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When I was in the second grade, I had an experience with trickery1 and dishonesty. And I learned an important lesson.

It was a fall day in 2006, at Randol Elementary School. We were having a break after math class. It was a rainy day, so we all ate our snacks inside. I had forgotten to bring the snack bar I brought every day, so I wandered around, and saw my classmate with a bag of cookies. There were double chocolate chip cookies with fudge2 on them. What kid could resist it? I went up to him and asked.

“Hey, can I have a cookie?”

“Yeah,” he responded immediately.

Now I should have been suspicious that he gave up his delicious cookies so quickly, but I was too hungry to raise any question. I put a cookie into my mouth, and muttered3 a “thanks”. After about 10 minutes, a yard duty woman came up to me and asked me.

“Is it true that you stole this young man’s cookies?”

No matter what I said, I couldn’t convince them that he had said I could have some cookies. As a punishment, I had to collect all the paper left on the floor from the previous day’s art project, and put it in the recycling bin. If I had actually stolen the cookies, this would have been a fair punishment. But since I was tricked into “stealing”his cookies, I felt that this punishment wasn’t just.

After that, I learned to trust only my friends, who didn’t have any malicious4 plans in store for me.

The Story of “Cattle of the Sun God”

“Cattle of the Sun God” is a story taken from Odyssey. It is a very important work written by Homer, and it has provided inspiration for western literature. Odyssey mainly tells the story of the famous Greek hero Odysseus and his long journey home after the fall of Troy. He meets a lot of difficulties on the journey and it takes ten years for him to get home. “Cattle of the Sun God” is about one of these difficulties.

Having spent many days on sea, Odysseus decided to stop and rest at a peaceful, sunny island. There were groups of cattle on it. But Odysseus warned his soldiers that whatever happened they should not touch any animal.

However, after eating almost all their food stores, the soldiers, cold, hungry, and miserable, couldn’t resisting going after5 the cattle. So they killed one of the cattle without telling Odysseus. None of them knew these cattle belonged to the Sun God Apollo. When Odysseus knew what was going on, he was upset. He knew it was going to cause trouble, but he didn’t know what bad things would happen.

The Sun God was very angry about what they had done, and decided to punish them. So as soon as they went back to the sea, a dreadful hurricane hit their ship. It destroyed the ship. Things got so bad that Odysseus put two pieces of wood together and took to the water. Ten days later, he was washed up to the shore of another island and was saved. But all of his soldiers were gone.






亲爱的读者们,当你们看完这两个关于“Cattle of the Sun God”的小故事之后,是否明白了第一个故事为什么要取这个题目?两篇文章之间又有怎样的联系呢?阅读下面归纳的要点,看看你是否理解正确了。

1. The hero in the story meets some difficulty and he is miserable.

2. There is a solution, which seems way too easy.

3. Afterwards, some trouble will definitely come and the hero gets punished.


1. trickery: 哄骗,花招。

2. fudge: 奶油软糖,奶油或巧克力涂层。

3. mutter: 咕哝,嘀咕。

4. malicious: 恶毒的,恶意的。

5. go after: 试图得到。