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澳门访书 第3期

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半个多世纪前的1948年,我曾随父亲钟敬文及母亲到澳门柯麟医生家小住,依稀有那么一股恬静的绿洲印象留在脑海中。好容易到2001年,我才有参加学术会议的机会重游澳门,寻访那久存心头的点点留痕。不过我在似曾游逛过的古老街道上匆忙穿行三天,我兴奋的心情却降到了冰点,原因就是我没有找到澳门任何一间图书馆!特别是连我童年小住的老房子也找不到了,这让我懊丧不已。近20多年来,我的足迹所到过的城市,从来没有找不到当地图书馆的情况,而我更是清楚地知道,190年前正是在这里出版过中英文对照的第一部字典:《华英字典》(A Dictionary of the Chinese Language)。这套3部6卷大型工具书的出现,给近代中西文化交流奠定了文字对应的基础,给西方人认识中国一个入门工具,也给中国人了解西方开拓了具体的手段,更把中国的《康熙字典》扩展成一门新学科――认识世界的工具书。可是,偏偏由于我的愚鲁,入宝山而空手返回。

回到北京,我通过伦敦的朋友把这部字典的初步资料邮寄回来看了之后,更加心痒难平。这书的编者就是一位了不起的人物,他的中文名马礼逊(Robert Morrison,1782―1834),当年是英国伦敦会传教士,他于1807年9月7日经美国到达广州,长期担任翻译工作。8年后的1815年开始出版由他编著的《华英字典》的第一部:《字典》(3卷),接着是第二部:《五车韵府》(2卷),到1822年是第三部:《英华字典》1卷。共6卷4595页。另外他还出版《广东土语词汇字典》和《马礼逊的中国观》等书。他在1824年被选为英国皇家学会会员,1834年被举为广东政厅秘书,死在广州,葬在澳门。其二子都在澳门出生,承父业为中西文化交流贡献良多。











Seeking Rare Books in Macao

By Zhong Shaohua

My memory of Macao mostly came from my short-time stay at a doctor's house with my parents in 1948. It was not until 2001 that I visited Macao again. In the spare time during my attendance at an academic conference, I wandered in streets in search of the local library for three days. To my chagrin and disappointment, my mission had totally failed. It was the first time in the last 20 years and more that I had visited a city but failed to locate a library there. I knew clearly that the city library had A Dictionary of the Chinese Language published in Macao 190 years ago. The three-part 6-volume Chinese-English dictionary paved a way for cultural dialogues between China and the rest of the world.

After I was back to Beijing, a friend in London sent me brief information on the dictionary. The compiler of the landmark dictionary was Robert Morrison (1782-1834), the first Protestant missionary to China. He arrived in Guangzhou on September 7, 1807 from USA. He worked there as a translator. In 1815 he published the first part of the dictionary in 3 volumes. The second part in two volumes followed soon. In 1822, the third part in 1 volume was printed. The 6-volume dictionary had a total of 4,595 pages. This gigantic dictionary was based on Kangxi Dictionary, a royal project authorized and supervised by the Qing government. The entries in second part were arranged exactly in the same order as in Kangxi Dictionary, but contents were especially recreated to suit western readers. As a result, the dictionary was not only useful for foreigners to know about Chinese culture but also valuable for Chinese scholars to probe the western language and concepts. But unfortunately, mixing with foreigners was punishable by death in China at that time. Instead, the dictionary was greatly used by Japanese.

In 2002, I was in Macao again. This time I first checked the information on the library in a tourist brochure. It took me a good while to finally locate the dictionary. I asked the two women librarians to Xerox some important pages for me. I was so overjoyed with my find that I seemed to be in a trance when I held the copied pages in front of my chest and went back to the hotel. Even today I can's recall exactly how I went back to the hotel with the pages in my hands.

The Macao Library has treasures. Following the footsteps of Morrison, westerners came to Macao and continued to compile bilingual dictionaries for readers who wished to know China. I found that more than 50% of the Chinese bilingual dictionaries in the world before 1909 were published in Macao. No wonder Macao was the beachhead of that time for westerners who wished to learn about the great oriental empire. Unlike some other areas, Macao is not totally money-oriented nor does it seek nothing but fleeting fortunes and prosperity. The cultural oasis in Macao is beautiful and fruitful.