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The Fragrance of Memories

Have you ever remembered something with yournose? Maybe the smell of hot dogs gets you daydreamingabout being at a baseball game. Or the smell ofburnt marshmallows[棉花糖] reminds you of a nightaround a campfire. Scientists know that the senseof smell can trigger[触发] powerful memories.Wouldn’t it be cool to somehow bottle thosememories?

That’s exactly what Mark Crames tries todo. His company, Demeter Fragrance, makes morethan 200 scents[香味]. “Imagine every smell inthe world as a musical note. We try to combinethose notes to make a melody.” He haseven created perfumes inspired by thunderstormsand earthworms[蚯蚓]!

Everyday smells mean different things todifferent people. “A perfume we call PoisonIvy might remind you of being itchy[发痒的] andmiserable[痛苦的],” Crames says. “But it could make yoursister think of a great time at summer camp.”

Crames captures aromas[香气] using a high-techmethod called headspace[顶部空间] technology. Aperfumer takes the source of an aromaand puts it into an airtight container [气密容器].The aroma molecules [分子] are collect-ed from the air and analyzed. A chemist[药剂师]then matches those molecules to ingredients[成分] in afragrance library.

But not every smell can be easily copied. “One ofour most requested perfumes is puppy’s breath,” hesays. “But it is so chemically complicated that it’svery tough to capture.”

What scents would youlike to bottle? A circus [马戏团] ?Grandma’s spooky[怪异的] basement? Crames may be able to capture your menories,so you can just take a whiff[吸] when you feel like remembering!





