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《英语(新目标)》采用任务型语言教学(Task-Based Language Teaching)模式,融会话题、交际功能和语言结构为一体,为层次不同的学生提供足够的时间、场景去操练每一个语言项目。 在学生自我检测部分,每单元都以一组组卡通画结束,出人意料地充分体现本单元的目标语言,让学生在趣味中再次感悟、交流英语,使每个学生都能更多地使用英语,真正对自己的学习负责任。


教学内容为新目标英语八年级上册第九单元Section A。学习内容主要体现在以下3点:

1. 学习有关单词:

American, athlete, skater, runner, born, start, stop, become, became,Brazilian, player, professtional, sneezing, star, stopped, learning

2. 学习过去时的重要句型:

(1)Who’s that?

(2)When was he born? He was born in 1895.

(3)How long did he hiccup? He hiccupped for 69 years.

(4)When did he start hiccupping? He started hiccupping in 1992.

3. 掌握语法点:Passive voice―Adverbial clauses with when/How long questions


1. 十几岁的青少年求知欲和表现欲强,因此,教师要从学生已有的语言技能出发,根据学生的兴趣爱好,让他们进行真实合作真正合作多次合作。

2. 学生在前一单元学过关于过去时态的句子,通过对本课的学习可以巩固时态,扩展知识,掌握用正确的语言结构表达人物的过去。


1. 谈论学生感兴趣的话题,指导学生谈论自己崇拜的名人、亲人或朋友,各行各业的成功人士。

2. 根据真实情况,谈论学生自己过去的生活经历,增强师生、生生间的相互了解。

3. 通过本课学习,培养学生的口语表达能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力。

4. 培养学生的想象力、自信心和合作精神。


Step 1:Leading-in

Write the word “born” on the board. (板书单词。)

T:We are going to talk about when you were born.Who can tell me your birthday?

S1: April 2.

T: When were you born?


T: Let’s talk about you and your family in pairs.

(Students use their imagination and express themselves freely.平时师生间、同学间接触多,学生的年龄特点是乐于介绍自己和家人,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进相互了解,为近一步学习做好铺垫,此为第一次合作。)

Step 2:Revision

Write the words “how long” on the board.(板书单词。)

T: Can you ask some questions using the word “how long”?

S2: How long does it take to walk to school?

T: Who can answer the question?

S3: Ten minutes.

T: How long did I watch TV yesterday, do you know?

S4: I don’t know.

T: About twenty minutes.


Step 3:Presentation

Write down the Title ― unit 9 When was he born? (板书课堂教学内容。)

1.Talk about some famous people with the students, write down their names on the board.

T: Do you like Yao Ming? Why?

S5:Yes. He is a good basketball player.

T: Do you like Zhou Bichang ?

S6:Yes, I like her songs very much. I know a lot about her.

T: Really? How old is she?

S: She’s 22.

T: When was she born?

S6: She was born in 1985.

T: I’d like to know more people, can you tell me?


2. Ask students to think of some famous sports stars, or athletes, write their names under International Sports Stars, then the teacher shows some pictures, they are Deng Yaping, Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Liu Xuan. Ask the students to introduce them. (学生根据自己的喜好为大家介绍运动健儿,兴趣高,课堂进展快,要求学生尽可能用英语,出现语言交流错误不必纠正,在接下来的听力活动中学生能自我修复。)

Step 4:Listening practice

1. Listen to the tape carefully the first time, and write the date of each person was born and write the years on the second time.

2. Check the answer.


Step 5:Reading and writing

T: You’ve touched some new words on the types, look at the picture on the screen, read the words one by one. American, athlete, skater, runner, player, born, start, stop, become, Brazilian, professional, sneezing, star, stopped, learning, hiccup.

T: Please write down the new words, as writing as speaking.


Step 6:Listening practice

T: What does world record mean?

S7: Someone is the best.

T: Correct. What do the words start and stop mean? Can you show me start and stop?

S7: (Stands up and starts to walk) Start.(Stops walking) Stop.

T: You’re correct. On the recording, you will hear a conversation about two people on this chart. Listen to the types the first time, and then fill in the information for each person under the column that says how long. Check the answer.

Step 7:Practise

Work in groups. The teacher made a table about “the first time”. Show an example on the screen.

Ask the students to finish the table in groups.

T: When was your first time to ride a bike?

S8: I rode a bike in 2004.

T: Would you tell us your first time?

S9: I swam when I was eleven years old.

S10: I flied a kite when I was seven.

T: Finish the table with “your first”. (Shows the example to the class.)


First Time

First time Age

Step 8:Homework

T: You’ve done very well. We learned some different verbs in this classs. For homework today, make five different sentences with the following verbs.省略