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在读写任务的写作中,若遇到如2012年读写任务第一个要点“上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师”与第三个要点 “你怎样看待老师对学生的影响”这类要点,考生很容易用一句话就写完,这样就会造成篇幅过短,内容不够丰富。对于这样的题型,考生可用以下方式对要点进行拓展。


(2)运用To be specific,More specifically, Exactly speaking, To be exact(具体地说)在主题句后用2-3句进一步阐述该要点。

[实例1] (2012年广东)





The article reminds me of my English teacher who helped me the most. To be specific, it was she that enabled me to know myself and realize my own value. What’s more, it was she that offered me the chance to recognize that confidence is the vital key to success.

In my opinion, the influence that a good teacher has on the students is of great significance. To be exact, it is certainly beneficial to the students’ growth and their study. Moreover, it absolutely contributes a lot to bettering the students’ self-development as well as realizing their dreams.


[实例2] (2009年广东)



From my point of view, the tourists are supposed to be stopped from taking pictures with the animals. More specifically, it is likely that the peaceful life of the animals would be definitely destroyed if the tourists keep on taking pictures with them. Moreover, it is reasonable that the animals have their own right to live as they are and taking pictures with them is absolutely not a part of the life of them.


读写任务的要点如2011年深圳市宝安区一模读写任务的第二个要点“你印象最深刻的一次过节送礼的经历”中要求考生描述经历,为了避免篇幅过长,考生可依照 “起因、经过、结果”三要素以3~4句话来描述自身或他人的经历。

[实例3] (2011年宝安区一模)



It reminds me of an impressive experience of sending gifts to my friends on the festival. Due to my tendency to present a unique gift, I set my mind to draw some pictures personally as gifts instead of buying anything. I had devoted all my efforts to the task. As a consequence, my friends accepted the gifts with great pleasure, which showed that my effort was worthwhile.


像2012年深圳高三第一次调研读写任务的第二个要点 “假如你是Jane,你会如何处理这件事” 要求考生对假设的情况进行描述之类的要点。考生应运用虚拟语气。如 “ If I Were ..., I would...”或“Were I ..., I would...”。

[实例4] (2012年深圳市一模)



If I were Jane, I would find time to have a face-to-face talk with Mary. I would tell her all about what I felt and what I thought about her. Besides, I would tell her if she continued doing like that, nobody could bear it and she would have no friends any more.



[实例5] (2012年广州市一模)




Frankly speaking, I totally agree with your idea that the most important thing at this stage of my life is to study. The reason why I think so can be listed as follows. First and foremost, there is no denying that the after-school activities do take up much of my time for study. In addition, it is the excellent academic achievements in my study that will enable me to be admitted to the key university.

















1. Though expensive, I still think study tours are worthwhile. To be specific, study tours provide me with a chance to get to know the culture of that country. Besides, my efforts at communicating with local people really help to build my confidence in speaking English.

My experience on my own 2-week study tour of the UK confirmed this. I was afraid of speaking English in my daily life though I really did a good job in every examination. However, I was totally changed during the 2-week study tour of the UK. It was the hospitality of the local people in UK that enabled me to speak English with confidence.

If I were given a chance to go on study tours, I would like to tailor my own tour. To be exact, by planning the route according to my own interests, and making decisions on things such as transport and accommodations, I would be able to apply what I’ve learned to real life and learn how to survive in a foreign country.

2. Personally, I won’t hesitate to vote for Li Ming, the active and kind-hearted person to be the president of the Students’ Union. The reason why I think so can be listed as follows. To begin with, he, as is stated above, is always eager to help others. Besides, his three years’ working experience as a monitor provides a solid proof that he possesses outstanding leadership and management skills.

Besides, from his speech, I highly appreciate his suggestion about enriching after-class activities. It is because colorful after-class activities will free students’ mind temporarily from study pressure. What’s more, they offer a chance to the students to do some meaningful activities, thus benefiting them both mentally and physically.

Take myself for example. My favorite post-class activity is badminton. Each time I get tired with study, I go out for badminton. Sweet laughing and moving make me totally relaxed. After that, I can feel myself recharged with energy to carry on my study in a better mood and with a stronger will.


The reasons why parents like to accompany their children to the university on the enrollment day can be listed as follows. To start with, parents still don’t trust in children’s abilities, worrying that they can’t handle some matters themselves. Besides, it is perhaps the sense of pride that drives them to do so to show that their children are quite successful.

If I were a freshman, I would go to the university on the enrollment day on my own. What’s more, I would manage everything by myself on that day so as to prove my self-reliance.

From my point of view, it is not a good idea for the parents to accompany their children to the university on the enrollment day. To be specific, it does harm to the development of the children because it rids them of the opportunity to be self-reliant.


责任编校 蒋小青