow, not adaptable.

2.2 Imperfect Structures of the Course

In the existing professional courses, it divided into professional basic courses, professional courses and professional electives three plates. Professional basic courses are based on pan-based art and design a wide range of basic courses, professional involved in industrial product design is not enough; these three sections, the required course a larger proportion of theoretical knowledge, but more than the less practical courses appears to be minimal, elective courses in which students' self-space narrower students' personality underserved.

2.3 Single Way of Lag the Teaching Content and Teaching

Professional course updates more slowly, but the moment the acceleration of globalization, rapid information update professional course content is far behind the needs of the industrial products market. In teaching, not with the market immediately, the subject of the project alone virtual guide students to a single teaching method, students out of touch with the market is serious.

2.4 Humanities Education Lags Behind

Over the years, professional culture and humanities literacy training are entirely different, specialized College Students' Moral lesson in colleges and universities, the lack of humanities education for professional. In June 2011, China National Ministry of Education launched the "excellent engineer training program" aimed at cultivating reserve talents of outstanding engineers, the program aims to cultivate the solid foundation and broad knowledge, innovation and practical ability, with social responsibility, team spirit the best students. It is not difficult to see, the national humanities students with very high expectations, but the traditional teaching of professional education in the humanities more lacking, still can not meet the personnel training requirements proposed by the Ministry of National Education.

3 Situational Teaching Reform

3.1 The Theoretical Guidance

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology hundred and fifty by the University of transnational research success, founded the CDIO educational philosophy, CDIO contains idea (using Conceive,), design (Implement), and the operation of the four core elements, the educational philosophy initial product development to the life cycle of the product to run the carrier, the initiative of the students, the practice organic link established between ability and teaching system to study engineering. China's higher education is an urgent need to train Chinese engineers with international standards, but Chinese universities are still many problems in the teaching practice, emphasis on theory to teach and underestimate the ability of practice, the emphasis on individual academic ability and ignore the culture of teamwork, and ignore the re-learning of knowledge innovation the invention of the cultured.

Domestic and international experience shows that CDIO advocated "learn by doing" educational philosophy is advanced, the educational philosophy just to solve the path of Teaching Practice and ideas. Educational philosophy from the 2005 introduction of the domestic, a lot of domestic science and engineering universities have invested in the teaching practice, including dozens of universities, Zhejiang University, Shantou University, joined the CDIO education reform in their own professional with the idea of grafting fusion explore to many wealthy constructive teaching experience.

The industrial design profession between the interdisciplinary professional between art and technology, it includes both the aesthetic rules of art and design, but also the needs related to science and technology support, and how to cultivate the social development of industrial product design talent, lingering in the professional long time teaching subject. CDIO education concept of great importance to the cultivation of students' practical ability and teamwork spirit, as well as the students into the product life cycle, to allow students to get a first-hand professional knowledge and skills from the market and production environment, students in ethics, social, writing ability, and promote students more specialized and comprehensive development, as well as delivering superior talent good talent pool for the industry directly. Based on this concept, experimental vision of education reform in this teaching, namely: the creation of situational teaching, to break the traditional mode of teaching, so that students experience working situation, let it "learn by doing", so as to promote the knowledge and skills to master.

3.2 Teaching Envisaged

CDIO teaching reforms emphasize training students to be able to know how effective the product, the process and the creation and operation of the system, but also have the ability to understand the corporate culture and the development of strategic enterprises and business environment. Rely solely on theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom cannot achieve the teaching goals, only to break through the limitations of the teaching environment, the introduction of the classroom to the corporate or business environment, to allow students to experience the production process and the enterprise works, in order to promote the improvement of students' ability and a deep understanding of the corporate culture and the development of relations and culture independently affairs.

3.3 Strategy

Leave enterprises classroom teaching, the students bring to the workplace, establishes situational teaching establishments, as mentioned CDIO teaching model to enable students to learn to work. But teaching many external and internal factors that need to be carried out according to the specific circumstances of local conditions.

3.3.1 Stroked Qing the Situational Teaching of Teaching Goals and Content

Extension of the classroom from the school to the work produced by the transition from closed to open, in this process of change, should first grasp the objectives and content of the good teaching classroom, so teaching effect can be achieved, teaching order can be controlled, that is: The goal of the students pay more attention to the combination of theory and practice, the students' comprehensive abilities culture while teaching content has changed, the student's learning task is more specific, more pragmatic.

3.3.2 Choice Context Places According to the Teaching Content

After clear teaching objectives and content, according to the area of enterprise resource, determine situational teaching establishments. Second, situational teaching workplace diversity, because the standards of teaching and the market, so had to face teaching spaces due to unexpected factors affect the occurrence of misfortune teaching plans, we need to develop scenarios place the backup program, so as to ensure the normal conduct of the teaching-learning process.

3.3.3 Develop the Operating Cycle, According to the Characteristics of the Project

The formulation of the learning task to promote the realization of teaching effectiveness is particularly important, in the workplace, the traditional classroom virtual learning task has not been able to meet the needs of the teaching to be based on the project task to identify relevant learning task in these projects, the students also impossible to complete a single part of the task, but to conduct the staff allocation and arrangement of different people to collaborate together to complete a task; need to consider another level the controllability of the completion of the project. Due to the teaching mission impossible indefinitely prolonged, it should be considered to meet a school's teaching process in project selection, you need to consider the cyclical nature of the operation, let the teaching and school basic synchronization process to achieve effective control.

3.3.4 Effective Situational Teaching Evaluation System

After it is determined in the above aspects, in order to ensure effective implementation of situational teaching, to develop the specific details of the assessment system is the essential part in the formulation of this assessment system are two factors to consider, one of which is an assessment of the effectiveness of teaching, and the second is for students completing the evaluation of the learning task.

3.4 Case Studies

The colleges and universities located in the Chongqing region, the implementation of the educational reform, teaching in China Chongqing existing enterprise resource design scenarios. The plan is as follows:

3.4.1 Area of Enterprise Analysis

Before set the teaching scene, you need to set the scene teaching space to meet existing resources planning, for example: Chongqing is a city of heavy industry, with a lot of large enterprises, including automobile, motorcycle, household appliances production, but in cooperation with enterprises Although there are many large enterprises, but projects of large enterprises is difficult to combine the contrary, small household goods producers than happy to cooperate with the school, which also determines the content of teaching in teaching design scenarios and tasks to develop .

3.4.2 Existing Resources Determine Students' Practice in the Workplace and the Formulation of the Teaching Content

In the workplace, the students have to face not only go to a single design of a product, but to participate in the entire workflow, so the demands on the students' knowledge and skills, we note that the complexity of the production and comprehensiveness, depending on individual student to specify the appropriate learning tasks and goals, and thus the integrity of the teaching and the students' individual development.

3.4.3 Develop Transverse

Scene teaching in addition to learning tasks within the plan, in order to increase exercise opportunities for students, we also take into account the students involved in the crosscutting projects, so students get more learning and training opportunities, teaching in the design scenario, we fully take into account These possibilities of default for these uncertain landscape projects related programs, so the scene teaching more diverse and pluralistic.

3.4.4 Develop Teaching Effective Assessment and Evaluation System of Students' Practical

Effective and comprehensive evaluation system effective in ensuring one of the methods of teaching results, is specified in the implementation process, namely the two-pronged approach to teaching evaluation and assessment of student achievement, especially in student assessment, breaking the previous uniform assessment of the way, but according to the students' individual differences, specify the appropriate assessment associated with, to assess the full range of students, so as to provide a broad space and platform to the personality development of students.

4 Summary

In summary, the scenario teaching mode is industrial product design teaching to the needs of the community-oriented teaching reform, faster, and better adapted to the needs of society and businesses through the teaching from the closed to the open to change, thereby good preparation for employment, which is a meaningful attempt to reform.

5 Acknowledgement

This article was financially supported by the significant education teaching reform project of Chongqing in China——System Construction and Practice of Industrial Product Design Curriculum based on the CDIO concept (Grant NO. 1201017).


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