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1. After a Saturday night blowout1) with your friends, you come home with your hair and clothes smelling like five packs of cigarettes. Your parents ...

A. ask you straight up if you've been smoking. When you say, "No way!" they remind you, as usual, that even being around smoke isn't healthy.

B. laugh and say, "Phew2)! Must have been a wild one!"

C. are totally exhausted3) and don't notice.

2. Shock of all shocks, you got a pretty lame4) report card this quarter. After your parents give it the once-over5), they ...

A. sit down and calmly ask why you think your grades aren't up to par6). Then they try to figure out some ways to help you out7).

B. casually ask you to set the table for dinner.

C. say, "Oh, everybody has ups and downs8) in school. No biggie9)! You'll do better next time, right?"

3. One of your very best friends Heather calls while you're out at the mall. When you get home, your dad says ...

A. "Heather called and wants you to call her back."

B. "Heather called, and she sounded awful! You should probably get her on the line right away to find out what's wrong!"

C. "Some girl named Heather called."

4. At breakfast before school, your parents notice that you're wearing a pair of super low-rise10) jeans that barely hit your hipbone11). Your mom ...

A. asks if she can borrow them.

B. tells you they're not appropriate for school and to throw on something else―now.

C. says, "Cute!" and continues buttering her muffin.

5. You ask your parents for permission to go to a party at a friend of a friend of a friend's house. Your mom says ...

A. "Sure, but you've gotta give me all the details!"

B. "Go ahead, dear, and have a nice time."

C. "Of course, you can go―if you tell me exactly where it is located, who is giving the party and a phone number where I can reach you."

6. You get in trouble at school for yapping12) with your friends during an exam. When the principal calls and tells your parents about the incident, your dad says ...

A. "Well, she's very popular. Everyone wants to talk to her. How about letting it slide13) this time?"

B. "Thank you so much for letting us know. We'll have to have a little chat with her about it this evening."

C. "Oh, she'd never do that! I'm sure this is some sort of case of mistaken identity or something."

7. You're invited to a party where you know they're gonna be playing several rounds of Spin the Bottle14), and you're totally uncomfortable with it. You ask your mom what she thinks you should do and she says ...

A. "Oh, have fun! "

B. "If you don't feel comfortable, just don't play the game or don't go to the party."

C. "Oh, that reminds me―the recycling needs to go out to the curb15) tonight."








1. A) 1 B) 3 C) 2

2. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3

3. A) 1 B) 3 C) 2

4. A) 3 B) 1 C) 2

5. A) 3 B) 2 C) 1

6. A) 3 B) 1 C) 2

7. A) 3 B) 1 C) 2

1. blowout [ˈbləʊaʊt] n. 盛宴;美餐

2. phew [fjuː] int. [表示厌恶、不安、烦躁、惊讶、疲倦、松一口气等] 咳,唷,哦

3. exhausted [ɪˈzɔːstɪd] adj. 极其疲惫的,精疲力竭的

4. lame [leɪm] adj. 站不住脚的;差劲的

5. once-over [ˈwʌnsˌəʊvə(r)] n. 草草过目(或检查)

6. up to par: 达到一般水平(或标准)的

7. help sb. out: 帮助某人摆脱困境(或解决问题)

8. ups and downs: 成功和失败;起起落落

9. biggie [ˈbɪi] n. 重要的事

10. low-rise [ˈləʊˈraɪz] adj. (裤子)短裆紧身的

11. hipbone [ˈhɪpbəʊn] n. 【解】髋骨;髂骨;股骨上部

12. yap [jæp] vi. 哇啦哇啦说话;瞎扯;闲聊

13. let sth. slide: 放任某事,对某事听其自然

14. Spin the Bottle: 转瓶选择接吻对象游戏。它通常是朋友聚会时玩的游戏,所有参与者围成一圈,一个人转动瓶子,亲吻瓶口指向的那个人,然后被吻的人继续转动瓶子,亲吻下一个被瓶口指向的人,如此一直继续下去。

15. curb [kɜːb] n. (由路缘石砌成的街道或人行道的)路缘