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I was a fat kid. I haven’t written about this before because being a fat kid hurt me then. And having been a fat kid hurts me now.

Things I remember about being fat: Not being able to wear jeans (there was no such thing as jeans for fat girls in 1983). Not wanting to participate in any games at the 1)school fair except the 2)cakewalk. Faking sick on the day we were supposed to do height-weight testing, only to find out that it had been postponed a day. Pretending to twist my ankle at age 7 in the 50-yard dash to spare myself the embarrassment of being the fat kid who came in last; doing the same at age 8, and 11. Stealing bags of brown sugar from the 3)pantry to eat in my bedroom, alone; denying to my mother that I’d done so, even when it was clear she knew I had.

There is a theme here: absence, and 4)falsity. I couldn’t wear jeans; I didn’t want to play games that wouldn’t get me cake; I faked sick; I pretended to twist my ankle; and I denied secret eating. Being a fat child wasn’t so much about the fact of being fat as it was about couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t. There is a counter-theme too: Love―of food, exquisite food, food, füd, phood, food, the 5)panacea to whatever 6)free-floating stresses there were in my life as an intellectually mature but emotionally not-so-mature 8-yearold girl. I didn’t have a difficult childhood by any means, but it was a childhood; it came with bumps and dents and scratches that I didn’t really know how to handle. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to learn, because I had food right there, every day, making it all okay. It worked―until it didn’t, but that’s not the story I’m trying to tell here. Food felt like it worked, and in a child’s mind, that’s enough.

When I look at my own experience as a fat kid, I don’t see a problem with society, or cruel children, or unlimited soda refills. I see a problem with―how do I put this without appearing to be swatting the wrist of my 8-year-old self?―I see a problem with me, and with the way I understood my size. There was very little fat-shaming in my life, but I still felt like being fat was wrong, bad, unfeminine, shameful―all those things fat activists say are 7)erroneously attached to weight. They’re right to say that; those feelings should be separate from weight. Yet they weren’t separate, not for me. I filtered any feeling I had―about my fatness or anything else―through food, and my chronic overeating was what kept me fat. My feelings were my fatness; my fatness, feelings. I wouldn’t have been better off had I been basically bullied into losing weight, or into feeling worse about being fat. But I certainly would have been better off if I weren’t fat.

I’d also had been better off if the world around me didn’t 8)disperse shame upon overweight people―had my grandmother not told me I was “too big,”had my classmate remained 9)nonchalant whatever the number on my height-weight card, had my neighbor not 10)insinuated I could single-handedly 11)topple over a trailer designed for far greater stress than a fourth-grader’s frame. The world needs to change in its attitude toward fat people, and that is unquestionable. And yes, I wish the world around me had been different. But I wish I’d been different too.

Being a fat kid wasn’t easy. I wasn’t teased or bullied, and few people ever tried to make me feel like I was lesserthan because my body was more-than. The problem went much deeper than that. The problem―to a point―was me.

The emphasis on childhood obesity is a convenient 12)scapegoat for the deeply conflicted relationship that pretty much our whole society has with food, comfort, bodies, and conformity. And we as a society have a responsibility to not only take a cold, hard look at that relationship for our own benefit, but, yes, “for the children.” We need to help children on a physical, mental, emotional, and sociological level be as healthy as possible. And sometimes being as healthy as possible includes losing weight. I’m not a public health expert, I’m not a psychologist. I don’t know how to help children reconcile the 13)ostensibly dueling messages of“You are good just the way you are”and “You might be better off if you took certain steps that will make you healthier―and, as it happens slimmer”. I just know that we need to.

Nobody should be made to feel bad because of how they look, or because of the size their body takes up in the world. But not all fat-phobia comes from outer sources. Yes, I’m tired of the idea that weight loss is 14)unequivocally a good thing; I loathe the 15)bumper-sticker wisdom that inside every fat person there’s a thin person waiting to get out. Nobody wins when we assume fat people must be unhappy. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t fat people―including children―whose size makes them unhappy, and who don’t have a vocabulary for 16)articulating that unhappiness without falling down the rabbit hole of self-loathing. Had I such language as a child, I might have found more satisfaction from what came out of my mouth than what went into it.







