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A Research of Regional Difference in R&D Activities in GUANGDONG, PR China

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1Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, 417000, China

?Corresponding author.

Address: Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, 417000, China Received September 10, 2011; accepted January 11, 2012


According to the 2008 economic census yearbook in Guangdong, it explores the reasons why the development of R&D is different in different area. According to the data, it analyses the R&D activity using factor analysis and clustering analysis, the results show that R&D activity level is directly associated with the foundation and the total quantity of R&D activities, the use efficiency of R&D expenditure as well as the output ability of R&D staff. Based on the results, the countermeasures are given.

Key words

R&D activity; Regional difference; Factor analysis; Clustering analysis SUN Hong-guo, YU Xing (2012). A research of regional difference in r&d activities in guangdong, pr china. Progress in Applied Mathematics, 3(1), 22-27. Available from: URL: /index.php/pam/article/view/j.pam.192525282012 0301.550DOI: /10.3968/j.pam.1925252820120301.550


The scientific research and the experiment development (R&D) activity is a system creative activity which is done for increasing knowledge quantity and using the knowledge to create new apply in the science and technology domain. The R&D activity is the important constituent and the technical activity core of the region science and technology innovation system.

Analyzing the connection between the enterprise resources (financial property/material resources/intangible asset) and the R&D investment ability function, researcher has pointed out that the intangible asset is the main determining factor in internal R&D activity (Canto, 1999).Another researcher studied that the overseas enterprise’s basic research devoted to develop the vanguard technology which is influenced by the host country market size, according to analyzing Japanese Overseas Multinational corporation’s R&D activity determining factor from the foundation applied research and development(Shimizutani,2008)).Using the Probit & Tobit model, it discussed the possibility of the enterprise engaging in the R&D activity and the R&D disbursement intensity(Kumar, 1996).The university basic research’s importance in enhancing the productive forces(Adams, 2000).Some researchers have studied the relations between the region R&D activity and the region economy development (Chen Zhibin, 2003 & Chen Haibo, 2008).

According to the 2008 economic census yearbook, this article researches the region R&D activity in Guangdongwithfactoranalysisandclusteringanalysis discussingtheregiondifferenceorigin.Theresearch hoped to provide the help in the promotion economy development.

It may obtains various local factor score and the total factor score place(to see table 5),“P”means position

2.2Clustering Analysis

In order to cause the appraisal result to be more direct-viewing clearly, it carries on the cluster to the synthesis factor score(to see table 6).


Thefirst kind is Guangzhou City, Guangzhou has high R&D activity Guangzhou is located in the south of Guangdong Province and the north of Zhujiang Delta, bordering on the north China sea, the geographical position is superior, Guangzhou is the important industrial base in China, the comprehensive industry manufacturingcenter in South China area, it is strong in scientific research technology ability and the product development ability going to a strong export-oriented modern industry system. The synthesizes places second, Guangzhou’s R&D resources increase every, but it is behind other areas at the same year, it is not symmetric between the superior geographical position and the rate of economic development, it does well in the resources disposition dynamics and the use efficiency. Therefore it must enlarge the R&D resource base investment, optimizing resources disposition to promote the industrial enterprise R&D activity level.

Thesecondkindis ShenzhenCity, thevice-provinciallevelcity,it is locatedinthe east bankofZhujiang Delta t, its industrializationdevelopsveryquickly,fromthetable4, we cansee that the comprehensivefactor score placesfirst, thefirst main factor placesfirst and the second, main factor places sixth, the third host factor placesfifth, industrial enterprise’s R&D activity is quite coordinated,thereforeit need enlargethe

input of R&D resources with steadily.

The third kind are Zhuhai City, Foshan City, Huizhou City, Yangjiang City, Dongguan City, Zhongshan City, Shanwei City, the R&D activity is coordinatedin Zhuhai City and DongguanCity, the synthesis factor score and each main factor score have great difference in Foshan City, Huizhou, YangjiangCity, Zhongshan City, shanwei City, the R&D resourcebase inputand the resourcesdispositionare inconsistent, so theyneed enlarge the construction in theflaw aspect to make development economy.

ThefourthkindareShantouCity, ShaoguanCity, HeyuanCity, MeizhouCity, JiangmenCity, Zhanjiang City, Mao ming City, ZhaoqingCity, YunfowCity, ChaozhouCity, JieyangCity, QingyuanCity, these areas scores are quite different, The R&D activity is backward in whole, these areas locate in remote space, the economical development is slow, so it should create the R&D activity foundation condition to raise the R&D activity level.


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[2]Satoshi Shimizutani & Yasuyuki Todo (2008). What Determines Overseas R&D Activities? the Case of Japanese Multinational Firms. Research Policy, 37(3), 530-544.

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[5]CHEN, Zhibin & SHI, Jianjun (2003). The Research of Regional R&D Development and Regional Economic Development. Statistics and Research, 20(2), 16-20.

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[7]Guangdong Province Second Economical General Survey Leading Group Office (2010). Guangdong Economical General Survey Yearbook 2008. Beijing: Chinese Statistics Publishing Company.