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You may have heard that the international price of rice has been on the rise in 2008. Rice is our staple food. So have you ever wondered what people have as staple foods in other countries? Let’s have a look.


Potatoes in the UK

Baked, fried, steamed, boiled and mashed. These are just a selectionofdifferentways Britishpeopleeatpotatoes. Their love affair with the brown vegetablemeanstheaverage Briton consumes 103kg of potatoes every year. Potatoes have been a staple of British diet since the 16th century. They are an integral part of nearly all of Britain’s favorite meals, including fish and chips.


Wheat in the US

Americans love their bread. Perhaps that’s why“bread and butter”, a set expression, refers tothebasicsofsomething. Wheat is indeed a basic staple of Amecican diet. At breakfast, Americans like to toast slices of bread and then spread on butter and strawberry jelly. For lunch, many make or buy sandwiches. At supper, they’ll leave ordinary white or whole wheat bread behind for more tasty selections, such as French or Cuban bread.


Corn in Mexico

People believe that Mexican civilization thrives on corn. Visit Mexico and most of your meals will contain corn. For instance, cornchipsareservedwith choppedtomatoesandspices Corn is also ground into flour, mixed with water and made into tortillas,which are soft,flat, round pieces of bread. When served soft, the tortillas are used to wrap refried beans, grilled beef or chicken and vegetables to make a burrito.


