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[关键词]英语教学 非谓语动词 “八项”注意



如(1) It is important for us to master English;(2) Do you find it interesting living here?

2.不定式跟在decide, afford, arrange, ask,believe,choose,continue,dare,determine,expect,fail,hope,hesitate,manage,offer,promise,plan,pretend,refuse,remain,seem,struggle,wish 等常见动词后。跟在would like, set out, so as, be about, be sure, be excited, be willing, be pleased等结构中。

如(I am) very pleased and surprised to meet you here.

3. 动名词常跟在suggest,advice,avoid,appreciate,consider,delay,dislike,escape,excuse,enjoy,finish,imagine,mind,permit,practice,resist,risk,insist(on),keep(on),be worth,object to,devote to,lead to,refer to,stick to,owe to,get used to,pay attention to,look forward to等常见动词或短语后。

如I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

4. 介词后常接动名词作宾语,而but,except后接不定式。不定式带不带“to”取决于其前有无动词do的各种形式。用法“口决”是:“有do省to,无do留to”.

如(1) I had no choice but to ask him for help;(2) I did nothing but watch TV last night .

5. remember, forget, regret, stop, try, mean, can’t help, go on, be used(to), look forward(to)等常见动词或短语接不定式和动名词作宾语语义有所不同。

如(1) I couldn’t help talking to myself;(2) I couldn’t help (to) do work.

6. 分词作定语一般放在被修饰词前,但修饰these, one, something等不定代词时除外。如:Those invited were all teachers. 不定式作定语放修饰词后;若动词不及物时,应在其后加适当的介词。但被修饰词是time ,place或way时,介词可以省略。

如(1) He should find a room to live in.(2) He can’t find a place to play.

7.不定式省略to作宾补的常见动词有:feel, hear, listen to, make, let, have,see , watch , notice , look at , observe, help等。记忆“口诀”:一感二听三使让,四看注意半帮忙;主动不能带to字,变成被动回原场。

如(1) He made me repair his bike yesterday. (2) He was heard to sing an American song .

8. Having (been)done常做状语,不做限制性定语;being done.常做定语,不做状语;done sth.既做定语也做状语。doing sth做状语,表顺其自然的结果;(only)to do sth. 做状语表出乎意料之结果。

如(1) Having finished the work, they went home. (2)The noise of desks being closed could be heard outside.



