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Letter to Me

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2009年,在第51届格莱美颁奖典礼上,歌手Brad Paisley凭借原创歌曲“letter to me”获得了最佳乡村男歌手奖。这首热门单曲的创作灵感最初来自于一本书的书名。2007年,Brad Paisley的妻子受邀为一本名为What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self的书写稿。一听到这本书的书名,Brad Paisley便萌生了一个念头——将“给年轻时的自己写一封信”这个主题融入到自己的音乐创作中。已过而立之年的他回想起青葱岁月的各种经历,不禁感慨万千,便用音乐写下了一封信,把它投进时光邮筒里,寄给了17岁时的自己。


Brad Paisley通过这样一首特别的歌曲回顾了自己17岁时的生活,也将岁月打磨出的人生经验和智慧写进了歌里,唱给每一个走过青葱岁月的人。“Letter to Me”收录在Brad Paisley于2007年发行的专辑5th Gear中,这首歌曾在美国《公告牌》(Billboard)最热乡村单曲排行榜上连续四周蝉联冠军,可见歌手所写的“这封信”让太多人产生了共鸣。青春年少的日子似乎永远都无法和“无知”“叛逆”等词眼撇开关系,但这段日子走过时无需忧虑,回首时也不必悔恨,因为那是生命中必经的一段旅程、一种体验,就如同果园里的一株株葡萄,经过风吹日晒,在时间的催化下,等到葡萄成熟时,青涩幼嫩的绿最终都会变成优雅醉人的紫。

If I could write a letter to me

And send it back in time to myself at 17

First I’d prove it’s me by saying

Look under your bed

There’s a Skoal1) can and a Playboy2)

No one else would know you hid

And then I’d say I know it’s tough

When you break up after seven months

And yeah I know you really liked her

And it just don’t seem fair

All I can say is pain like that is fast and it’s rare

And oh you got so much going for you3) going right

But I know at 17

It’s hard to see past Friday night

She wasn’t right for you

And still you feel like

There’s a knife sticking out4) of your back

And you’re wondering if you’ll survive

You’ll make it through this and you’ll see

You’re still around5) to write this letter to me

At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth6)

Always stop completely

Don’t just tap your brakes

And when you get a date with Bridgett

Make sure the tank7) is full

On second thought8) forget it

That one turns out kind of cool

Each and every time you have a fight

Just assume you’re wrong and Dad is right

And you really should thank Mrs. Brinkman9)

She spent so much extra time

It’s like she sees the diamond underneath

And she’s polishing you till you shine

And oh you got so much going for you going right

But I know at 17

It’s hard to see past Friday night

Tonight’s the bonfire rally

But you’re staying home instead

Because if you fail Algebra10)

Mom and Dad will kill you dead

Trust me you’ll squeak by11) and get a C

And you’re still around to write this letter to me

You’ve got so much up ahead

You’ll make new friends

You should see your kids and wife

And I’d end by saying

Have no fear

These are nowhere near the best years of your life

I guess I’ll see you in the mirror

When you’re a grown man

P.S. go hug Aunt Rita every chance you can

And oh you got so much going for you going right

But I know at 17

It’s hard to see past Friday night

I wish you’d study Spanish

I wish you’d take a typing class

I wish you wouldn’t worry, let it be

I’d say have a little faith and you’ll see

If I could write a letter to me

To me

1. Skoal:美国无烟烟草公司生产的一种产品

2. Playboy:《花花公子》,美国著名的成人娱乐杂志

3. get sth. going for someone:占优势;占有利条件

4. stick out:伸出

5. around [??ra?nd] adj. 活着的

6. Tomlinson and Eighth:歌手Brad Paisley家乡的两条街道

7. tank [t??k] n. (盛放液体或气体的)罐;箱

8. on second thought:经再次考虑

9. Mrs. Brinkman:歌手Brad Paisley的中学老师,曾给予他很大帮助。

10. algebra [??ld??br?] n. 代数

11. squeak by:勉强通过