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In Africa, women don’t own land. Men have land. If a woman has any property, after marriage, her property is retaining the man’s name. So you’ll find lots of women don’t get a chance to take part in decision making. Even though they are working as the policy implementers, they don’t reflect the country’s economy. This is because cultural discrimination. There are a lot of young women who are facing the problem. Even they want to take part in political leadership, they don’t have sources.

And therefore, the YMCA Africa has the philosophy called “from subject to citizen”, teaching young people to be responsible, to be citizens, not subjects. In this philosophy, we have to believe the young women, and to educate young people. Because the culture is discriminating women, so we teach the young men to take care of the women. Also we teach young women to be responsible, because sometimes they are their own enemies.

If you go to enterprises, you’ll find that the job women are doing are kind of nurturing. Because the culture believes that women’s position is to nurture, such as take care of the family. So you’ll find women get jobs nothing more than secretary, not decision making. Also many women consider themselves as this kind of character. And it’s a big problem.

Today, we have many women representatives coming in, but you see the constitution in Kenya_we have county structures and 47 governors and there is no woman. And if you look at the county structure, there are a lot of issues we shall tackle. There is a legal framework and a cultural framework, which are really separated. How can a young woman take part in this? The legal framework has put it clear, but the cultural framework still has issues. We need to bring harmonious relationship between civil society and government. Many civil societies are fighting for the young women. We need that harmonious relationship to bring the women into decision making table.



