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早晨伴随着鸟语花香醒来,管家端来私人厨师按照大家的口味特别烹饪的早餐,旅行公司可以帮助我们制订一整周的旅行计划,不过也可以当天自由选择不同项目或路线。记得第一天,我们开车到鸟岛(Bird Island)进行游览。鸟岛拥有塞班岛上最令人心醉的景色。据说,鸟岛偶尔会有鸟类云集上空,仿佛一层薄薄的云,因而得名鸟岛。司机Becky在起伏颠簸的碎石路上展现了他的车技,穿过曲折的岩洞区,带我们来到著名的“岛屿岩洞游泳池”。












Saipan: Dance With the Waters

Private Jet and Private Butler

Simon Lee, who had spent 7 days in Saipan on a tour organized by AVICUS, shared his experience wit U-Jet: I had a great time with my wife, my son, and another family. Although short, the time we spent there will be a beautiful memory shared by my family. After arriving by a private jet, we were escorted to the VIP lounge, and then picked up by a luxury limousine to a private villa. The service staff had been considerate and friendly. By the time we get to the villa, our baggage had already been placed in our rooms.

The next morning, we woke up to chirping birds, fragrant flowers, and a private butler serving breakfast made to our taste by a private chef. The travel agency could plan for the whole week, but also allows flexibility for choosing activities or routes on a daily basis. On the first day, we drove to the Bird Island. Reputed to have the most captivating view of Saipan, the Bird Island gets its name from groups of birds hovering like a thin layer of cloud above the island. Our chauffeur Becky drove us with applaudable skills on the gravel roads to Kalabera Cave . Located in the heart of the forest, the cave is home to mysterious ancient totems and pictograms. Served as a hideout and meeting place during war times, the cave was not as cold as expected, some of us even sweated. Coming out, we headed to the famous "island swimming pool"

Dive in the Grotto

After launch, we followed our private coach David to the agreed diving site. Because the sea rises and falls with time, we need to confirm the diving site in advance with a professional guide or agency.

David led us to the big grotto, a must-visit site in Saipan. It was a natural pool by the north island cliffs overlooking the sea. From the parking lot, we could see the big grotto caved in among the trees. According to David, in the past, locals had to climb down a rope hanging precarious above in order to dive in the grotto, but today a steep staircase has been built all the way to the water. Due to the unique structure of the grotto, the waters here are mercurial, sometimes tranquil, and other times sinister. We had to seize the short time window when the waters were calm to wade to the huge rock in the center, otherwise, we might be caught by the waves and crushed to the cliff.

Climbed up and geared up, some first timers were nervous. My assistant coach praised my preparation and asked me not to be nervous, saying it was not dangerous. I dived into the water, followed the rope through a cave, and came to the view of beautiful fishes and corals. It is a great place to dive. And diving has much more fun than scuba diving. It is a totally different world beneath the water.

There are not many varieties of corals in the grotto, but the oddly shaped rocks present a unique view. The light showering through the three entrances painted the water with beautiful colors, perfect for photo shooting. When I swam outside the grotto, I saw a large variety of fishes, including parrot fish and many others that I could not name, as well as fan-shaped corals. Just remember following your guide, you won't be able to find back if you got lost.

We had to climb up the rock along a rope. It took quite a while and several slips for us to get out. Remember to grasp the rope of the buoy in the center of the grotto, or you may risk being washed away by the swirling waves.

I did not dive deep, but thanks to the encouragement and expertise of my private coach, I overcame my fear of water, and succeeded in the first attempt. Before that, I did not make up my mind to scuba dive in Phuket, but I did it in Sabah, now that I tried diving in Saipan, I could enjoy it next time I visit the Maldives.

Enjoy the Sky on the Sea

The second day, we went to experience other sea sport - parasailing. I was impressed both by the sport and passion of the local parasail guide. Westphal had been a private parasail captain for 20 years. He sailed everyday on his beautiful ship. A fan of outdoor sport, he said he enjoyed this lifestyle. "I love to work out, mostly water sports, at my leisure time," he said, "which basically depends on the weather." If the wind is right, he would go kitesurfing.

I tried to persuade my wife to sail with me, but my son was talked into this first, so the two of us were let go by the captain like a kite all the way to 20 meters above the water. It was a great view up there, with the ship, hordes of fish, and my smiling wife below me. My son laughed all the way and was especially thrilled when the captain slowed down and were landed on the water. Suddenly I saw an unidentified flying object flash by, I turned around, and found out that it was a flying camera, recording the happy time I had with my son. The recording was later made into a DVD and presented as gift to us.

Every morning, a private coach would teach me and my family golf. After a week, my son had made some real improvement. But he was most excited when he took the cute yellow submarine to view sea life, which kind of made up my regret that he could not dive with us in the grotto.



历史上欧洲的航海大国,葡萄牙、英国、法国曾纷纷踏上过塞舌尔岛,并为了争夺这个战利品,不惜刀枪相向。所以,如果想亲身体会一下当时欧洲航海者们的心情,没有比航海更适合塞舌尔的旅行方式了。正如旅行者Ada Wang所说:“在塞舌尔打开的是帆,更是自己的心;拥有的是一段旅程,更是一辈子的朋友”。






The Age of


Seychelles is a popular destination for its diverse activities on the sea, such as a themed sailboat exploration tour around the island. The SEZ International Airpot on the island is thus frequented by private jets and charter airlines alike.

The European sea powers in history, including Portugal, Britain, and French, had all set their feet on Seychelles once and had waged wars to claim this "trophy". If you want an experience of the age of explorations, sailing would be the best option for you to tour around Seychelles. Just as traveller Ada Wang says, "At Seychelles, when you open a sail, you will also open up your heart. You make a voyage, and you will also make lifelong friends."

Ada said, "Our favorite sport is to lie in the net at the end of the ship to feel the spindrift in the salty air." On an sailing exploration, the ship is your home. You eat, live, and walk on the ship, you fish, prepare, and cook your own food, or just leave it to the cook.

Seychelles also produces many big but stupid fishes, observed Ada. At first, everyone would angle, but soon they found out, they did not need to go through all the trouble, just throw a net into the water and drop some bread, the fish would simply swim into the net. They would also dive off masts like pirates. When asked if they are afraid of sharks, she said jokingly, the ignorant has nothing to fear. Seeing the astounded faces of locals once after they had dived and played into the sea, they raised question and got to know that sharks had been sighted around where they had dived.

To explore the sea, you need to learn how to pilot a ship or control the sails, said Ada. Sailing is about balancing the wind and the sails. The sails are controlled by a number of ropes, and it is not easy to master. Technical aspects aside, you also need to learn how to observe the weather, which is not something you could master in one day. Ada shared with U-Jet a story. Once everyone on board a ship was taking a nap at noon, the captain was also tired, so he asked a girl on board to take the helm for him, "You see the island ahead, just keep to that direction." When the captain woke up 5 minutes later, he found the ship off course, probably due to the change of wind direction, but the girl was still holding the helm unaware of the situation. Ada said, many people who took an exploration would find another side of themselves or of their family, and experience an exchange at soul level unlike anything you could experience in the cities.






Lighthouse Grebini

- Enjoy Loneliness

Lighthouse Grebini is a rock island in Croatia. It is in every way as detached and lonely as the Alcatraz Island as depicted in the movie - The Rock, except there is no prison on it. The lone island is home to a lone lighthouse, which has been converted to a luxury hotel today. Its steep cliffs and rugged trails makes it a perfect place for adventurous hiking.

About 4 km off the ancient dock of Dubrovnik island, the still in-service Lighthouse Grebini Lighthouse stood lonely among the rising rocks. The converted hotel now offers three large-size bedrooms and a super large living room. This peculiar lone island is open to the public every May through October, as if not willing to get too much contact with the public. The hotel could house at most 6 residents at 400 US dollars each. Many honeymoon goers would choose to spend their time here. It is said that the private and mysterious environment would leave newly-weds a lasting memory. Unlike the islands that have sunny beaches, at here, you can have a full taste of looniness.

There is no beach on the island, swimmers would simply jumped off the dock for fun. In the summer, the tree-teeming ragged rock island would be the ideal place for adventurous big boys to blaze trails through the steep cliffs in a survival game. If time avails, you could also pay a cultural tour to the ancient city of Dubrovnik, which is only several miles away from the lighthouse.

Even if you don't go to Dubrovnik, the lighthouse itself could offer you flavor of history. Built in 1872, the lighthouse had seen the sinking of a trade ship from Taranto, Italy just 20 meters off the coast. Following the guide into the sunken ship, we were excited to swim in the ghostly waters. If you pay an extra 100 euros, you could also enjoy the dedicated service of a chef and a private butler.

Apart from the above mentioned islands, there are also many other islands frequented by private jets, such as the Little White Cay of Panama or the Necker Island of the British Virgin Islands. If time allows, you may even embark on a tour of private islands around the world.