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[焦点一] 考查从属连词that,if 和whether的用法

要点简述:从属连词that引导的宾语从句最常见,在句中that无词义,口语中常常省略。一般疑问句用作宾语从句时,用if和weather引导;whether的用法比if正式,常与or连用,意思是“是…… 还是……”。


1.I want to know___ Jack still lives in that house.(2004年北京市东城区)

A. thatB. ifC. weatherD. where

2. Is that a boy swimming in the lake? (用适当的连词填空)

I can’t find out ____ it’s a boy ____ a girl.(2003年福建省)

Keys: 1.B2. whether, or

[焦点二] 考查引导宾语从句的连接代词、连接副词的用法

要点简述:引导宾语从句的连接代词和连接副词常见的有:who, whom, whose, what, which, how, when, where。


1. Bob didn’t tell the others ____he found it. (2005年武汉市)

A. whatB. that ifC. how

2. I don’t know___ she is. (2004年山西省)

A. whoB. howC. whatD. which

Keys: 1.C2.A

[焦点三] 考查宾语从句主、从句时态一致与不一致的用法



1.“Excuse me, do you know ___?” “Sorry, I don’t know.” (2005年贵阳市)

A. where is No. 1 Middle School B. where No. 1 Middle School is

C. No. 1 Middle School is where D. No. 1 Middle School where is

2. “I hope you ____ my party next weekend. ”“OK, I ___.”(2005年辽宁省)

A. to come to, will B. come to, will

C. can come to, amD. can come to, will

3. “Will Mr. Black be here soon?”“ I’m not sure. Let’s go and see ___.”


A. when will the train arriveB. when the train arrives

C. when the train arrivedD. the train when will arrive


[焦点四] 考查宾语从句的语序



1. ―Could you tell me how long ___ the book? ―Three days.


A. I can keepB. can I borrowC. I can borrowD. can I keep

2. ―Kate is crying in her room. Do you know___?

―Sorry, I really don’t know.(2004年广东省)

A. what’s the matterB. what the matter is

C. what was the matterD. what the matter was

3. Can you tell me which floor_____? (2006年江苏连云港)

A. does he live onB. he lives inC. does he live inD. he lives on

Keys: 1.A2.A3.D

[焦点五] 考查宾语从句否定的转移

要点简述:宾语从句中,当主句的谓语动词是think,feel, believe, mean等时,主句部分的否定形式实际上否定的是从句的内容。


1. He doesn’t think ___ rain this afternoon. (2005年江苏徐州)

A. it won’tB. it’s going toC. if it’s going toD. whether it’s to

2. ―Don’t you think his radio is too noisy?

―____. Let’s ask him to turn it down. (2005年辽宁省)

A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I don’tC. No, I doD. No, I don’t


[焦点六] 综合考查宾语从句



1. I’m afraid that no one knows _____. (2005年河南省)

A. when will the game start B. where has our teacher gone

C. who will win the game D. how long did the meeting last

2. ―Could you please tell me ____? ―It’s next to the post office.(2005年北京市)

A. where is the supermarketB. where the supermarket is

C. where was the supermarketD. where the supermarket was


[焦点七] 考查宾语从句与简单句的互换



1.I don’t know what I should do with the letter.(改为简单句)

I don’t know what _____ _____ with the letter.(2005年烟台市)

2. Yingtian asked his teacher how he could play the violin well.(改为简单句)

Yingtian asked his teacher ____________________. (2005年广州课改实验区)

Keys:1.to do2.how to play the violin well

[焦点八] 考查由if引导的宾语从句和状语从句的用法



I don’t know if it ____ tomorrow. If it ____, I will stay at home.


A. will rain, rainsB. rains, will rainC. will rain, will rain

Keys: A

[焦点九] 考查由when引导的宾语从句和状语从句的用法



―I want to know when ____ have a field trip.

―We’ll have it when all the work___. (2005年辽宁省)

A. you are;will finishB. you will; finishes

C. you will; is finishedD. you will; is finish

Key: C




1. “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow? ” She asked me.(改为宾语从句)

She asked me ___ I ___ go to the cinema the next day.(2005年兰州市)

2. Sam asked me. “Did you often ride a bike from place to place when you were at school?”(改为间接引语)

Sam asked me ___ from place to place when____ at school.


Keys:1. if / whether,would2. if / whether I had ridden a bike, I was